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So thank you so much for 1.5K reads you guys are truly amazing!! Hope this chapter is not too short ❤️ Make sure to keep voting on each chapter ❤️I'm thinking of doing an ff with Jimin OR Jungkook with Y/N,comment If you'd like that❤️it might take a bit longer for the next chapter but I will do it asap❤️


"About time Son"Mr Park said as I walked in his office "Jimin,my name is Jimin Mr.Park"I responded in a flat tone "still salty about your mothers death?"He smirked

I clenched my fists "Don't you dare mention my mother" I looked straight at his eyes "I will do what I should've done a year ago...I'm not afraid of you Mr.park" I added

He gave a fake laugh "haha,and what is that thing that 'you should've done'?"he asked

"Kill you."

"I dare you!" He yelled as he stood up from his seat behind his desk

The door opened

"Baby!" I looked back and saw Lisa,she ran to me and hugged me,I looked over at Mr.Park and he sat back down fixing his tie

"So,When are we getting married Mr.Park?!"Lisa asked with a grin on her face "As soon as possible dear"he smiled

"I don't think this is necessary"I said and slowly pushed Lisa away from me "why not?"Mr.Park asked "Well...(because I'm gay)...because we're too young"I said

"Will pictures of the place where your getting married will fully convince you?ill go n' get them"He said and walked out the office

The silence was immediately broken by Lisa's whisper

"You will get married to me weather you like it or not"She whispered

I stood up

"Why are you doing this?"I asked furiously

"Because honey..."She stood up and came closer to me

"If I cant have you,then nobody else can"she said then smirked as she bit her lower lip

"I will not ge-" Mr.park cane in again with a few folders

"Lovebirds come on control yourself"he laughed the sat down,we sat down too

"Sir...It doesn't matter what you show me I can't get married" I said

"Why so?"he asked and I could feel Lisa as she squeezed my arm

"I repeat,I-I'm just too young"I added

"Well,if you don't want to get married then I guess we all need a break to think right?"he said and leaned back on his chair, "All?" I echoed "Yes,like BTS might need a rest too since your all too young"

"You can't do that" I stood up and slapped my hands on his desk

"Of course I can Jimin"he smiled, "...fine,I'll get married" I said defeated, "great,Well next week we have the first shoot,Hope your looking forward to it"He said then slowly stood up and stretched his hand out

I smiled then just walked out the office

"Baby wait!"I heard Lisa behind me but I just kept on walking,she caught up,held my arm and I turned around and pinned her agains the wall next to us

Came closer to her ear and whispered "You will regret every single day from now until the day you die bitch"

I let her loose and walked away

I went to the studio and found all the boys were there

"Late,Again"Suga said and smiled "I'm sorryyyy" I replied

"How did it go?"Kookie mouthed as he looked at me and I mouthed "great" back

He smiled,that smile,that smile that melts my heart every single time,how could I possibly tell him what happened,it would break his heart...just like it's slowly breaking mine.


We arrived home after our first dance practice

"You seem a bit too quiet today...what's wrong chim?"Kookie asked as he took his shoes off

"No-nothing kookie don't worry,I'm just tired,let's go to sleep"I said

"Ahh why now?"he pouted, I walked up to him "what are you going to do?AH"he yelled as I picked him up and rested him on my shoulder

"Put me down!"He yelled as he softly hit my back

I flopped him onto the bed and hovered over him "what are you-"I interrupted him by kissing him,he held my face closer

We broke the kiss and I unconsciously whispered "I don't want to lose you"

"Why would you loose me chim?" he asked

"Because of the stupid choices I make baby"I said and kissed him again

In between the kiss I whispered "whatever happens,remember that I love you,and only you"

He smiled "ok,I love you too"

We went to sleep

But I couldn't sleep

I kept turning around thinking how a silly mistake or a wrong choice I make could ruin everything and everyone


Jungkook hugged me from behind and whispered "Calm down,I'll be here with you no matter the stupid choices you might take in the future,because I love you more than anyone"

I smiled and drifted peacefully into sleep


"Don't leave me..."I yelled as all the guys stare at me

I fell on the floor hiding my face

"How could you be so selfish?Now BTS is ruined...And it's all your fault"Namjoon said

"I told you I'd never leave you didn't I?"

I look up and see jungkook


Lisa comes behind me with Mr.Park "he doesn't need you!"Lisa yells

"Jimin choose!"Suga yells..."it's either I'm or us!"

"I won't leave you unless you tell me to"Jungkook softly says

"I-I can't pick!"I yell

>end of dream<

I sit up breathing fast

It was still dark

"Jimin?"a sleepy kookie awoke, "sorry baby,just a bad dream"I whispered

I laid down closer to him

"Can you hug me?"I asked like a little kid

He smiled,gave me a peck and hugged me tightly

"I love you so much my little jiminie"he whispered

"Your so fragile"he added

"I love you kookie"I whispered back

I need him

Hope you liked it!
Don't forget to vote guysss

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