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A/N-right so there is something's i have to explain,so,#1-I'm going to be mixing jimin's POV and authors POV (point.of.view) every now then maybe without telling you,I'm sorry I'm pretty bad at this XD...I'll try my best#2-the chapters will be sort of short since my creativity only reaches a full extent before I just go back to,yeah...ha...ha...cough,ok so hope you like this one:)
-Jimin's POV-

"How far are we?"A tired looking Suga whined from the back seat of Jin-Hyung's car "we are in a car and you've slept like half of the ride so stop complaining" Jin responded which caused all of us to laugh.

"The theme park is 13mins away from my house and only because of you we are going in a car"Nam-joon said and immediately after Suga gave him a death glare which made him nervous."5mins away suga"I told him as he looked annoyed at the fact that nobody was actually answering his question.

"Why did we put the nickname 'suga' for yoongi-hyung?"I asked as I failed to remember why "because it's the exact opposite of what he is...ironic right?" Hoseok spoke out from the passenger seat at the front,Suga just laughed along with all of us.

"I can't believe Tae ditched us to be with his girlfriend!"Jin spoke as he parked the car.

"Love...ew"Suga spoke as we got off the car,we all laughed.

"I think this was a horrible idea"Hoseok spoke as he saw the theme park and immediately looked scared"wooahhh" I said as I looked at the amazing rides.

"Oppa!"I turned around and saw Lisa running towards me with the biggest grin on her face "hey baby" I said as I kissed her and held her hand.She was wearing a white tank top and black skinny jeans with Adidas,Danm she looked hot.

Rose and jisoo came towards us "hey guys"they said in unison, "hey!" All of us responded.

"Lets gooooo" namjoon yelled as he held Jin-hyungs hand and ran in.we all laughed and followed right behind them.

"Lets start with the biggest ride!" i said as I looked at all of us "yes!thats the spirit!"Namjoon yelled as we queued for the biggest roller coaster.

-after the ride-

"That was so scary"Rose yelled as she hugged Jin-hyungs arm "it was ok"Suga said as we kept walking.Namjoon looked rather annoyed for some reason.oh well."Rose come here please"Suga spoke as he looked dead serious.

"w-why?"she asked clinging into Jin-hyung even more now "hurry up!" Suga yelled/spoke "o-ok?"she said as she let go of Jin and walked towards Suga

"we'll meet you at that ramen restaurant" Suga said as he looked at all of us "ok?"we responded and made our way to the ramen restaurant

~Suga's POV~

"Whats wrong Suga?"Rose asked as she looked at me with a worried expression "why are you doing this to me?" I spoke with a flat cold voice as i was looking at  the floor.

"What do you mean?"She responded sounding even more worried now. "I don't understand...whenever I look at you my heart starts beating really fast and stomach feels like its doing flips...i don't like confused"I said as I start feeling my heart pound really fast once more.

" you like me?"Rose asked as she held my chin up so I looked at her.

"I don't know...whenever I see you with Jin it makes me...mad?"i said as I looked at her as a little smile appeared on her face.

"Why are you smiling?this is very are doing things to my heart and i dont like it"I spoke.

"Suga thats called liking someone...and you like me...the same way I like you"She spoke and suddenly kissed me.

I don't know what's wrong with me but I kissed her back.her lips were soft and I couldn't stop myself.

She broke the kiss and looked at me with a huge smile "I only hanged around jin to make you worked" she laughed and hugged me.

"Well don't do it again...i don't like it"I spoke as I hugged her back,"so are we a thing now?"she asked as she backed up and looked at me with puppy eyes "I-I guess"I said and immediately she started jumping and hugging me.she looked like a cute.

"Lets head back and tell the guys"she sad as she grabbed my hand and starting running.

~Jimins POV~

"Hey guys!"Rose and Suga suddenly came to us...holding hands?! "Are you guys holding hands?!"Namjoon asked/yelled in shock.

"Hahaha yes...we are dating!"rose said as she looked up at Suga who was now blushing,a lot,"a cheerful girl with such a gloomy guy...perfect couple!"I said as I laughed and everyone else laughed too "not cuter than us though"Lisa said as she held my hand from underneath the table.

They sat down with us and hoseok seemed a bit irritated "oppa you ok?" Jisoo asked as she also figured he looked annoyed "I-I'm fine don't worry"hoseok responded as he gave her a weak smile.

"Oh my god!"Lisa yelled as she looked at me "w-what's wrong?"i asked as I looked at her "My purse!i left it on the bench near the roller coaster!"she explained as she looked hella worried "Dont worry ill get it for you"i said as i stood up and made my way to the door,i heard Lisa saying as i walked away "thank you baby!"

Whilst i was running to the bench i bumped into someone and the person fell to the floor.

"Omg I'm so sorry!"i said as i looked  down and saw a brown haired guy with hazel eyes he looked shocked "i-its ok" the boy said as he stood up.

He looked at me and froze "a-are you ok?" I asked him "J-JIMIN?!"he yelled as he held my face to look at it properly,i immediately pushed his hands away "how do you know my name?"i questioned him but he ignored me and hugged is going on. "My jimin,this is such a surprise!"he said as he let go of me.

"Im sorry but do i know you?"i asked as i took a few steps away from him "oh don't remember...i-i was your boyfr-Your friend! Your best friend"he said as he scratched the back of his neck whilst slightly laughing

"Im sorry i don't remember you" i said trying my best to remember this boy in front of me...but i failed to remember such handsome face...WAIT DID I SAY HANDSOME?!...I MEANT FACE...JUST FACE!

he took a little paper from his pocket and a pen and starting writing something.

He handed me the paper and it had a phone number on it "text me hyung...i have to go now but please text me...bye hyung!"the latter spoke and ran off somewhere.

"You didn't tell me your name!"i yelled but he was already out of sight.shit...the purse.i ran to the bench and saw a little grey purse I took the purse and ran back.

"Yah!what took you so long?!"Lisa said as I sat back down and handed her the purse "sorry I got kinda lost"I said.

Who is this boy? does he know me? what the hell just happened!

"Oppa?"Lisa said as she poked me seeing that i was not listening to the conversation everyone was having "w-what?oh yh sorry"I smiled and turned towards everyone.

That boy...he looks familiar...should I text him? Urghhhh.this is so weird!!

So this chapter was long...sorry!(-ω- )
I hope you are exited for the next one!!

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