Chapter 6: Field Trip

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Hey guys! I'm back with a new chapter! Sorry it took sooooooo long to uploaded this. I'm a busy person with school... Hope you guys enjoy chapter 6 of PSMD!

The Next Morning...

*Yawn* Pikachu woke up from her sleep and walk to the other side of Nuzleaf's house.
"Hm? What's that? A note? From Nuzleaf?" Pikachu begin to read Nuzleaf's note.
"Pikachu! I sure I am sorry about this! Somethin' real urgent come up, and I reckon I've got to head out right away. I'll probably be away for few days.
So I'm afraid you'll have the place all to yourself for a little while. I've left plenty of food, so you shouldn't have any worries on that front. And don't you go skippin' school."-N.

"Looks like I'll be on my own awhile. I wonder which urgent came up, that Nuzleaf has to go and solve the problem?" Pikachu question what urgent came up for Nuzleaf.
"Well I'll think about it later. Right now I need to go to school." Pikachu walk through the plaza and go to the path where the school is.
"I better get their quick! I don't want to be late." Said Pikachu running to school to get there on time.
And jumping through some rocks.
"Is it just me or am I jumping a little higher?" Though and questioning Pikachu. She think is just her imagination.
But she doesn't realize that her pinkish orb change color to a blue sky like color.
Pikachu jump even higher. "Ok! Not my imagination!! I'm actually getting higher when I'm jumping!" Question Pikachu shock to jump even higher. "Okay...That's weird? I'm not jumping hard?" Pikachu was getting confuse about this.
But think about it later, she needed to go to school.
She got her way to school.

*Ding-dong-dong-ding. Ding-dong-dong-ding.*

"All right, class! That's the bell! Time for class to begin!" Said Farfetch'd.
"Yes sir!" Said everyone in the class.
"Today we'll be taking a little field trip!" Said Farfetch'd.
"All right!" Everyone cheer and excited for a field trip, but Pikachu was confuse.
"A...field trip?" Though Pikachu. Cupcake saw Pikachu's confusion about today's field trip.
"On field trips, our class visits a dungeon. Everybody goes on an adventure together!" Explain Cupcake.
"Attention, please! No talking out of turn! You'd better listen to the instructions!" Everyone turn their attention to Mr. Farfetch'd.
"Now let me see...Ahem...Today we'll be visiting the School Forest. We'll reach the School Forest from this path. We've left flags deep inside the forest. Bring one back, and you pass today's lesson." Explained Farfetch'd.

"How're we gonna form teams, Teach?" Question Panchum.
"Yeah, with Pikachu here now, we've got an extra Pokémon." Said Shelment
"Each team is made up of three Pokémon. It's no fun going alone, but having too many Pokémon on a team can get chaotic. Three Pokémon per team is pretty much that right number for exploring dungeons." Explained Cupcake.
"I've already selected today's teams. Team one will be made up of Panchum, Shelment, and Pikachu.
Team two will be made up of Goomy, Cupcake, and Deerling." Said Farfetch'd.

"What?! I'm with Panchum and Shelment?! Why am I with them?...." Though Pikachu.
"Gahhh....Just are lucked! We get to be with Pikachu! Let's do this Pikachu!" Said Panchum bump and annoyed to be with Pikachu to his team.
"Ohhh, ok. I guess I've got no choice. It's part of the classwork, after all....." Said Pikachu.
"And Mr. Farfetch'd..... I am to..?" Ask Espurr.
"You'll in charge of operations, Espurr. Everyone will need to work together to clear this dungeon.
That's why I'd like you to stay here and use your telepathy to support both teams." Explain Farfetch'd
"I understand..." Said Espurr.
"We're on the same team! This'll be great!" Cheer Cupcake.
"Yeah, this will be fun!" Cheer Goomy

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