Part 16

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BingSeptic busied himself with making sure that he had done everything that he could. The security cameras were all working and he had helped Angus stash traps all around the yard. He wanted to be ready for anything for all possible outcomes. Even if they all ended the same. Their biggest threats were Anti and Dark... but he had enough trouble fighting Anti. He had never even seen Dark fight. BingSeptic stopped on the lawn to stare at the little house. He hated to admit it... but Mark was right. All his efforts were for nothing if he couldn't figure out how to slow down both Anti and Dark. If he failed... He'd lose the closest thing to a 'family' that he had. Angus walked out of a bush, dusting himself off as he told BingSeptic happily. "There. Last one is set. Just remember where they are. We don't want to step in them. I'm gonna head in to eat? Ya coming"? 

BingSeptic turned toward the sunset, stating softly. "No. I don't eat". Angus walked up to him, laying a hand on his shoulder as he said regrettably. "Ya... Sorry. I forgot, mate. Be sure to charge your battery though. We are gonna need ya tomorrow". BingSeptic listened to Angus walk up the porch steps and could even hear the others chatting inside at the dinner table. He really did need to charge... He was running dangerously low on power. He just felt like he should be doing so much more. Robbie moved of his spot on the steps to join him in watching the sunset. In the dimming light, BingSeptic felt Robbie's hand touch his arm. He didn't know how Robbie could tell what he was feeling. He was doing his best to be emotionless. Without looking at him, he told Robbie in a low voice. "I've run the numbers... Even if we manage to hold the others off... We lose. Dark and Anti are too strong".

Robbie's hand stroked his arm comfortingly, causing BingSeptic to look Robbie in the eyes. Robbie didn't look scared or even upset. Robbie simply smirked and raised his free hand to make a fist, before putting it to his chest. BingSeptic shook his head sadly, replying. "There is no glory in this fight, Robert. We will die for nothing". Robbie shook his head, moving his hand up BingSeptic's arm to his shoulder. Robbie squeezed his shoulder than pulled him toward the house. BingSeptic followed him up the porch steps to the window. Robbie then pointed inside. BingSeptic took a look inside not sure what he was suppose to be looking at, but it was clear. He could see the SepticEyes sitting at the kitchen table with Mark and Copiplier. They were all laughing and sharing loud stories with each other. Jacque was even giving a small canvas painting to Chase. Chase took it and his eyes welled up, before he hugged Jacque.

BingSeptic forced himself to look back at Robbie, hoping to avoid getting emotional himself. When Robbie made a heart with his hands over his chest. BingSeptic felt a tear run down his cheek as Robbie pointed to the others and made a fist again to put to his heart. He wasn't sure he was getting it. So, he told Robbie with a small shrug. "I don't quite understand". Behind him the front door opened, causing him to jump in surprise. Wiping the yellow tear off his face, he turned to see Henrik. Henrik quietly closed the door, telling BingSeptic casually. "I taught him that. He's saying that we keep family in our hearts". Henrik held his coffee mug tenderly as he moved closer. Henrik's soft eyes locked with his and BingSeptic could feel the question coming. Henrik's eyes suddenly lowered to the ground, when he asked. "I admire your strength BingSeptic. You even have Mark believing that there is hope... but I can feel it. I hate this feeling... but I know it is coming. Looking at you two, I can see I am right".

BingSeptic swallowed his regret, starting to rush out. "I can fix it! I just have to-". Henrik raised a hand to stop him with a small smile. Looking back up into his eyes, Henrik told him warmly. "You have done so much already. Look at them in there. They are filled with hope. If things go bad... Than we go as a family. Just don't tell the others". Both Robbie and BingSeptic nodded, when Henrik glanced over his shoulder to say aloud. "That includes you too, Jackaboy". BingSeptic ran a scan to see that Jackaboy was on the roof. Jackaboy jumped off the roof, his boot heels kicking on to slow his landing. When Jackaboy was close enough to the ground, he pressed buttons on his black controllers and both his boots and the stabilizers on the bottom of the controllers turned off. Jackaboy clipped his controllers to his belt, telling Henrik softly. "Sorry. I saw you slip out and thought Silver Shepherd might be here".

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