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A/N-so I now it has been a long time but ive been hella busy.Sorry.There is gonna be a song involved in this chapter play the song when I tell you ;)...hope you don't get too disappointed ❤(ӦvӦ。)


-Jungkook POV-

I wake up by the faint smell of ...pancakes?
I look around and notice I am in a different room,I start freaking out,when suddenly I hear a familiar voice coming from downstairs "Jungkookie wake uuup!"

My eyes grew wide as I realise it was Jimins voice and everything from before wasn't just a dream...it couldn't be more real...he was staying at Jimins house...

I stand up,wash my face and head downstairs only to see Jimin stacking pancakes neatly on two plates with tight black jeans and a long black and white striped shirt.

I sat down and stared at Jimin as he started pouring the syrup onto the pancakes unaware of my presence

~play the song now~

The sun is shining on jimin's hair as he prepares our breakfast.i stand up and back hug jimin,he gets slightly startled but then he smiles and holds my hands "how did you sleep my kookie?" He says as he slowly turns around and restes his head on the crook of my neck and restes his hands on either side of my hips.

"I slept great baby"I said as I stroke his hair,he looks up at me and suddenly kisses me,his soft lips were on mine.he breaks the kiss only to rest his head on me again "I want be like this forever...never leave me again"I softly spoke as i took his chin up to look at me

He smiled "I promise to never leave you again my kookie"he said as his smile only grew bigger "I got so scared when you left me...I-I thought you died...when I saw you at the theme park I... almost had a heart attack"I said as locked eyes with him and letting go of his chin."I'm sorry I left without saying anything"he said as he looked down at the floor"

"Hmm...we were like this before the accident happened,d-do you remember?"I nervously asked as I looked at him"of course I do baby,and we will be like this forever"he said as he softly grabbed the back of my neck and took me into a deep kiss.

this is too perfect to be true.

~you can stop it now~


"Jungkook!"i snapped out of my daydream as jimin snapped his fingers in front of my face "w-what oh uh sorry"I said then nervously laughed "I was saying that we have to get ready fast we have to meet the boys in BigHit studio,aren't you exited?!"he asked/yelled,he looked like a kid that was about to open a million presents for his birthday.

"Of course I'm exited oh and...thanks for letting me stay over"I said as I looked out the window with a faint blush starting to creep on my checks no no no don't blush jeon jungkook not now! I thought to my self as I slightly panicked and hid my face with the sleeves of my jumper...or actually his jumper.

"A-are you ok?"jimin asked as he probably thought what is wrong with this idiot? When suddenly I heard a 'flash' go off I looked up to see Jimin holding up his phone to face me...D-DID HE JUST TAKE A PICTURE OF ME?! NOO I HAVE HORRIBLE BED HAIR NOOO

Jimin chuckles as he looks at my shocked expression "you looked too cute"he said as he turned around and took the plates and set them on the table

"Y-yah! Y-you can't do that! I wasn't ready and I look like an idiot!"I whined as he kept on laughing "too bad and I'm older than you so I've got all right to take pictures of you"he said as he smirked and sat down on a chair opposite me "Hyungg!!!not fairrr"I kept whining but it seemed it only made him laugh even more so I just stopped

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