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A/N-this is going to be a long chapter.Sorry for taking long to upload,I've been busy and Wattpad is not working properly so,well hope you guys like it!

~Sugas POV~

I remember what had happened with them two and decided to break the silence "ahh Jungkook who would've thought to see you here..."I say but they are still staring at each other

"You know kookie too?"Chan asks me "uh yh we both do...dont we?"I say as I hit Jimins arm

He looks at me and nods

Jungkook walks towards us but stops near jimin "Jimin..."he weakly talks

"Jungkook..."Jimin responds and I signal chan to follow me to the kitchen in wich he nods and we go

"Omg this world is tiny"chan whispers/yells

"I know right"I say as we gaze at them in a distance

~Jimins POV~

My heart started beating nonstop

What should I say?

Should I tell him about Lisa

What if it's not the right time?

"How've you been doing?"he asks coldly and sits on the couch in front of me

"Bad."I respond and look at him,he looks down

He clears his throat "and why is that?"he asks
"Are you seriously asking me why?!"I yell and stand up "what do you want me to say uh?!"he yells back

"I don't know but at least don't act like nothing happened,like you don't care!"I yell and my heart begins to ache

"Well I actually do care unlike you!"he yells as he stands up and comes closer to me

"If I didn't care I wouldn't have broken up with Lisa just to be with you!"I yell and he froze

"Y-you broke up with her?"he says

"Yes.and I tried calling you to tell you but you wouldn't pick up..."I say and look down

He stayed quiet "God danm it jungkook" I say as tears roll down my cheeks

He wipes my tears away and whispers "I don't know what to say jimin"

I fall/sit on the floor covering my face as I keep crying,he sits in front of me "I'm sorry I made you feel like that,I'm sorry that you had to fall for such a jerk like me,I'm so sorry..."I speak and look at him

"Jimin..."he whispers

"I know you must think that I'm not good enough for you and I agree,but,when I went home that day I felt...broken,incomplete,lost without you.I don't know how but I've fallen for you so deep,and I don't regret it,I've blindly fallen for the sparkle in your eyes when you sing passionately , for that smile you gave me every morning,for when you are concentrated in something you bite your lip unconsciously"I say and look at him

"For you,Jeon jungkook I've fallen for you,and i hate myself for it because I know I'm not good for you"I add

He looked at me and came closer,our noses touched...but

I stood up and looked at him "Jungkook...I'm not good for you,I'm not bringing you down with me"

My heart feels like it slowly breaking, i stood up and wiped my tears with my sleeve

I gave him a weak smile and ran outside

I could hear fain screams of jungkook calling me,but if walked back in there,I would hurt him

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