Liam. Please.

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heyyoo! next chapter! here you go! Heated :) sad.. erhh! HHAHAHAHA

Um.. Does anyone know why on Wattpad the chapters look really small, beccause on my document it's like 3 pages.... HAHAHA umm. BOO!

OMG! It was 82 * today in ORegon! I love it! It never is sunny :( I love the sun! :) Okay well...



Madz xx


I woke up to the lovely smell of home made pancakes, suprsingly not to the burning ashes of our house... I turned over thinking Liam was there, but I totally forgot, who would be making the pancakes? I slipped on his white shirt that he wore last night, well what was left of it... And proceeded to the kitchen. I walked up behind Liam and wrapped my arms around his chest breathing in his sweet scent of vanilla, "Hello beautiful!" He smiled kissing my hand, "Good morning! Smells good!" He turned around, "Well I was going to do breakfast in bed, but seeing that you're already up, I guess that failed." He smiled cheekily, as the lighest shade of pink covered his cheeks, "Oh. Were you now?" I smiled, "I'll just go hop back in bed then!" I smirked before turning around, but he grabbed my hand and spun me around so I was facing him. He leaned in, "Did I ever tell you that you look sexy in my shirts?" He whispered, barely brushing our lips, causing a shiver to run down my back, I gulped, "I don't think you did?" I teased now standing on my toes, "But," He paused eying me up and down, "You look better without it." I rolled my eyes, "Whatever you say Mr. Payne!" I leaned in and kissed him softly, but I guess what he wanted was different.

He picked me up and set me on the counter, our lips never parting, his bare hands running down the sides of my body as he gripped my ass, as I yelped, "What about breakfast?" I whispered, Liam turned around and turned off the stove, "Problem solved!" He stated nonchalauntly before kissing me again. Now don't get me wrong, this was amazing, just being this close to him, with only me in a shirt and panties, and him in his boxers. I moved my lips down his jawline and onto his neck, hitting his sweet spot as he let out a small moan, as I smiled to myself. He brought my face up to meet his perfect one as he kissed me again with more passion than ever. He moved and kissed down my neck as I let my head fall back as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Liam?" I asked, "Mhm?" He smiled still kissing my neck, "Er.. Um.. Uh..." He slowly moved his lips against my sweet spot causing me stop what I was saying, "Sh. No talking." He smirked before he picked me up and walked to the family room laying me on the couch. "But we-" "Baby girl. Shhh." He put his finger up to my lips, by now I was completely confused. I've never seen him like this before. I brought his face up to mine, he had a devious smirk playing on his lips, "Yes?" I tried not to giggle, "You're not going to be able to walk tomorrow.." he winked, cheeky little bastard.

Things were getting really heated when the doorbell ring, jolting us up looking at the window, to a peeping Louis... Let me just say this. FUCK HIM! I screamed, before putting the shirt back on and dodging behind the couch while Liam slipped into his boxers and walked to the door, "Erh.. Hi guys..." I heard him stumble, Louis just walked in smirking like an idiot. I quickly ran upstairs grabbed some shorts, fixed my hair and walked back downstairs. "Go put some clothes on." I chuckled slapping his butt before making myself some tea. While Liam headed upstairs Louis just grinned at me, what was he on? "I see you've done the deed?" My eyes went wide, "And what makes you think that?" I played along to his little game, "Don't play stupid, I erh, saw..." Harry coughed, as I turned toward him, "Course you did!" I rolled my eyes at Lou before Liam came back downstairs. "Why is Louis grinning like an idiot?" Liam chuckled poking Louis' cheek, "I just saw-" I kicked him under the table, he just glared at me, "I'm just happy. Can I not be?" He said sarcastically, "No. Be as happy as you want!" Liam smiled while he brought me my brunch. Cold pancakes, yum!

The boys had rehearsals that evening, and I had to go to work for a couple hours, because someone decided for me to stay home all afternoon *cough Liam cough* I swear, that boys mood changes, one day he's all happy then sad the next or completely horny the next, like really? I thought girls are like that... I think I'm rubbing off on him... Well that may be the case because I'm flipping married to him! I was done picking the pictures to go in next years catalogue to turn in to Rebecka, but seeing that she wasn't here I set it on her desk. I wonder where she is? "Maddie?" I turned around, "Oh hey Stacey! When is Rebecka getting back?" Stacey looked down at her feet, "Maddie, Rebecka... Uh..." I knew what she was going to say, "Oh my God!"I wanted to cry, I've gotten so close to Rebecka, she was like another sister. "May I ask what happened?" I said in between breaths, "She got into a wreck on her way to visit her mom in the hospital, she died on site." I gulped, "That's horrible!" I stated grabbing the pictures now that she won't be needing to see them. "But," "I hate buts..." I mumbeled, "You're the new manager." Stacey said smiling, "Manager? Like the boss. Head of the building?" "Head of the studios!" This causes for a celebration! But of course, I have to talk to Liam.

I was heading home when my phone rang, usually I would never pick it up while I was driving, but the boys never call during rehearsals, "Maddie?" It was a frantic Louis, "Hi Louis." I said not showing concern, "Where are you?" He asked, "Driving. Louis, you never call during rehearsals, what's going on?" Louis was crying, I could hear it in his voice, "Liam," He paused taking a deep breath, "He's collapsed." I pulled over to the nearest sidewalk and turned off the ignition, "He what?" I asked now with hint of worry, "Just get down here! He's calling your name!" And just like on cue, I heard Liam's raspy voice in the background, "Madddiiee!" Then the line went dead.

I ran into the hospital, looking for Zayn and the rest of the boys, "Where is he?" I gulped letting a tear fall to my cheek, "He's in room 15, Maddie. You need to stay calm, please." Zayn pleaded, "CALM!? You want me to stay calm! What even happened?" Louis came up to me and set his hand on my shoulder, "He didn't have enough oxeygon in his lungs right after his solo and just collapsed to the ground." Zayn told me, as I just watched his calm gesture, I turned and burried my face into Louis' chest, "He needs to be okay! He can't leave!" I sobbed, "Maddie, it'll be okay! I promise." Louis tried to reassure me, "Well you said that about Casey. And look where that went!" I snapped, but I didn't mean to, I saw the sadness in Louis' eyes, that's when I realized I was being a little bitchy, but I can't lose him. I just can't. I cried harder into his shoulder, to the point where I was exhausted and collapsed in Louis' arms. "Maddie?" Harry worried, I'm not dead! I'm sleeping! Jesus! "Sh. Hazz, she's fallen asleep." I felt myself being lifted up and then found myself curled up on Louis' lap. "Don't leave me Liam. Please."

Finally Complete (Sequel to Heartbreak)//L.P.Where stories live. Discover now