Welcome Home Micah! :)

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HELLOOOOO! I'm sooo glad i updated tonight. I didn't think i could. 3 updates in a night! WHOOP! sorry i've been away. i'll be away again wednesday to wednesday. in san jose for olympic trials for gymnastics! SICK RIGHT?

VOTE IF YOU LovE Juan Direction! :)


Madz xx



"Where is everyone?" Liam asked stepping into the house, with me following him. It's been a few weeks after Micah Andrew Payne was born but I had to stay in the hospital with him. He and I were both sick. He looks exactly like Liam. It's quite scary actually... Liam turned the light on, "SURPRISE!" I thought I was going to scream instead Liam squeaks... SQUEAKS! I ended up laughing. Micah started crying, from the light and loud noise. I tried to calm him down, "Sh. Micah it's okay. Mommy is here." I craddled him back and forth in my arms, "Aweee! Welcome home Micah!!" Louis shouted, "Boo! Shut up!" Harry whisper screamed, "It's fine Haz. He's awake. Just startled, he doesn't know you guys yet." Liam assured, "He's cute. Looks just like you mate." Niall smiled patting Liam on the shoulder. "Well I have to put him to bed now, he needs to go down for a nap. I'll be back down." I smiled heading toward the stairs. "Don't keep us waiting Maddie!" Harry cooed. I rolled my eyes.

"Go to sleep little Micah. I'll be downstairs. I love you." I tucked Micah under the covers, "He loves you. Even when he doesn't know it." I jumped, "Hi Liam." I laughed not even turning around. "He won't get hurt as long as I am under this roof. The boys and I will protect him and you. I'm not letting anything happen to you or Micah. I wouldn't be able to live with myself." I finally turned around, "You promise Liam?" He smiled, "I promise Maddie."

I was smiling the whole way downstairs. "Why you all smiley Maddie?" Harry asked me, "Did Liam do something cheeky." I snapped out of my gaze, "When doesn't he?" Niall laughed, I just rolled my eyes, "You guys will help us take care of Micah right?" I asked, that was a stupid question, but all I heard was "DUH! Are you fucking nuts? Of course we will!" from Louis. Great choice of words pumpkin. "Liam did you turn on the baby monitor?" he nodded, "Okay. Now lets watch a movie or something. I'm not tired. And Micah is going to wake up in like two hours." BABY'S DON'T SLEEP! UGH! "Just chill. If he wakes up, I'll go up okay? Everything will be okay." Liam stated gently noticing my facial expression. Worried. That's all I feel right now. Worried. "Come on Maddie. I have chocolate for you! I know you want it." Niall bribed, "You only got that for yourself Ni!" I laughed, "God damnit! Fine. You're right. But I'll share with you!" the boys looked at Niall... "Well that's a first." Zayn laughed, "Maddie is my first for everything!!" Niall shouted not realizing how cute and adorable he is, and didn't even realize what he said. I furrowed my eyebrows, Liam's face was priceless. Just genuinelly shocked! HAHAHA

"I hope not!" Liam pouted, the boys were in hystarics. "Niall. Darling. I'm not your first at everything." Niall looked so confused, "I didn't say you were my first..." I laughed, "Yes you did... You said and I quote 'Maddie is my first for everything!'" Niall blushed furiously, "It's okay Niall. I'm sure Amy is way better in bed than me." I winked before I disappeared into the kitchen, hearing the boys snickering and mocking Liam. Oh dear. What am I going to do with them? I was making everyone sandwhiches when the doorbell rang. "Okay whatever guys I'll get it. It's not like I was doing something important." I mumbled, hearing the boys laughing. God, want to help out around here? NO! I swung the door open, "JAZZZYYYYYY!!!" I screamed, "Miss me babe?"

Finally Complete (Sequel to Heartbreak)//L.P.Where stories live. Discover now