
2.8K 94 7

I kept on running checking if any taxis passed by

I suddenly hear my name

I look back and see Suga on his motorcycle, He stopped next to me and extended his hand holding another helmet

I took it and sat behind him

We went at full speed

Jungkook your departure will be the death of me...Don't leave!

In less than ten minutes we arrived at the Suri Airport

I got off the motorcycle and ran inside, taking my helmet off once I was in front all the cues to get inside

I saw a staff and ran to him

"Where are the flights to Japan?!"I yelled as sweat dripped down

The man nervously answered "on the far right side..."

I bowed a little and began running

Flights to Japan i read from a screen

I started scanning everyone's face

"Jungkook!" I yelled

Everyone looked back at me with a shocked or scared expression


Two police men came running to me and held me on either arms

One on each side

"Sir why are you yelling?"I heard one of them say

Maybe they thought I was going to do something

I kept yelling "Jungkook!!!"

I fell on my knees and looked at the floor

I, once again, was crying

I couldn't hear anything, everything went blurry

Suddenly the police men let go of me

Someone began to stroke my hair

I looked up and saw


"Jimin...You shouldn't have come" He said and came on his knees too

"Jungkook!"I yelled and hugged him

"Don't leave me, please" I whispered

"I will not come in between a soon to be married couple..." He said and slowly pushed me away

"You don't understand..." I said

"Do you truly love me?"He asked

"I-i..." I wanted to yell yes but something came over me and I couldn't speak

"I thought so"He smiled, A fake smile

"Flight A6 to Japan please attend to show your tickets" an assistant yelled from a door

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