Part 10

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Anti lowered his knife, telling Jackaboy-man through clenched teeth. "We'll finish this later". Anti practically jogged to the basement door and BingSeptic raced after him. Dr. Schneeplestein lead the way to the lab door, commenting over his shoulder to Anti. "Anti... He's still a little weak. So, don't work him up too much. However, I believe he is stable now. I just have one concern-". Anti grabbed Schneeplestein's shoulder firmly at the door, growling at him without looking at him. "Don't say anything you might live to regret". Dr. Schneeplestein turned to glare at Anti with cold eyes. Pulling down his blue doctor mask, he sternly snapped back. "I certainly hope he was mistaken, Anti. I'd hate to think...". Anti finally turned to look at Schneeplestein heatedly, pointing the tip of his knife at his gut in a silent threat. 

While they stared at each other, BingSeptic moved around them to open the door to the lab. Mark was sitting up on the examination table with his head in his hands. He looked so shaken up about something. As BingSeptic entered slowly, he noticed Mark was rocking a bit and mumbling something that his mic wasn't about to piece together. His scans were showing him that Mark's heart rate was elevated and he was scared... possibly? BingSeptic walked up to the table, before asking tenderly. "Mark? Is something wrong? My scans are saying you are-". Mark lifted his head from his hands, interrupting him as he told him bluntly. "I was hoping you weren't real... but I guess I was wrong". BingSeptic shifted uncomfortably. That comment stung a bit. Mark gestured him forward with a hand and BingSeptic reluctantly moved closer.

Mark looked him over and sighed to himself. Then reached up to push BingSeptic's visor up away from his eyes. BingSeptic felt like his core was being crushed. Mark was technically one of his makers... and he was disappointed with him. He imagined nothing in this world felt worse than that. Mark let him adjust his visor back as he expressed softly. "What did they call you? Bing"? BingSeptic straightened up half out of pride, but the other half was to keep from showing how hurt he was, when he answered. "No. I am BingSeptic or S34N". Mark nodded, grimly stating out. "If they managed to make you... Than Darkiplier really does have Jack". BingSeptic took a step back from Mark. He was thinking about leaving the room. His core hurt so much. At that moment though, Mark turned to see Schneeplestein and Anti enter into the room... and his expression changed.

A look of fury burned over Mark's face, snapping out at Anti furiously. "YOU SON OF A BITCH"! Mark hopped down from the table, but weakly staggered into BingSeptic's arms. BingSeptic caught him feeling so confused. Mark barely noticed that BingSeptic was holding him upright as he yelled out at Anti. "Was it worth it, Anti?! You two faced bastard! Jack trusted you! I trusted you"! Anti glitched from looking at all of them, before telling Schneeplestein heartlessly. "Sedate him and lock him in my room". Mark jerked against BingSeptic's grip, but he wasn't strong enough to break free. Schneeplestein slammed the lab door shut, snapping out at Anti bitterly. "NO! I want you to say it, Anti! Admit it! There were only three people in this house that knew where Jack was living! I know I didn't tell and I know Jackaboy didn't tell. That leaves YOU".

Anti didn't answer. So, Mark blurted out sternly. "Go on! Tell him! Tell them all! Tell them how you and Wilford tried to kill me to keep me from telling Jack that YOU were plotting against him! Do any of them know what the fight was between you two? Should I tell them"? BingSeptic shook his head, saying curiously. "How do you know? Google heard from Jack that he's never met you". Mark looked away from Anti long enough to reply curtly. "I haven't. However, I've lived in the manor. Dark's room was next to mine and it's not soundproofed. I'd hear the two of them late at night-". BingSeptic's warning alarms went off as Mark was ripped from his arms and thrown across the table by Anti. BingSeptic tried to grab Anti's arm, but he glitched out and appeared on top of the examination table.

