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A/N-so this will be a long chapter...
And probably the chapter that you have all been waiting for
Oh and...yh...i changed the title
This title just suits better,you will get it later

~Jimins POV~

"Im so exited!"Jungkook yelled as we walked out of my house.Today we decided to walk to iBigHit company instead of going in my car since it was a sunny day,the sky was clear.

"The choreographer will come in today"Jungkook spoke out as we kept walking "oh yes,I forgot about that,are you good at dancing?"i asked "Umm well,I'm not the worst but Im not too good..."he said as he ran his hand through his recently washed hair.

"How about you? Are you good at dancing?"he said as he looked at me "Umm ive been in dancing classes ever since I came here so...i think so"I responded and we kept on walking in pure silence.

Why haven't i forgotten about that dream? It was just s-so real and why have I been remembering things about jungkook and I when we were kids...why haven't I remembered them before? I need to talk with my father...even though talking to him is the last thing I want to do...that bastard will pay for what he did one day...i thought

"JIMIN!" I heard jungkook scream my name from a distance,I snap back to reality when I hear the brakes of car right next to me.

I froze in shock I was about to get ran over I collapse on the floor with small tears running down my cheeks "jimin are you ok?! Jimin can you hear me?!"Jungkook holds my shoulders and shakes me but im unable to move or say anything,suddenly my head started to hurt


"Im glad you finally accepted who you are"jungkook spoke as we held hands and walked out of my house "I am too baby" I smiled and stopped walking "whats wrong?"he spoke as he stopped walking too, I took my scarf off and slowly wrapped it around his neck and kept on walking as if nothing happened.

Jungkook ran to catch up with me, held my hand and we kept walking in total peaceful silence "I love you my kookie" i whispered as I rested my head on his shoulder "Park jimin you never fail to make my hear flutter do you?"I laughed softly as he kissed the top of my head

We crossed the road of a dark cold night

"Chimchim you dropped your ring"kookie spoke as he stopped walking, "what?"I glance back at the road and saw a my silver ring laying on the middle of the road

"Wait here" I spoke as I let go of his hand and ran to get my ring "jeez I told you that ring was too loose"he spoke as he laughed a bit

"Wait...i cant see it"I spoke to kookie as I looked around the road where I previously saw the ring

I spotted the ring at picked it up "ha! I found it!"i yelled "yh yh lets go"kookie rolled his eyes and smiled

I walked one step...just one step when

"Baby!"i heard kookie yell my name, I looked at him and saw he was about to run to me

When I saw the headlights of a car shining on me

It was too late

The car hit me

I fell on the floor hearing faint screams

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