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"I-I thought that...I understand but...are you sure this isn't all just a joke?"

I hear kookie talking downstairs as I wake up

"Yes I know Lisa but-"

Di-did he just say Lisa?!
I jumped out the bed and ran downstairs,I saw jungkook sitting on the floor his back towards me

"Ok...I will not bother you both any longer...I will leave to Japan as soon as I can" he said obviously holding tears back

I ran up to him and took the phone from his hand and hung up

Silence filled the room

He stood up and looked at me

"I was talking to your fiancé"he said then clenched his jaw "Jungkook..."I didn't know what to say

"I will leave to Japan tomorrow morning,forgive my absence in your wedding mr.park"He said and walked past me

I hold his wrist and pull him into a hug,He doesn't hug me back but he stays still "Jungkook you need to listen to me...this is all getting mixed up" I whispered as I held him tighter

I could feel my shoulder in which his face was on getting wet,he was crying,and it's my fault

"Why..."he whispered

"Why are you marrying her" he pushed himself away from me and began to yell as tears flowed down his face uncontrollably

"You said you loved me! You said you wouldn't anything to hurt me so explain this!"

I looked down as I clenched my hands into a tight fist angry at myself

"Let me go"he said and walked past me then went upstairs

"Your are dead Lisa"I said then put my raincoat on and my shoes,took my keys and ran outside


I arrived at Lisa's apartment and knocked on he door as hard as I could

In a minute she opened the door

"Oh,you scared me jiminie"she smiled

I held her wrist and harshly pushed her inside

"What are you doing!"she pulled her hand away from my grip

"Who do you think you are to tell anything to Jungkook!" I yelled,I could feel my face heating up

"I'm your fiancé Jimin"she smirked

"I'm ending this right now! Call Jungkook and tell him we are not getting married!"I yelled

"Sure,I'll also call Mr.park to tell him that we are cancelling the wedding,is just that...I'm not sure how he will take those news"she said then sat on her sofa

"Why are you doing this Lisa..." I whispered looking at the wall

"Aww baby,I already told you,if I can't have you the no one else can"she said and looked t me with a innocent look

"Why are you so hurt about this anyways,you'll love me some day"she smirked

"Never"I said coldly

She came towards me and caressed my face
"You don't appreciate how much I love you jimin" she came next my ear and whispered "you make me go crazy"

I pushed her and yelled "you disgust me!" I walked out of her house and ran home hoping that jungkook would still be there


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