Chapter 7: N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E

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Hey guys it's me Storm! Speed's OC sister here.
Just saying hope you enjoy chapter 7! The wait is over! Here it is...

The Next Morning...

*Yawn* Pikachu woke up from her bed and get ready for school again.
"Guessing Nuzleaf isn't home yet. Will better go to school then..." Pikachu didn't want to go to school, from what had happen from yesterday. But she has to for Nuzleaf. Pikachu walk out of the house and through the plaza.
"Everybody I know has moves but not me? Is it...because I lost my memories? And can't control them?" Thought Pikachu. She got her way to school and sit on her seat.
"Look Panchum, it's Pikachu." Said Shelment.
"Heh! Will...will...will...if it isn't Pikachu!" Said Panchum. Pikachu didn't response to Panchum.
"What's the matter skitty got your tongue?" Ask Shelment.
"Both of you stop! You know she didn't mean it guys!" Yelled Deerling to make them both stop.
"Come on Deerling! Pikachu doesn't know how to use her moves. She so weak." Said Panchum.
"You can't even fight a girl..." Final response Pikachu.
"...................Ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh..........." Everyone ooh except Panchum.
"Shelment!" Panchum yelled at Shelment for oohing him.
"Sorry Panchum, but that was a good burn I had to..."
"No! I can fight a girl!" Said Panchum responding to Pikachu's burn.
"What about Deerling?" Question Pikachu.
Said Panchum complementing Pikachu's answer.
"Thanks...." Said Pikachu thanking that complement.
"Hey Deerling! What did I miss?" Ask Cupcake.
"Nothing much...except that Pikachu burn Panchum." Said Deerling.

"What!? Panchum got burn!..... What did she say to him?" Question Cupcake. Wanting to know what was the burn.
"Pikachu say to Panchum that he couldn't fight a girl." Said Goomy.
"Dannnnmmm....that is a good burn. Did Panchum burn back?" Ask Cupcake.
"Nope!" Said Deerling and Goomy answering Cupcake's question.
"After Panchum answer her burning question she say what about Deerling? And it was touché actually." Said Goomy.
The school's bell has rang and all the students take there seats. By the time third period roll around...
"...Third period is beginning now. Today will be another dungeon outing. I, your illustrious Vice Principal Watchog...will be leading this special class!" This won't end will for the students.
"Be sure that you obey my every direction without fail! Especially you there!"

"Huh? Me?" Question Pikachu confused what his talking about.
"That's right! You, Pikachu! So no trouble out of you today! You got that?" Pikachu understand what happen yesterday, but that was harsh.
"Now, let me divided you into teams. The first team will be. Drumroll, please! Honorable Mr. Watchog Super Team!" Everyone sweat drop.
"The team members will be...Espurr! Deerling! And Shelment!"
"Let's do are best together, Espurr and Shelment." Said Deerling.
"Just what I was kinda thinking!" Said Espurr.
"And the next team! Drumroll, if you please! Vice Principal Watchog Excellent Team! They all sweat drop again.
"In this team, we have... Panchum! Goomy! And Cupcake! Pikachu will sit out on today's exploration and simply observe. Next... As usual, I will be taking custody of any and all items you maybe carrying. Your items will be placed securely in a Deposit Box and returned to you later. Would each team select a representative to come up and get your item box?" Explain Watchog.
"Espurr, can you do that?" Question Deerling.
"No problem." Said Espurr. Getting the items from Principal Watchog.
"I'll go get ours!"
"No way! I'm going!"
"No, I call it first!"
"Why don't you get outta my face, then!" Cupcake and Panchum argue who gets the items. And Vice Principal Watchog notice they are fighting.
"Hey, break it up, you two!" Yelled Vice Principal Watchog.
"His right you two need to stop." Said Pikachu.
"No one ask your opinion, Pikachu!" Yelled Cupcake.
They both glared each other with anger.
".....................LET ME AT HER!! LET ME AT HER!!!!!!"
Both of them try to fight each other but there friends and Vice Principal Watchog separate them from the fight.
*pant pant* *pant pant* "Why does this class always wear me out so much quicker than any of the other? My eyes are even twitching.... Although they've always done that I've just got to hurry and warp this up." Though Vice Principal Watchog.
"Now then. The topic of today's class is, in brief...
looplets and emeras!"
All of them are confused what they even are.
"Eh? Don't you kids know about them? Looplets? Emeras?"

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