Chapter 2: Who's That Pickachu?

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Hey guys! Here chapter 2 and in this story the Pokémon here at the village, doesn't know Pikachu's gender. Because of the hair and tail...
But you guys alraedy know what Pikachu's gender already. I hope you enjoy chapter 2!

At Serene Village...

"So Goomy are you ready to get some flowers for your mom?" Ask Deerling.
"Yes, Deerling! Your the best at picking the nicest flowers, Deerling." Said Goomy.
"Hehehehe...picking flowers. Men, Goomy that so wimpy of you." Said Panchum in a teasing tone.
"Yeah! Wimpy and girly hehehe...." Said Shelment teasing Goomy with Panchum.
" guys realize that I help you choose flowers for you're mom Panchum and Shelment??"
Question Deerling.
"Ahhhhhhh........" Both Panchum and Shelment were both embarrass and it was true.
"Deerling right you know, she not wrong." Said Espur.
"You guys pick flowers?" Question Cupcake.
"No! We don't!!!" Yelled Panchum.
"Yeah! We're not wimpy like you Cupcake!" Said Shelment.
"I'm not a wimp!! Just because I'm fluffy and adorable doesn't make me a wimpy eevee!" Yelled Cupcake was getting angry and annoyed.
"Are so! I'm not! Are so!! I'm not!! ARE so!!! I'M not!!! ARE SO!!!! I'M NOT!!!! AR-"
"AUDINO!! AUDINO!!" Yelled Nuzleaf with worry.
That interrupte Cupcake, Panchum, and Shelment
argument. Deerling, Espurr, Goomy, Cupcake, Shelment, and Panchum look at worrying Mr. Nuzleaf as he run fast to find Audino and need her assistants.

"Nuzleaf what wrong? Did you just-" *gasp*
Audino gasp in shock to see a poison Pikachu in Nuzleaf's arms.
"Get this Pikachu into my hut!!!! Quickly!!!!!" Yelled
Audino in a worries tone. As Audino and Nuzleaf run quickly to Audino's hut to help this Pikachu.
"I wonder what wrong with Mr. Nuzleaf? I'm also worry about that Pikachu he was carrying..." Said Deerling as she was getting really worry.
"Yeah! I never seen Mr. Nuzleaf really worry at something?" Said Goomy.
"Yeah! I wonder what going on?" Question Panchum.
"I hope he alright?" Ask Espurr.
"We never seen a hurt Pokémon before in the village?" Said Shelment.
"Let's go find out what going on with Mr. Nuzleaf, Ms. Audino, and that strange Pokémon?" Said Cupcake.
As the little poke-gang run to Audino's hut and where the school is too.

They look at Audino's window to see what happening.
"Is he/she gotta be okay!?!?!" Question Nuzleaf.
"I'm working on it! Come on little Pikachu eat the Pecha Berry and you'll feel better...." Said Audino
in a calming voice.
Pikachu didn't eat the Pecha Berry, she couldn't even eat. And her checks started to spark?
"Ah...What is he/she doing now??" Question Nuzleaf.
"Nuzleaf, duck!!! She/He gotta use thunderbolt!!!" Yelled Audino in a panic.
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" The kids scream and duck for cover.
Pikachu stop using thunderbolt.
Audino try to feed the Pecha Berry again and this time Pikachu eat the Pecha Berry.
But she still damage pretty bad.
"Nuzleaf can you get the band aids from my desk please?" Ask Audino.
Nuzleaf nod and passed the band aids to Audino to help this Pikachu.

"Awwww....that poor Pikachu I wonder what happen to her?" Question Espurr.
"She mast be hurt really bad from the poison and what Pokémon attack her?" Question Deerling.
"His crazy to even think to fight a large Pokémon,
his small!" Said Shelment.
"There something strange about his cheeks?" Question Panchum.
The poke-gang look at the hurt Pikachu.
Panchum was right there some strange about his/her cheeks. Every Pikachu's cheeks are red, but his/her cheeks are purple, why does she/he have purple cheeks then his/her original red cheeks?
"Maybe it still from the poison she got. That why there purple.... I think??........" Said Cupcake.
"I think Cupcake right, maybe it is from the poison....." Said Goomy.
"We think, are not think that is true...but can we talk about this tomorrow." Said Epsurr.
Everyone agreed and went home.

Later At Night...

"Ahhhhhh.......W-what happen???.....I-I can't remember......ahhhhh my head really hurts...." Said Pikachu.
She look around and walk outside.
"I-Is this a school?......Why am I doing here?......"
Pikachu walk more but slowly, she got to the plaza.
"This area is nice.....she walk to the left side of the plaza.
" T-there also homes here too......I-I wonder who live here?......" She still kept walking but she doesn't
know someone watching and following her.
"Wow....that a big tree up on that hill...."
Pikachu walk up the hill.
" that???? Hehehe...It's a nice view here...hehehe.....hehehe.....hehehaaahhh....." Pikachu was about to faint on the hard ground.
But someone catch her from falling.
*Phew* "That was close, you should get some rested in my house. I don't want you wondering off the
village. And tomorrow I'll show you to Audino about your health." Said Nuzleaf.
As Nuzleaf was talking and walking to his house.
He put Pikachu in his old bed he had.
Nuzleaf slept in the other side of the room.

"" Whisper Pikachu as she fast asleep. She have a long way to have her adventure to begin......

To be continued...

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