Chapter 12: Who are you good or bad...

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Hey, guys! Chapter 12 has been updated!
Hope you like the new chapter and what you think about?...

Pikachu woke up a bit early in the morning and Nuzleaf wasn't here. She eats breaksfast and go to school as usual.
She head to school to her friend neighbor, Cupcake and they learn everything from school.

After school...

*Ding-dong-dong-ding.* *Ding-ding-dong-ding.*

"Phew! I though today would never end!" Said Goomy, he was glad school was over.
"It's a real drag lately, huh? And it's been cozy hot all the time." Said Pancham feeling the heat.
"Yeah! When it gets this hot, I feel feverish and my brain gets flunky!" Said Cupcake.
"Your brain gets "flunky," huh? More like you're kind of flaky, Cupcake!" Said Shelment.
"Cupcake, I don't think that's the word of choice your were going for." Said Espurr.
"Whatever. I'll keep it short. you beg me. Stay at least one space away from me at all times! Or more! Haha!" Laugh Pancham. Shelment and Pancham walk there way home.
"Well... Let's all do our best to survive the heat anyway..." Said Deerling.
"It's be summer vacation pretty soon!" Said Goomy.
"Shall we be heading home?" Espurr ask. 
Everyone nod.
"Yeah! See ya tomorrow." Said Deerling with a smile.
"Sure. Bye-bye." Said Cupcake saying good bye to Goomy, Deerling, and Espurr leaving school.
"About time we head out, too, huh? Another big day as Junior Expedition Society members!" Cheer Cupcake who's talking to Pickachu. she nod and go with Cupcake.
They went to the plaza's gate and go into a dungeon to do there Expedition Society work. Getting new connections, rewards, power up, and working hard. It took hours but they finish they're Expedition Society work and head home.
"Ok, Pickachu, see you later!"
"ok, see ya later."
They both went to their own house where they live.
"Hm? Ah! It's Nuzleaf!" Tough Pikachu seeing Nuzleaf.
"Oh! And you're back as well! Sorry again for leavin' you in the lurch like that, friend. i know it ain't no compensation, but I did bring back good eats from my trip. Why don't we share'em for dinner tonight?" Said Nuzleaf brought good food to eat.
"Hehehehe!.... Hm hmm..." Pikachu hummed yes.
Nuzleaf and Pikachu eats dinner and have a good time enjoying their company. They finish eating and went to bed.

The Next Morning...

Pickachu and Cupcake went to school as usual. And after school...

*Ding-dong-dong-ding.* *Ding-ding-ding-dong.*

"...And so the school will be close for the summer vacation, beginning of today. I hope you'll all enjoy your summer vacation. But try to keep it without reason. Class dismissed!" Said Farfetch'd dismissing the class.
Everyone cheered it's finally summer vacation!
"All ri-i-i-i-i-ght!" Pancham cheered.
"Finally!" Shelment cheered too.
"This summer's going to be so much fun!" Deerling cheered also.
"I know, right!? It's thrilling... It's exciting... It's..." Goomy was to excited to spit out the words he wanted to say. Luckily Cupcake help him.
"SUMMER VACATION-N-N-N-N!!!!" Cupcake shouted with excitement and cheered.
Everybody left school to enjoy their summer vacation. Cupcake and Pikachu was walk their way home.
"Pikachu! It's summer vacation! We won't have to go to school for a while, and we'll have tons of time to play... But we've still got our tasks as Junior Expedition Society members to do! So we've got to be sure to keep carrying out our expeditions!" Said Cupcake with a pose.
Pikachu just sweat drop with an awkward slime.
"So, in short, Pikachu... I can count on your help on expeditions during the summer break, too, right?"
"Will of course!..." Said Pikachu.
"But the truth is, I got nothing else to do...." Pikachu said that last part in her thoughts.
"All right! Thanks, pal! Then let's get started right now!"
Pikachu and Cupcake ran there way to the plaza.
As they got there, they notice something.
"Huh? Isn't that Ampharos over there?"
They're seeing Ampharos going to the right side of the gates.
"Hey! Ampharo-o-os! " Cupcake shout to get his attention. Ampharos heard and turn around.
Pikachu and Cupcake run up to him.
"I wondered who could it be yelling at me... Well, if it isn't the village children again. How did things end up going? Have your expeditions been successful?" Ampharos ask.
"Yeah! We've really giving it our all! And we're making new connections all the time, little by little!" Cupcake replied to his question.
"Indeed! Well, that's what I like to hear!" Ampharos gave a smile.
"Are you head out somewhere, Ampharos?" Question Pikachu.
"Quite so. I'm thinking it's about time I say farewell to this little village."
Cupcake and Pikachu got their shocking news.
"What?! Y-you're...leaving?" Said Cupcake with a shocking look on her face.
"Yes, I am. This is a very lovely place, and while I hate to say it good bye so soon...after all, I am...the Dashing Wanderer! Ampharos did a pose.
"And so, wander I must."
"Right..." Cupcake was disappointed.
"But I trust the two of you to keep working hard on behalf of the Expedition Society. It maybe tough at times, since your are still just children... But if you keep on working at it, I think that you'll discover something wonderful!" Explain Ampharos.
"We'll sure try! Thanks, Ampharos! You take care out there, too! Said Cupcake.
"I will. Best of luck to you both. Until we meet again!" Ampharos walks away but in the wrong direction.

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