Chapter 10: Water are waiting for

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Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! Hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving and reading this chapter! <3

"Phew-ee... I'm pretty thoroughly lot now! Having such a terrible sense of direction is indeed a burden. Yes, undeniably. But... I'm quite sure that must be Serene Village over that way. I guess I'm here at last. My, my, my... I wonder what will come of it? Ooh, it's a chilling prospect! Well...I guess there's no time like the present."

*Yawn* Pikachu woke up and walk to the other side of the room.
"Good morning, Pikachu! I was wonderin' about this last night...where'd that there scarf come from? I reckon it looks mighty fine on you! Might need to get one myself, I reckon!"
"Hehehe...." Pikachu chuckle and scratch her head.
She left and was ready to go to school.
"Pikachu, Good morning!" Cupcake shout and wave her pawn to get Pikachu attention.
"Come on, let's walk together!"
They both walk there way to school. But they notice something happening at the plaza.
"Huh? What's that?" Question Cupcake.
"Let's go check it out." Said Pikachu.
They got closer and notice a yellow Pokémon was bumping everything.
"A-are you okay?" Ask Pikachu.
"Absolutely wonderful. No worried. Happens all the time. I've got the worst sense of direction...especially in new places... And so I just wander about, bumping from place to place. It's quite the hassle!
Do you children live in this village?" He ask.
"Yeah, I'm Cupcake. And this is Pikachu."
"Hi!" Said Pikachu waving her hand.
"So why are you Ampharos?" Question Cupcake.
"Indeed! How precious you both are. But, silly me, I've not yet intro-" Ampharos pause of realization.
"Say how do you know my name village children?" Question Apmharos.
"Yeah, Cupcake? How do you know his name?" Ask Pikachu.
"His the Dashing Wanderer! Plus his the Expedition Society's chief from Lively Town. Are you here to see Markus, Ampharos?"
"Will, yeah! Do you know where he is?" Ask Ampharos.
"His at home, but if his not there he most be doing his Expedition work.
"Thank you! I hope you'll take care to remember me. And now I'm off again." Ampharos walk away and bump into everyone again. He drop something on the ground not noticing as he left.
"Huh? He dropped something... I wonder what this is..." Question Pikachu. She look at it and started to question what it is.
"It looks like some kind crystal ball." Though Pikachu. They both look for him but his already gone.
"Huh? He's already out of sight. I guess he wandered off with out even noticing that he'd dropped it. I'd sure like to return it to him, but we've got to get on our way to school. Well, I guess we'll just have to wait until classes end for the day. Then we can go search for Ampharos to return his Connection Orb. Guess I'll hold on to it until then!" Cupcake pick up the crystal ball knowing what it is.
"Hey, Hippopotas?"
"Hm? Vat is it?" Question Hippopatas.
"You may have seen a Pokémon called Ampharos around here a little while ago... Well, he dropped something of his, and now I've got it. If you see him, could you tell him that?" Ask Cupcake.
"Mm-hmm sure. If he happens to come by zis way, I vill pass zat along."
"Thanks, Hippopotas! Then I guess it's time we get to school!"
Pikachu nod and walk there way to school till Cupcake realized something.

"Um...Pikachu? You know, I kinda remember, but... when you think about it, we ditched class yesterday and ran out without a word, huh? I bet the teachers and everyone going to give us a hard time when we see them... Which really makes us not want to go...
Hey, I know! Pikachu! How about we just don't go to school again today, huh?" Everything went silence and Pikachu never thought that Cupcake for skipping school.
"...No go, huh? Yeah, I thought not... You're right... Skipping school is bad... I guess I'll go... But I really don't want to..." Cupcake say, this is the first time she skipped school. Pikachu agreed with Cupcake not wanting to go to school. She doesn't want to know how mad the teachers will be. They walk there way to school again. As they walk the path Pikachu have a question for Cupcake.
"Hey, Cupcake? How do you know what that crystal ball was?" Ask Pikachu.
"Hm? Oh, my brother has one. It's a Connection Orb, every Expedition Society members has one.
The Connection Orb shows a Pokémon in doing or needs help? And if you finish your Expedition work, the Pokémon you save or help will connect with you and some give you gifts as a thanks." Explain Cupcake.
"Woah!" Pikachu was speechless.
"I know right, speechless."
They walk and they were close to school.
"Good morning, Vice Principal Watchog!" Said Goomy.
"Yes, good morning!"
"Good morning, sir!" Said Deerling.
"Good morning! Very nice!" Vice Principal Watchog say good morning to everyone expect Cupcake and Pikachu they weren't here yet.
"And looks like everyone is here. Everyone but the problem children, that is. After all Cupcake and Pikachu ran right out in the middle of classes yesterday! Oooh, just thinking about it again makes me so- I wanted to wait here to give them a proper lecture about third behavior but...they still haven't shown up. Harrumph!" *gaps* "It couldn't be- They couldn't be planning not coming to school today in order to avoid my lecture...ohhh, that would make me!!! I've got to take this rage out on someone!"
Pikachu and Cupcake sweat drop were hiding behind a rock hearing Vice Principal Watchog harsh lecture. They both sweat drop. How are they going to pass Vice Principal Watchog without getting caught.
"Ugh... Looks like Cupcake was right about this one." Though Pikachu with a worry face.
"Aw man... I knew he would be furious... He's just waiting to pounce on us the second we show are faces, huh? If only he'd just get called away for a second or two..." Said Cupcake planning how to get Vice Principal Watchog to not notice them.
"The first bell is about to ring too."
"Argh! At this rate, we'll be late to class! What should we do, Pikachu?" Question Cupcake.
"You're asking me? Like I know what to do in this kind of situation..." Though Pikachu. She doesn't know what to do, should they go face there fate or go home. She couldn't decide which one. How will they get through Vice Principal Watchog?
"Ahh! I wish we could teleport in class without Vice Principal Watchog noticing..." Said Pikachu can't decide.
"It's okay, we'll just-" Cupcake magical disappear from there hiding place.
"Bzz...Bzzz-zzzt! Huh? That's weird...? I lost connection on Pikachu and Cupcake. Odd?..." Though Espurr. She was going to help them pass Vice Principal Watchog but loss connection.

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