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A/N-So its currently 2:03am and im so sleepy but i realised its been a week since my last update and i needed to upload (T_T) so hope you like it

-Jungkooks POV-

"Well you did what you had to do"Chanyeol spoke as he gave me a cup of hot chocolate "yes I know but...when the car was going I looked back,and I know I shouldn't have but I did,and it broke my heart seeing him cry like that"I responded in the verge of crying.

"Ahh boy...I mean...I understand you not wanting to be his 'second option' something like plan b,but you did tell him that you would wait and everything is going so fast that poor boy must feel overwhelmed"He said and sat next to me on the couch.

"I told him I would wait but I never thought that he had a girlfriend or that I would have to watch them kiss or that I could feel this hurt" I added and sipped my drink

"Hm...you lost him so many years ago,I thought you told me you weren't going to let him go I thought you told me you were going to fight for your happiness together,seems to me like you are easily giving up"He spoke and turned the TV on

"I really want to fight for our happiness but... if he is not willing to give up some things for me then why should i be the only one making sacrifices?" I spoke and put the cup on the table in front of me

"Because he is not ready for all this overwhelming responsibility with a guy,because if he makes a mistake you should be right next to him to help him,because you've been fighting to get to where you are now with him to give it up so easily"He spoke and stood up

"Can you imagine how he is feeling right now?" He added

"When hoseok hyung left,jimin came out of nowhere and said this thing that I told him years ago...he is remembering stuff,then he kissed me,it was so gentle it was a kiss that was screaming 'I'm sorry' I-I didn't know if kissing him back was the right thing to do but I did it anyways..."I said as a little tear started running down my cheek

"Don't cry...just,get some rest"he said then smiled

"Thanks for letting me stay here chanyeol you are the best"I smiled

"No worries boy"he spoke then threw a pillow at me

"Yah!"I yelled then threw a pillow back as we both laughed

-Jimins POV-

I laid on my bed looking up at my blank ceiling with tears rolling down my cheeks

"Why does love hurt so much?!" I yelled at myself

"He was so hurt...hurt because of me"

I took my phone out my pocket and dialled a number

>Phone call<


Me-Lisa I need to talk to you

Lisa-are you going to apologise for yesterday?


Lisa-For not having enough time for your girlfriend!

Me-ah...could you come home tomorrow?

Lisa-urgh ok,what time?

Me-as soon as you wake up


Me-see you tomorrow

>end of phone call<

"I need to break up with her...I need show kookie that i truly love him and that I'm not playing around"I said to myself as wiped my tears away

"Does he hate me now?"

I wrapped myself with my huge covers and fell asleep

-Next Day-

-Namjoons POV-

We all arrived at the studio on time,well exept jungkook and jimin they always come later

As we all sat down mr.park came in the studio "Morning guys" he bowed and we bowed back

"ah namjoon may I have a word with you outside?"He added and I agreed

We walked out the studio to his office.He sat behind his desk and instructed me to sit down too

"Ok well,I wanted to talk to you to ask you if you would accept being the 'leader' of the group."he spoke

"M-me?"I nervously responded

" *laughs* yes you,I mean you are just perfect for that role,you know English too which will be perfect for interviews outside Korea and you seem the most mature boy out of all...what do you say?"He spoke

"W-well it would be a pleasure to be the leader" I spoke and he stood up with a huge smile on his face,I stood up,he extended his hand "great" he said as we shook hands

"Well I've got a few thing to sort out here you can head back to the studio,we will tell them the news after"He added and sat back down

"S-sure" I spoke and headed back to the studio

"What was it?"Tae asked "I'll tell you later" I responded whilst a smiled


We were talking about possible songs we could sing about when Jungkook walked in "Hey" he said in a flat tone and flashed a weak smile "oh no,why the long face?what's wrong?"Jin spoke and ran to him

"Our jungkookie has fallen in love with the wrong girl"Hoseok spoke and stood up to walk to jungkook and Jin

"Y-yh..."he spoke in the verge of tears,we all stood up to make him feel better,we haven met him for that long but he feels like part of our family already

"Oh and where is jimin?I thought you were staying at his house for a while"Tae asked jeon

"I...I'm not sure..."he spoke as he looked down "yah let's let him sit down and forget about that girl"Hoseok said and dragged kookie to sit down with him

-Jimins POV-

As soon as I opened the door Lisa rushed In and hugged me

I gently pushed her away and closed the door "what's wrong babe you seem upset"she said in a concerned tone "Lisa...I want to break up"I spoke coldly not even being able to look at her

"I'm sorry what did you say?"She spoke as stepped back

"I'm so sorry"I replied as I looked at the floor "look at me"she said on a serious tone,I looked at her

"Why? Is there someone else? Who is it?! Speak danm it!"She yelled as she cried at the same time

I just stayed silent "I hate you!"she yelled and ran out slamming the door shut behind her

I took my phone out and called kookie but it went straight to voicemail

"I'm not giving up on us!where are you kookie..." I said as i couldn't stop myself from crying

I fell on the floor still crying

"Forgive me kookie!" I yelled

I'm truly nothing without him

Hey thanks for reading!
Any ideas for next chapter?

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