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~Jungkooks POV~



Me-who is this?

??-its uh...jimin

Me-hyung?! I didn't think you would actually text me!

Jimin-well I have to know how you know me and if you're not some next up stalker

Me-oh haha well I'm not a stalker

Jimin-that's what all stalkers say

Me-hmm very funny

Jimin-so how do you know me...and you didn't tell me your name

Me-oh sorry my name is jungkook...well...before you used to be my neighbour  but because of Mr.parks work with big hit entertainment company you had to move to a bigger place in Korea...I guess we just lost contact...and your  accident was the last thing your dad needed to make his decision to move to Korea.

Jimin-accident?What accident?

Me-I-I thought that by now you would've remembered everything...

Jimin-what are you on about?!

Me-this is something you have to talk about with your mother

Jimin- s-she died...last year

Me-what?! Oh my...I'm so sorry...I didn't know...

Jimin- it's ok...I need to talk to you

Me-go on

Jimin-no,in person...do you know the ramen restaurant near the arcade where we met?

Me-oh yes my mother owns that restaurant

Jimin-really?wow ok today at 1:00pm?

Me- yh sure

Jimin-I'm sorry for waking you up so early

Me-nah it's ok

Jimin-well see you there then

Me-cool bye


~Still jungkooks POV~

I-I'm meeting Jimin...after all this time...he hasn't remembered everything though...so he doesn't know that he is gay?is he even gay anymore?

Well I can't just meet him and say "hi jimin oh by the way you're gay" that would be so stupid.Urgh! Just when he learnt to accept himself that accident happened.

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