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A/N-Heyyy so I hope you recognise the photo above ❤(ӦvӦ。)\(^o^)/


~Tae POV~

"Baby why do you look so worried?"Jennie asked me as she looked at me with a worried expression "sorry baby I was thinking about jimin" I said as I took my green tea and sipped a bit "why? What happened to him?" She asked

"You know how I told you about our group and the BigHit thing?..." I said as I put my drink down and looked at her "yes..." she said sounding confused

"Well you know how Jimins dad,Mr.park,owns BigHit...well we are all worried that his dad will go very hard on him since he is his son and like...we all know jiminie is a very hardworking guy and very talented but his dad is just...urgh...he is nice to us but only because he thinks we don't know what he did"I said finishing with a sigh

"What did he do?"she nervously asked "you have to promise me you won't tell anyone,this is no joke"I said as I looked at her with a straight face "o-ok I promise" she said and leaned closer "well basically when..."

~Jimins POV~

"Kookie what are you watching?"I asked as I walked in my living room and I saw kookie sitting on the couch looking very intrigued on what he was watching.

"Oh hi hyung,I'm just watching some Anime"He said as he slightly laughed and scratched the back of his neck.I sat down next to him "do you want something?are you comfortable?"I asked as I took more pillows and placed it around him for protection...don't ask...he is like a little baby who needs to be taken care of 24/7

"Yah hyung I'm fine I'm not sad anymore it's ok"he said as he gave me a warm smile

"Actually I still haven't thanked you for letting me stay"he added "it's fine,I still don't get how your mother wouldn't get happy about the fact that you are going to become famous and kick you out,I feel sorry for poor kookie"I said as I laughed at his now red face "why are you red?"I said in between laughs

"Y-yah because y-you said 'my kookie'..." he said as he took one of the pillows I gave him and covered his face as he leaned backwards onto the couch

I kept laughing

"Hyung stop laughing!!"he whined underneath the pillow "I'm sorry I won't call you 'my kookie' ever again"I said laughing and suddenly Jungkook sat up immediately

"w-what?! No no no! I didn't mean it like that! It just surprised can call me that if you want...i dont really care"he said as he started blushing and looked somewhere else.

"Hmm ok kookie"I said as I smiled,he suddenly stood up "we'll do you want anything to eat?" He asked as he made his way to the kitchen.

"Umm some ramen could be nice"I said as glanced at him and he nodded " ok chimchim" he said and started getting ingredients out "chimchim?" "Yh you gave me a nickname as kookie so now I'm giving you one"he said as he smiled and started cooking.

"This might take a bit long so get comfortable, sorry "he said as he glanced at me "it's ok"I said as I took a pillow and placed it under my neck as I laid down on the sofa and drifted to sleep.


"I'm glad you finally accepted who you are"

"I'm glad too baby"

We held hands as we crossed the road, all eyes where on us but...honestly, I couldn't care any less.For once I'm happy.who cares if it's a cold night.who cares if it's raining.for once I actually think I found the right one.

"Chimchim you dropped your ring"

"What?"I glanced at the road and saw my silver ring

"Wait here" i said then we let go and I crossed the road

I picked up my ring and turned around

"Baby! Carefu-"

Suddenly a car came out of nowhere

I heard faint screams

Everything became blurry

And now I'm on the floor bleeding


I sat up, sweating "what's up with that dream?" I thought to myself as I calmed down my breathing and tried to stop my random tears too.

"Oh you are awak-Yah are you ok?!"Jungkook put the hand towel down and ran towards me
"I-I'm okay just a bad dream"I said and suddenly he hugged me and rubbed my back whilst whispering "it's ok, don't worry"

For some reason I started crying on his shoulder,why did this dream seem so...real?

"It's ok, I'm here"he said as he broke the hug and wiped my tears with his thumb "Some ramen will make you feel better"he said with a smile as he stood up and walked to the kitchen, served two bowls with ramen and put them down on the a little table in front of me

"Let's eat"he said and we began eating

How does he do this?...he has the power to brighten my day in a matter of seconds.

"I'm here" i replayed kookie saying this over and over again as we ate and watched TV

Hey so thanks for reading
And sorry for such a short chapter
I'm in vacation and I'm visiting many places and I don't have time and and

Just sorry(T_T)(ㆀ˘・з・˘)

But look forward to the next chapter
You might need tissues
Because you might cry

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