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A/N-Heyyyy so I don't really have much to say other than...sorry for taking so long to upload and sorry if there is any spelling mistakes

~Jungkooks POV~

I wake up to feel a arm around my waist,I turn around to see jimin...So yesterday wasn't all a dream?

He looked perfect,The sun was shining brightly on his hair,his smooth skin.

I let him go wont happen again

I cant help but to stare at him...he is a living masterpiece.

"Take a picture,it'll last longer"Jimin tiredly spoke still with his eyes closed which caused me to jump a bit.

"I-I thought you were sleeping"I nervously responded "well I woke up as soon as you turned around but i just wanted to see what you'd do"he spoke as he opened his eyes and softly laughed at my burning red face.

"Y-Yah! dont laugh at me!"i whined as I lightly hit his shoulder "How did I not remember your beautiful face as soon as I saw you?"he spoke as he leaned closer to me

"I-I dont k-know"I nervously spoke as he kept coming closer to the point where the tip of our noses where touching.

"I want"Jimin spoke in a husky voice then he placed himself on top of me,my heart started racing.

"Y-Yah! Stob it!"i barely could speak since his face kept coming closer.

(A/N-See what I did there?>ω< )

Suddenly his soft lips landed on mine,this kiss wasn't like any ive had with him

Not like ive had so many...but this kiss...this kiss was rough yet perfect

This kiss was hungry...and Jimin was hungry...but hungry for me

This wasn't the right time for it,Jimin wasn't ready...he only found out about this a day ago,he is confused.

I break the kiss and push him so now i was on top of him.

"Oh boy,you are not ready for me,I'm sure you can wait"I smirked and got off him and walked away, whilst I was making my way to the kitchen I could hear him say "are you really going to leave me like this?!"

"Take a ice cold shower asap"I yelled back and laughed

Whilst I began cooking breakfast I could hear the shower going on

Hahaha this boy.

>few minutes later<

"When did you learn too cook?"Jimin speaks as we finish our breakfast "well my mum taught me,since i help with her restaurant i need to keep practising"i responded as i took the plates and took them to the sink

I start washing the dishes and all the things I used to cook when I feel two strong arms wrap around me

"How have I fallen for you this deep so quick?"jimin whispers and chuckles

"Because I'm amazing?"i responded and we laughed

"Yh yh whatever,ill clean that"he said then let go of me and lightly pushed me away to clean the dishes

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