Chapter 9: We'll Bee there to the rescue

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Here you go guys, chapter 9! And we're going to find out who's Pikachu's partner! Hope you enjoy this chapter and thanks the support too!

The Next Morning...

" head..." Pikachu try getting up but fall back down.
" body won't let me get up." Pikachu try getting up again but kept on falling.
"Come, on!" Pikachu got up and started walking slowly.
"Yes, yes I'm doing it, I'm doing it, no, no, no!" Face plant on the hard floor.
"Oww!! Ahh!...ahh.....ahh...." Pikachu crawling down from the floor.
"Ahh!........ahh........ahh.........gaahhh!!!!!" Pikachu just lay there trying to find a way to get up.
"Gaaahhhhhhh!!......... Hmmmmm!......." Pikachu trying to get up again but this time next to the wall.
"Okay, Pikachu! Just do steps by steps and don't fall.
Pikachu finally got the hang of it. She walk to the other side of the room and notice Nuzleaf.
"Mornin', Pikachu! Look like another fine day. Are you feeling okay?" Ask Nuzleaf.
Pikachu nod.
"Okay! You have a good time at school today."
Pikachu leave the house to go to school. She was relief that Nuzleaf didn't remember what happen yesterday from last night. Pikachu walk through the plaza and got herself at school.
*Ding-dong-dong-ding.* *Ding-ding-dong-ding.*
"All right, children! It's time for health class."
Today's teacher was gotta be Audino and they're learning health today.
"Today we will be learning about evolving."
"What? Evolution?!" Said Shelment.
"Isn't that, like, maturing quickly?" Question Cupcake.
"What are you talking about? Don't you know what Evolution is? Evolving just means that you get bigger. I for one want to get bigger." Said Panchum.

"Well... That's one way to summit up, yes."
"What? We'll get bigger?!" Question Goomy.
"It's not only your bodies growing larger, though. It causes many other changes. Evolving does bring you closer to being an in that sense...Cupcake's assumptions are entirely off base."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Thought Deerling.
"And addition to evolving, you may-" Audino got interrupted by someone from her explanation about evolution.
"E-excuse me!"
Everyone turn around to see a worrying Roselia.
"I'm sorry, but have you seen Budew today?" Roselia ask.
"Huh? Little Budew? Here? No, I surely haven't. Isn't it still another year before Budew is due to start school?"
"Oh...what I to do? I've searched all over our neighborhood but found no sign of her." Said Roselia.
"What! You mean Budew has gone missing?" Said Goomy with shock.
"Maybe I should contact the sheriffs. I'm sorry for  interrupting your class like this." Roselia walk out of the class but fated to the ground. Audino rush over to her to see if she's okay.
"Oh, my! Are you all right, Roselia?" Question Audino with worry.
"Yes... It's just that I've been getting so dizzy lately..."
"You come with me, sweetie. I want you to rest for a bit in the school clinic." Audino walk Roselia to her hut.

"What could have happen to Budew?" Question Goomy.
"It makes you worry, doesn't it?" Said Deerling.
"Well of course you would, Deerling. You're just so kind hearted. But seems like you might be overreacting over one kid wandering off..." Said Panchum.
"How can you say that?! How could you not worry when a tiny kid like that goes missing on her own?!"
Yelled Deerling. Being mad at Panchum for being a jerk. Everyone argue and talk about the missing Budew.
"It's true that her mother at least would get worried
about it. Wait... Budew? I think Budew is the one I saw back then...." Though Pikachu having a flashback.

"Budew. Roselia's little one. Honey-making season has begun, child. Many Pokémon like Beedrill and Combee all get together to make Heap o' Honey.
However, they're on edge while making honey stay safe and steer clear till they're all done. Especially a wee child like yourself. It's best to give Nectar Meadow a wide berth at this time of year." Explain Markus.
Pikachu flashback has ended from Markus' explanation.
"Could it be that Budew went anyway? She may be after some honey!" Thought Pikachu.
Goomy notice there was something Pikachu was thinking in her own taught.
"Hm? What is it, Pikachu?" Question Goomy.
Everyone look at Pikachu.
"I think I know where Budew is?" Said Pikachu.
"What? You have an idea where Budew may have gotten to?" Question Deerling.
Pikachu nod and explain.
"I think she went to Nectar Meadow to get that honey?"
"Nectar Meadow? To get some honey?" Question Shelment.
"It is true that Honey-Making season has begun in Nectar Meadow. If she did go there, Budew maybe in real danger." Said Espurr.
"Hahahahahaha! Why are you all falling for this lair's story? Don't you remember the ridiculous tales Pikachu was spewing yesterday?" Said Panchum.
"Huh?" Though Pikachu.
"Wow, I can't believe you're falling for it again. Who would swallow that kind of lie? You're all getting tricked again!"
"Woah! That was a close one. I nearly got fooled there." Said Shelment in relief.
Everyone look at Pikachu again. Pikachu stayed in silence.
"So they won't believe a word I say. Well...if that's how it is..." Though Pikachu and started to run off out of class.
"Pikachu!!" Cupcake shout her name. Where is she going?
"Hey! What are you-?!" Said Panchum. What the heck is she doing.
"You can't just can run out in the middle of class!" Said Shelment.
"What a fool. As if any of us would follow! I can't wait to see the chewing out that Pikachu gonna get from the teachers. Hahahahahaha!" Said Panchum.
"Pikachu..." Cupcake mumble to herself.

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