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~Jimin's POV~

"Why Monday?!"I said as I took my covers and put it over my head not wanting to go to school ,my phone started to ring,I picked it up without seeing who it was...

-phone call-



"Yes,we are outside in
my car waiting for you so hurry

"What?! Urgh give me 10mins"

-end of call-

I rushed out of my bed and put on a loose white shirt and tight blue jeans with brown timberlands.i brushed my hair,washed my face and rushed downstairs and outside.

"Took you long enough"Jin said as he was leaning on his car playing around with the keys "well I'm sorry hehe" I said as I locked my door and got in his car "hey!" All of the guys said in unison as Jin started driving.

"So do you guys want to do anything tomorrow?"Namjoon asked a"I actually have plans with Rose,sorry guys"Suga said as he blushed and scratched the back of his neck

"Rose? Ummm what have I missed?"Tae said as he smirked and laughed at Sugas face "well whilst you were out with your girlfriend someone got into a relationship"I said as Laughed at Taes shocked expression

"Suga you're going out with Rose?!"Tae yelled in shock "y-yes"Suga whispered as he looked out the window "woahhhh I'm so proud,who would've thought such a gloomy person was going to fall in love"he said as he smiled widely

"So great"Hoseok whispered in a irritated tone

"Well children calm down we're here now"Jin said as he parked the car on the school parking lot when suddenly my phone rang I took it and saw that it was my dad "Good morning Dad"I said as I picked up still sitting in the car

-phone call-

"I need you to come
to Big-hit and bring your
Friends with you"


"You said that your
friends could sing right? Well
bring them over"                                        


-end of call-

"Guys my dad said to bring all of you to big hit"I said as I looked at them "really?!"Tae said as he looked at me in shock "yh" I said as I laughed "well change of plans!"Jin said as he got back in the car and all of the guys followed right behind him once everyone was inside Jin starting driving.

Jin pressed a button that made the roof go down,yes it was one of those cars."special occasion so you welcome"Jin said as he laughed.it was a hot day and the sky was clear blue.

"New destination,fame!"Suga yelled as he stuck his head out and laughed "wuuuuuuu"All of us yelled.

>Later on<

Jin parked the car and we all got off and entered the tall building with a huge label saying "Big Hit" as soon as we came in we were welcomed by my dads assistant.

"Well hello Mr.Park"He said as he bowed and looked at me "Hello,call me jimin don't worry"I said as I smiled and he laughed.

"Follow me boys"he said as he looked at us and started walking we did as told and followed him to a huge music room that had many instruments and one of the walls there
had a big tinted glass window.strange.

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