Part 3

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BingSeptic didn't hesitate, he simply made his way to the door to the lab. The door opened on its own and BingSeptic excited. As he was heading for the stairs, he stopped in his tracks as a loud 'boom' rattled the kitchen. Thick smoke leaked from the kitchen doorway as a man in a dirty chef's uniform staggered out coughing loudly. The Jim with a microphone leapt to his feet, yelling back to the Jim with the camera. "QUICK, JIM! This is breaking news"! Jim pushed the microphone to the chef's face, asking utterly surprised. "Chef Iplier! What has happened with tonight's dinner? Will it be delayed again? Will you finally break down and tell us your secret ingredients"? Chef Iplier brushed off the black soot from his white uniform, snapping into the microphone loudly. "I don't have time for this crap. I have my own cooking show to finish... The minute I find out what happened to the camera guy that was in the kitchen". 

Jim's eyes lit up and he turned to the Jim with the camera, stating aloud with excitement. "Hurry, Jim! To the kitchen! If we are lucky, we'll get footage of the body"! Jim didn't get to set a single foot in the kitchen, before Chef Iplier grabbed Jim by his shirt collar, raising a large wooden spoon as he threatened out. "You stay out of my kitchen, Jim! Or else I'll be cooking YOU for tonight's menu! Got it"?! Jim nodded, telling the Jim with the camera a little worried. "Back to you, Jim". BingSeptic shook his head, starting up the stairs. This family was the definition of dysfunctional. Taking his time up the steps, he scanned the pictures hanging on the walls. By the time he reached the top of the steps, he stopped to listen to a conversation that was happening in a room close by.

A voice he recognized as Wilford told someone in a lazy slurred tone. "If anyone should be allowed to kill him again, it's me. I have a score to settle with him". A new voice that BingSeptic didn't know, answered out bluntly. "Well, that is hardly fair. You technically already killed him. I'm the entertainer of this family. I'm Bim Trimmer! I host my own game shows and look much better doing it. Let me put him on my show! I promise you, Dark, that it will be a screamer". A room door opened wide on its own as Dark's voice sternly stated. "Neither of you will be doing anything to him, got it? Not until I sort all this out with Anti first. Now get out". BingSeptic saw Wilford lean on Dark's desk, playfully grumbling out. "Just settle this one thing then... Who's your favorite? Me or Bim? Cause that will help me decide if I have to shoot him to get my way".

Bim straightened his tie nervously, eyeing Wilford with mistrust. Dark stared Wilford down with unblinking eyes, telling him in a deep darkening tone of voice. "William, get out". Bim began to back out of the room quickly, while Wilford remained. Wilford removed his gun from his pocket, pointing the barrel at the desk as he boldly stated out to Dark. "Fuck that! I ain't leaving until I have my answer, Damien. Who's your favorite in this house! Tell me, so that I can shoot them! Or I put a hole in your precious antique desk"! Damien leaned forward to rest his arms on the desk, answering him with a stone cold face. "You are". Wilford blinked a few times, before his gun started to turn in his hand to point directly between his eyes. Wilford stared down the barrel of his own gun, mumbling out uneasily. "Damien..."?

Dark's eyes drifted to the doorway where BingSeptic was now standing, just as the gun 'clicked' loudly. Wilford opened one eye to see that there had been no bullet in that chamber. Letting out a chuckle, Wilford asked Dark playfully. "Oh, you got me, you scamp! How did you know there wasn't a bullet in there"? Dark's eyes drifted back to Wilford's as he answered emotionlessly. "I didn't". Wilford waved a sassy finger at Dark, muttering out. "Now Damien, need I remind you that 'I', Wilford Warf-". Dark stood up out of his chair, sending Wilford flying from the room to land on his back in the hallway. BingSeptic felt himself pulled into the room by a strong invisible force, before the door slammed closed behind him. As Dark settled back down into his chair, BingSeptic heard Wilford open the door back up to yell out. "YOU MOTHER F-"! Before Wilford could finish, the door slammed in his face and this time it locked itself.

