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"Give me a reason at least!" Mina exclaimed bursting into tears as she lightly hit Jimins chest "I-I just don't love you sorry" Jimin explained as he slowly pushed minas hands off him and walked away.

Mina fell on the floor in tears and suddenly yelled "Stop right there you gay shit!".Jimin froze,he slowly turned around to face Mina "what did you call me?" Jimin asked giving her a death glare.

"You think I haven't noticed?you couldn't be more gay..."Mina spoke as she stood up,she glanced at Jimin and smirked "or am I wrong?"

Jimin walked towards her whilst looking at the floor,"w-what are you doi-" Mina couldn't finish what she was saying since Jimin suddenly grabbed her by the neck and pushed her towards the wall behind her.

"You little slut"jimin said then let go of her neck only to immediately trapp her between his arms,he got closer to her ear and whispered "Are you sure I'm gay?"

Mina was shocked by his suden action.She finally spoke "yes."

"Wrong answer."jimin said then in a matter of seconds he was making out with her.

He hated it.He hated everything about this.And it wasn't only her which he hated kissing with.It was every girl. God fucking Danm it this is so confusing."w-what am I straight!"he thought.

Mina bought her hand up to Jimins neck to deepen the kiss.

"Enough" jimin said as he broke the kiss and stepped back so there was enough space between them.

"Danm Jimin" Mina spoke as she bit her lip."That should be enough to prove you run"Jimin said giving her a cold gaze. " W-what?"Mina asked confused looking at jimin slightly scared "I said run!Move! Get out of my sight!"Jimin yelled which made Mina jump a bit,"I hate you" Mina whispered before fixing her hair and walking away.

~End of flashback~

"Jimin!" Suga snaped his fingers in front of the youngers face finally bringing back to his senses."w-what...oh sorry hyung"Jimin said as he chuckled.

In the usual spot the round table right next to the huge windows in the school cafeteria were the most popular guys in the whole school always hung out
Rap Monster
And obviously Jimin

"Anyways,Guys what are we going to do Tomorrow?"Jin-hyung asked as he looked at all of us."because unlike Suga...i actually like to live life"he added as he glanced at Suga who was now giving him a death glare.they all laughed.

"Ummm well we could go to that huge theme park they just opened 13mins away from my house" Namjoon suggested "yass" "I agree" "yep" all of them said.

"Hey oppa" Jimin turned around only to see Lisa and her little group "what do you want?" Jimin spoke coldly whilst he fully turned around to give her his full attention.

"Oppa you are so mean!" Lisa pouted as she sat on Jimins lap "Sorry kitten,I've had a stressful ass day" Jimin pecked Lisa and held her waist.

"Hey,we are going to an arcade near my house do you guys want to come?" Namjoon asked the girls.

"Uuu yes!"Jisoo spoke whilst cheering with Jennie and Rose. "Baby can I stay over yours today then?"Jennie asked Tae as she walked behind him and hugged him "obviously baby" Tae responded as he smiled.

"Well this is gross..." Suga spoke out as he rested his head on his arms to stop watching the love birds.

They all laughed."we'll see you tomorrow baby" Jimin said as he slowly stood up giving Lisa enough time to get off him."ok" Lisa responded and kissed him.

We all stood up and headed to our classes.Suga and Jimin had the same class.The rest had a different class.

"Yes.History the class were we don't have to do anything"Suga spoke as they sat in their seats at the usual on Jimin's and Suga's desk there were many love letters and chocolate boxes and bags with little notes with phone numbers on them spread all over."I'm so famous" Suga spoke.Jimin chuckled as he took all the letters and scrunched them into little balls and threw them at the bin.not missing one shot. "I believe we all are hyung"Jimin responded as he laughed.

"I don't understand why you are with Lisa" Suga said as he opened a box of chocolates and started eating them."Because I want to be"Jimin replied as he rested his feet on the now clean desk.

"Oh please we both now that your ga-" "Shut up" Jimin interrupted Suga,immediately giving him a death glare. "Well then,we both now that you dont go for the 'straight road' " Jimin laughed "well I only told you that because I was wasted af so don't believe it too much" Jimin replied as he looked at Suga.

"Whenever you drink you become so honest,so yh,plus you haven't answered my question properly yet...why are you Actually going out with her?" Suga asked Jimin as he threw the finished chocolate box somewhere in the back of the classroom.

"Because...umm,i don't know hyung...because I'm straight?"Jimin replied as he sighed for his stupid response.

"Yh and I'm the happiest person on earth...End it before it's too late...what if you find the one" suga said and laughed at jimins expression.He was bright red."Shut up will you?"jimin said as covered his boiling cheeks.

Jimin couldn't understand why he got flustered.he was straight after all.right?

Thanks for reading!!
Tell me if I should carry on \(^o^)/
This chapter was kinda short...(¯―¯٥)

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