Chapter 11: Symbol of A Dream

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Hey, guys! Sorry for the looooong wait for the new chapter.... Hehehe..... I was kinda busy with other one..... Anyway hope you enjoy the new chapter!

"No, it can't be!? We defeated it years ago! How is it back!?" Question Markus.
"We still don't know. But here's the weird part..?" Said Ampharos.
"What weird part?" Question Markus.
"We found some weird connection here at Serene Village."
"Wow! That is weird. But do you know what it is?"
"No, clue... It's a mystery."
"Whatever it is, we need to stop it before it does something bad!"
Ampharos nod.
"We should starts this in the morning. Night, Markus." Ampharos left the house.
*Sign* Markus sign and go check on Cupcake and Pikachu. He open the door and saw the both of them asleep. Markus smile and close the door quietly.

Hours Later...


Pikachu's Dream...

"Ahh!...Hmm!...Ahhh! Let me go! Ahhh!" Pikachu struggles to get herself up out of these chains. But the chains kept on pulling her down to the ground.
"AHH!!!" Pikachu can't get up from those chains. A symbol appeared on the floor.

 A symbol appeared on the floor

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"Grrrr! Grrrr! Grrrr!......uh!?!" Pikachu saw six eyes watching her and an evil smiling grin on the middle. And a big flash came and woke Pikachu violently.
*Gasp* *pant pant* *pant pant* *pant pant* *pant pant* Pikachu heard a crack on the door and quickly pretend to sleep. Someone carry Pikachu.
"Thanks for looking out for her I'll take her home." Said Nuzleaf quietly not waking up Pikachu.
"Don't mention it, Bye Nuzleaf." Markus wave good bye. Nuzleaf way good bye too and went home.
He put Pikachu in her bed and walk to the other side of the room and turns off the lights. Pikachu turn her head around and back. She sign and close her eyes. Pikachu tries to relax herself to go back to sleep.

The Next Morning...

Pikachu woke up just like always and had breakfast with Nuzleaf...and then head to class with Cupcake.
Then after school.
*Ding-dong-dong-ding. Ding-ding-dong-ding*
"School's out! Let's go to the plaza!" Said Cupcake.
Pikachu nod and they went to the plaza. They got there and see Ampharos bumping into everything again.
"Oh!...." Said Cupcake with a sweat drop.
Then he bump into the café's wall.
"Ampharos! Are you ok?" Cupcake ask.
"Y-yes... I will survive... I recognize that voice. You're those village children from the village...?"
"Yep! Hey, Ampharos can I ask you something?"
"What is it that you wanted to ask?" Question Ampharos.
"Will..... Can me and Pikachu join the Expedition Society!!! Please!!!!!" Cupcake begged.
"Pikachu sweat drop.
"Cupcake! I thought you wanted to wait till your older! Oh, well... I think he is going to say-" Pikachu thought got interrupted.
"Ok! Your join as Junior Expedition Society members!" Ampharos gave them the proper materials for a Expedition Society members or should I say Junior Expedition Society members.
"What! His just gotta say yes!!!!?? I'm confuse!?!?" Though Pikachu confusing in her mind.
Ampharos give them there own connection orb and explain how it's works and starts their first Expedition Society work. And also what their team name will be. Cupcake doesn't need a explanation, she already know how it works and drag Pikachu to the left side of the gate and tries to choose their team name and first recuse.
"Got anything with a name?" Question Cupcake.
"" Pikachu replied.
They both pout and think for a good perfect team name.

And an idea pop into there heads.
"I got it! I know which team name!" They both say at the same time.
"Ok, on the count of three we say are team name idea. Ok?" Said Pikachu.
Cupcake nod.
"La vitesse!" Said Cupcake.
"Soul Hearts!" Said Pikachu.
They blink at each other, they both need a team name. But can't decide who's name is better.
"La vitesse it is..." Said Pikachu.
"What, really??"
"Yep! It's your dream, so you choose the team name."
"Ok, La vitesse is are team name!" Cupcake types the team name in the Gaget.
"And know to requests a Pokémon in need!" Cupcake looks at the requests.
"This time you choose the requests, Pikachu. I already name the team, so it's your turn.
Pikachu nod and look at the requests. And she chose Sylveon's post of request.
"Ok! To the Foreboding Forest!! To recuse Sylveon, as are first Junior Expedition Society work!!!" Cheered Cupcake going into the right gate with Pikachu. As they were going to the gate a Gengar with two black make-up scars on his face passed them. As Pikachu and Cupcake passed him, Pikachu saw his face. The smile grin from her dream, Pikachu slow down and feels pale.
"Come on, Pikachu! Don't be such a slowpoke! Hehehehe!!!!!!" Cupcake chuckle.
"Huh? Oh, coming! Hehehehe!!!!"
Gengar look at them both and then went to the café.
As Cupcake and Pikachu passed floor to floor, they got themselves at the sixth floor and they found Sylveon. And they completed their first Junior Expedition Society work. Then they got connected with Sylveon.

And every day Pikachu and Cupcake went to their Junior Expedition Society work after school.
They kept on connections and connections and at the café they gets rewards from the Pokémon who they help and save. But Pikachu question that strange Ganger. Is that the Pokémon who was in her dream or was it a different Pokémon.
Ganger see Cupcake and Pikachu leaving the café.
"Did you found her?"
"Yes, I spotted her... She at this village with an eevee name Cupcake." Said Ganger using telepathy talking to someone.
"Is she wearing part of Dark Matter?"
"Yes, she's wearing it as a necklace."
"This isn't good.... If she's wearing it then we can't get it back from her. Dark Matter will be apart of her and won't let go."
"Do we kill her to get it back?..."
"No, she also the key you ghost for brains."
"Ouch! Then what?"
"You know what to do....."
"I understand...." Ganger done talking to someone with his telepathy.

At Night...

"Night, Pikachu, get a lot of rest." Said Nuzleaf.
"Night, Nuzleaf." Pikachu laid on her bed. Nuzleaf turn off the lights. An hour passed and Pikachu still didn't sleep. She walk out of bed and seeing Nuzleaf sleeping. Pikachu got into his bed and started to sleep. Nuzleaf turn and hug Pikachu in his sleep.
And they sleep peaceful together with their company.

To be continued...

What is Ganger up to? And who was he talking to? Did he know Pikachu in the past?
What did that symbol mean in Pikachu's dream?
Will comment what you think what it happen and what it all means?....
Hope you like this chapter and sorry it's a little short....I was getting a bit rusty with adventure ideas.....

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