BingSeptic tried hard not to smirk, but couldn't help himself. Dark leaned back into his large office chair, folding his hands in front of himself as he started in casually. "You kept me waiting. Don't do that again if you value your parts". BingSeptic's smirk faded, when he simply nodded back respectfully. Dark gestured with his hand for someone to move closer and BingSeptic turned to look. Google had been standing in the far corner of the room. Google approached, setting a full red wine glass in front of Dark. Picking it up, Dark asked BingSeptic bluntly. "Let's get one thing straight. The only reason you're still walking around is because of him". Dark pointed a finger toward Google, but never took his eyes off his. Dark swirled the wine in the glass, adding in coolly. "The minute you turn on me... I'll destroy him. Are we clear"?

BingSeptic straightened up to his full height. If Darkiplier wasn't going to play around, than neither was he. Staring Dark down, BingSeptic asked Dark just as bluntly. "I understand. What is it that you want me to do"? Dark sipped his wine, taking his time to answer sharply. "You are going to help me find Antisepticeye. My hope is that you'll find him before he discovers what has happened. However, sense he watches over his family as close as I watch out for mine... That is highly unlikely. Either way, your job is to find him and convince him to meet with me. I don't want to go to war over this... but I will if he doesn't show. He'll leave me no choice. I'm tired of playing his little games". Dark took another sip from his glass, dryly stating out disinterested. "Fail to do so and I won't stop at just killing Google. I'll track you down and kill you slowly. Wire by intricate wire".

BingSeptic scanned Dark's body, discovering that his body was tense. Sadly, his scans couldn't pick up much else due to Dark's weird aura. Curiosity got the better of him as he asked Dark innocently. "Why go to all this trouble for Anti? What are you afraid of"? Dark squeezed the glass in his hand, causing it to shatter. Google took a step back from the desk, while Dark turned solid black eyes on BingSeptic. BingSeptic's scanners glitched sporadically as Dark's voice bellowed out from every corner of the room. "I am NOT afraid. This is between me and Anti, Glitch Bitch"! BingSeptic felt his sensors go offline. He was barely processing the fact that he was kneeling on the ground now, when Google walked into his line of sight, telling Dark respectfully. "He meant no disrespect, Dark. It was a just a poor choice of words on his part". Darkiplier's effect on him let up and Google bowed his head.

Dark relaxed in his chair again, only to tilt his head to look around them. BingSeptic felt an icy sensation and turned to look behind him. A few feet away, a rippling circle appeared on the floor. BingSeptic blinked in shock, watching Yandereplier rise up from the rippling floor by those same demonic slender hands. The hands set Yandere on the solid floor, before he stared down Darkiplier with solid white eyes, saying quickly. "I'm sorry to interrupt, Dark. But you told me to tell you when the demons had any information on Anti's whereabouts". Dark beckoned him closer with his finger and Yandere quickly crossed the room to whisper in his ear. BingSeptic honed in on the conversation, listening to Yandere whisper simply. "He's in Athlone, Ireland. Dark... He knows".

BingSeptic barely climbed up to his feet, before Dark snapped his fingers. Instantly, BingSeptic felt a rush of intense air and when it stopped, he gawked at his surroundings. He recognized the house.  It was his house back in Ireland. All the lights were off, but his night vision made lights redundant. He was only a little pissed that Dark didn't give him the chance to say goodbye to Google... but honestly he didn't feel like he wouldn't see him again. Google was always connected to him. Wandering through the house, BingSeptic tried to scan for any signs of Anti. Nothing. Were the demons wrong? Or was he suppose to go searching all around Athlone for him? Walking toward the bedroom, BingSeptic entered practically reliving the memories of Google's presence.

He could see the images of Google so clearly in his mind. Turning to face the closet mirror, BingSeptic reached up to touch his face just under his yellow eye. His reflection had changed so much. His bangs were no longer green like he remembered. They were yellow now. Although, the longer he stared at his reflection, the more he noticed that his features were changing. BingSeptic stayed very still, watching his reflection's eyes blink to a solid black. His bangs darkened to a deep shade of green and his clothes glitched to black. The knife that appeared in his reflection's hand glinted in the small stream of light that came from the window. As the reflection slit his own throat with it, BingSeptic locked eyes with mirror's, addressing him without a single trace of fear. "Hello Anti. Dark sends his regards". BingSeptic took a step back as Anti stepped menacingly out of the mirror. To Be Continued...       

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