Chapter 8: Voice of Memories...

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Hello everyone Strom here back again, with a new chapter! The wait is over! Hope you enjoy Chapter 8!

In Pikachu's Dream...

Pikachu hear whispering.
"Hmmm...Huh?" She saw nothing but floating in darkness. The voice that Pikachu heard were getting a little louder but still don't know what they're still saying.
"H-hello... Is someone here?" No response, but an echo. The voice roar loud that it hurts Pikachu's ears.
"UsELeSs!! WoRtHleSs!! WhO EveR WaNT YoU!! MoNSteR!! JusT DiE!!! BuRn iN HelL!!!"
"AHHHHHH!!! Noooo!!!! Just stop it!!!! I don't want to hear it anymore!!!!!!!!" She yelled to try to make the voices to stop. But they just keep continuing as Pikachu falling down through the darkness of nothingness.
"OH, LoOk HeRE CoMeS DeAtH It SeLf!!!!! YoU CReEpy SiCKo!!!!! NoBoDy WAnT tO Be frIEnDs WiTH YoU!!!"
"Stop it!?! Please make it stop!?!" Pikachu feel like she wanted to cry. But a weird look figure came to her face to face and said.....
"SoUleSs FrEaK!!!"

*Gasp* *pant pant* *pant pant* *pant pant* *pant pant* Pikachu woke up from that horrible dream she had. She feel liquid in her eyes, she was crying.
Pikachu heard someone come in Nuzleaf's house.
Someone is breaking in, Pikachu climb on the side door waiting for that Pokémon to come in and attack them. A shadowy figure went to Pikachu's room. Pikachu use Grass knot/Iron tail on the shadowy figure on the face and fall on the ground.
Pikachu turn on the lights to see who it was.
And Pikachu was shocked, she hit Nuzleaf...on the face.
"NUZLEAF!!! OMG!! Are you alright?!?! Nuzleaf didn't responded. Pikachu put her ears on Nuzleaf's chest.
"Oh, thank goodness your alright! But unconscious..
........ I'm so gotta get in trouble when he wake up......
I'm so die......" Pikachu drag Nuzleaf to his bed so he won't be sleeping on the floor. She went back to bed to go back to sleep and forget this crazy fiasco.

The Next Morning...

"Hmmmm........" Pikachu stretch and scratch her head. She walk up still seeing that Nuzleaf asleep.
"Have plenty of rest Nuzleaf I'm going to school now. See ya later, bye." Pikachu left Nuzleaf's house to a another day of school.
Pikachu stop and saw a crowd on the right side of the plaza's gate. 
"Huh? Seems like there's a crowd around the village entrance. What's going on?" Though Pikachu.
"So? How did it look?" Ask Markus.
"I tried to get a decent look around, but it was no good. They're all worked up!" Said Lombre.
"But it vill all be worth it if ve get some delicious honey out of it in ze end." Said Hippopotas really want to taste that delicious honey.
"Delicious honey?" Question Budew that came up to  the conversion they were having.
"Yeah, that right. Out in Nectar Meadow, they're starting on their annul... Huh? Aren't you-?" Lombre just realize who he was talking to.
"Budew. Roselia's little one. Honey-making season has begun, child. Many Pokémon like Beedrill and Combee all get together to make Heap o' Honey." Explain Markus.
"And ze honey zat zey make iz ze best! Just a little iz enough to make me jumping for joy!" Cheer Hippopotas still thinking that delicious honey.
"You...jumping for joy?" Budew question does Hippopotas even jumps.
"It's a nutritional powerhouse, to boot. However, they're on edge while making honey. Stay safe and steer clear till they're done. Especially a wee child like yourself. It best to give Nectar Meadow a wide berth at this time of year." Markus told Budew not to go to Nectar Meadow this time of year. After all he is one of the Expedition Society member to help Pokémon in danger.
"Honey-making, huh? I wonder what that "delicious honey" is like. I wouldn't mind a taste." Though Pikachu. She stop thinking about the honey and went to school.

*Ding-dong-dong-ding.* *Ding-ding-dong-ding.*

"Good morning, Principal Simipour!" Said Goomy.
"Good morning to you, Goomy."
"Oh! Principal Simipour! Good morning!" Said Deerling.
"And a good morning to you, Deerling."
"Good morning, Principal Simipour! You got gate duty today, huh? So, let me ask you, sir... Why are you always smirking?" Question Shelment.
"I am not smirking. I'm smiling, my boy. I'm just so tickled to see all of you coming to school in such good spirits. More important than that, though- class is about to begin! Be off to your seat like a good boy."
"Yes, sir!" Said Everyone.

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