Anti stared down at Mark on the cold floor, raising his knife as his distorted voice menacingly rippled out. "On second thought... I think I'll kill you"! The lights in the lab began to flicker violently and the computer monitors began to blare with static. Dr. Schneeplestein yelled out over the noise. "ANTI! STOP"! BingSeptic's vision immediately adjusted to the constant change in flashing lights, allowing him to see the room. Racing around to grab Mark, he heard Mark yell out to Anti boldly. "Go ahead, you jealous Glitch Bitch"! BingSeptic barely pulled Mark away before Anti dropped to the floor, plunging his knife into the tile floor where Mark's chest had been. Anti slowly rose and BingSeptic lunged at the same time Anti did. BingSeptic managed to grab Anti's wrist, but Anti simply closed his legs and swung right between BingSeptic's legs. BingSeptic didn't get a chance to react as Anti popped up behind him and yanked his arms until he flipped to the floor.

Anti then kicked BingSeptic's face to the tile, snapping down at him distortedly. "Stay down". Anti glitched across the room, reaching for Mark, but BingSeptic sprang to his feet and slammed into him just seconds before he touched Mark. The speed BingSeptic used propelled them into the lab door, busting it off its hinges. They tumbled together until Anti flung him off, causing BingSeptic to slide down the hall and trying to slow himself down with a hand. Anti glitched to his feet, making all the house lights begin to flicker rapidly. Upstairs, BingSeptic could hear the others asking what was happening in spooked voices. Meanwhile, Anti raised his knife, snapping out at him. "You are getting on my LAST FUCKING NERVE"! BingSeptic felt Google in his system, messing with a few programs in the background. Feeling cocky, BingSeptic retorted smugly. "Good. I didn't know if you had any nerves to fuck with".

Anti flashed him a wicked smile, raising his hands as the lights in the hallway started to burst and spark like lightening all around them. Anti laughed menacingly, yelling out. "Is that so? Let's see if I can fry the last of yours"! BingSeptic winced as a spark drifted too close. His battery did have a limit. Google suddenly spoke into his ear confidently. "Touch it and get ready to flip your visor switch"! BingSeptic didn't feel like questioning it. He just reached out to grab a sparking wire and flipped the switch on his visor. He could feel the power from the wire racing through him and into the visor, shooting out an intense white light that hit Anti square in the chest. The beam of heated white light, pinned Anti back against the far wall. Anti hadn't been expecting it, but it didn't seem to hurt him either. Instead, Anti curled his arm back and punched out a green static charge at him.

The green static struck him in the chest, sending the same intense power back through him and into the wire. The house lights blared to life, until they burst and everything went pitch black. BingSeptic fell back across the ground weakly. His systems were going offline. Too much power had surged through his system. He couldn't even use his night vision to see where Anti was. From upstairs, he heard Angus yell out to the others calmly. "Nobody move! Nobody panic! I've got a flashlight. It's just a power outage". Chase added in an annoyed tone. "Oh, that is just perfect... My phone isn't even getting signal now". Marvin's voice bluntly replied. "Who cares about your damn phone! We need to find out what happened to the others"! The door to the upstairs opened with a metallic squeal and Jackaboy called down the dark steps. "Schneeplestein! BingSeptic! Anti! If you're alive sound off"!

BingSeptic couldn't even move. His stasis was still faintly reading out the extensive repairs being done. Anti didn't sound off either. Dr. Schneeplestein did, calling out loudly from his lab. "Jackaboy! DON'T flip the circuit breakers! There is water everywhere in the lab now"! Jackaboy started down the steps cautiously, asking aloud. "What the hell happened"? Dr. Schneeplestein threw something in the lab with a loud 'Bang', before snapping out. "Catastrophe! That is what has happened! These motherfuckers went crazy"! Marvin suddenly asked down at them. "Jameson wants to know if Mark is alright"? Schneeplestein answered quickly. "Yes! We managed to get on the examination table! Don't come down here! I don't know what electrical damage has been done"!

BingSeptic heard a loud splash and Jackaboy screaming out. "Robbie! Get back here! God damn it"! BingSeptic's systems were planning to shut down and cool down before restarting, when he felt Robbie's cold wet hand touch his chest. He wanted to tell Robbie that he would be alright. Unfortunately, his systems were automatically switching off. Forcing him to feel Robbie's panic as he banged on his chest and shook him, until he slipped off into a black void. To Be Continued...    

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