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A/N-Hey!! Well this is going to be a sad and long chapter...('-﹏-';) sorry! Have you guys seen the comeback trailer?! Im freaking out!
Hope you like it!❤️

~Jimins POV~

*ring*  *ring*



I froze when i realised who's voice it was

"Who is it chim?"Kookie asked still half asleep
"M-my dad...dont worry"i said as i stood up,he took the sheets and wrapped himself falling asleep again.i walked towards the kitchen


Lisa-Why havent you called me? I miss youu

JM-So sorry b-baby ive just been busy lately

Lisa-are you ok? You seem nervous

JM-Im ok dont worry

Lisa-can we hang out today? Im not accepting a no

JM-well uhmm

Lisa-Too late, Open your door


*hangs up*

I walk towards the door and open it "Baby!" Lisa yells as she walks in and hugs me tightly "woah...hey"i responded and lightly kicked the door shut.

"Ive missed you so much!"Lisa pouted and suddenly kissed me.

"Chim whats all this yelli-"Kookie came in and froze

I break the kiss and clear my throat.

"Who is this baby?"Lisa looks up at me confused "its my friend from childhood"i responded and laughed nervously

"Hello my name is Jungkook"Kookie speaks and flashes a fake smile

"Im Lisa Jimins girlfriend nice to meet you"Lisa responds as she smiles widely

"I got wasted yesterday at a party and your boyfriend was kind enough to let me stay over,i know you were asking yourself that,i was about to get ready to leave actually"He says as he runs his hand through his messy hair and smiles

He was wearing my white jumper and skinny jeans that he forgot to take off from yesterday

"Oh baby you are so kind!"Lisa said as she hugged me tighter

Kookie put his shoes on, and fixed his hair.

"Well im ready to leave,thanks for the help hyung,and again,nice to meet you lisa"he spoke and walked towards the door

"Nice to meet you too Jungkook"Lisa smiled,i grabbed his wrist before he opened the door
" havent even eaten  breakfast yet"i spoke as i looked at him trying to tell him dont leave

He shook my hand off "im not hungry thanks hyung,bye" and with that he left

"Well what do you want to do today baby?"Lisa asked as she sat on the couch

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