13. The Funeral

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Hana's POV

Today's the day...

It's been a week since Jack and Gabe have died. Two days ago, the OverWatch organization arrived safely with the caskets. I laid in bed with the smell of depression and anger. I thought to myself, "if only I could have gone...maybe, just maybe...they'll still be alive today." Its all my fault. I sighed and forced myself out of bed. I began to get ready for the funeral.

I threw on a black dress with black heels and left my hair as it is. Before I could walk out the door, a knock was made. I called out, "who is it?"

"It's Genji...I wanted to check up on you."

I unlocked my door and opened up. I saw a handsome man dressed up in an all black tux. My eyes couldn't meet with his. Genji reached for my hands and held them to his chest. "Hana?.. are you ready to go?" It took me awhile to respond, but eventually I nodded yes. He walked me downstairs and the other members appeared. Even the members that I haven't seen in awhile, like Amelie and her husband. The couple looked at me with a face that I've been getting for so long. Amelie walked up to me and hugged me, "Hana, I am so sorry... he was a good man." I faked a smile just so she would let me go, "thank you..." Her husband said the same thing. I looked at Genji for help, the conversation with Amelie and her husband was getting awkward. He swooped in and politely told them that I am needed somewhere else. Of course they understood and smiled as I walked away.

While Genji and I were escaping from Amelie, Angela saw us and called me over. "Hana, it's time for us to say goodbye to Gabe and your father." From that, I knew it was time for us to go to the cemetery and bury them. At the same time, Angela seemed a bit nervous. She was biting her nails and scratching her arm a lot. I asked her if everything was okay, but she said she was fine. I wanted to worry about her but the funeral was much more important to me. The members walked out of HQ and two black long limos where outside waiting for us. I got into the first limo with Genji, Tracer, Mei, MCcree, and Pharah. The rest went into the second limo. A car from behind appeared. It was the one that was carrying Soldier and Gabe.

The car engine started, and we were off to the cemetery. Before even planning the funeral, I told Angela that I wanted it to be public. She disagreed with me at first, but I convinced her with my reasons on why to.

"Hana, if we make this public, then we would be an easy target since we are all gathered."

"Yes.. I understand that. But, i want the people who were saved by my dad to say their 'thanks' and their 'goodbyes'. The world trusted him...they loved him..."

The memory of the conversation faded away as I stare out of the window and day dream about my dad. A tsunami of memories wiped my mind. I remember the day when Jack took me to Kindergarten. Then, the time when I lost my first tooth. Even the time I hit puberty and he didn't even know what to do. He panicked and grabbed a silencer –a gun attachment– and gave it to me, thinking it would stop the flow. After that, I knew I had to speak with a female so I decided to ask Angela for help. Of course she helped me and I told her the whole story with my dad and she laughed.

I had so many good memories with him. Not so much with Gabe though. Yes, I saw him as my uncle, but he was always to himself. Cranky and sleepy. Well, it was understandable why he was always like that, because of the war. Causing him to sleep less, which made him cranky. But, I wish I could have made more memories with him.

As we drove to the cemetery, fans where all lined up behind gates. They all seemed sad as well. Some threw roses, others held up posters of Soldier or Gabe. Some even saluted while we drove by. I felt tears forming in my eyes from seeing all the people who loved my father and Gabe come together to grieve.

Suddenly, the limo stopped. I looked toward the limo driver, "excuse me? Is there something wro-...."

His head was blown off. Blood splattered everywhere. Some even landed on my cheek. Everyone was alarmed.

My eyes widened from the horrific sight. Then a black figure appears on the car hood. The figure was wearing a skull mask and had two black loaded guns. The others got out of the limo to attack, while Genji stayed inside with me. I was frozen in shock.

"HANA! WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE! IT IS NOT SAFE!" He said while shaking me.

I stared at the black figure with the skull mask as he fought the team. Tracer used her device and teleported behind him. But, the man knew her every move and shot the back of her device. Causing her to glitch...then fade away.

The team began to surround him, but one by one the man in the mask took them down. He knew everyone's move. Angela got out of the other limo and saw me and Genji still inside of the vehicle.

"Genji! Grab Hana and leave! Take her somewhere and protect her at all cost until I tell you it is safe to come back!"

Genji nodded and grabbed me by the arm. Once we where out of the vehicle, he picked me up and placed me on his left shoulder. I was still in shock. Genji then sprinted off while I hang over his shoulder and watch the others fight.

I slowly glance around and see people running with fear. It's chaos. The police is fighting beside OverWatch, but it wasn't enough to take down the man. Winston was shot in the shoulder, and lost his glasses. Ana was head butted with the back of the man's gun. Reinhardt was shot twice in the stomach. The only person left standing was Angela.

My eyes widen.


From a distance I see her kicked to the ground. The gun was pointed to her head.

Then, all of a sudden, something clicked inside of me.


I threw myself off of Genji's shoulder and ran towards Angela. Genji turned around, "HANA?! NO!!" He sprinted after me.

The man took his eyes off of the angel and looked at me. Suddenly, he disappeared into the ground. Angela immediately called out to me, "HANA!! NOOO!!" I stopped in my place, and I saw the dark figure rise up from the ground. I heard his evil laugh. It sent shivers down my spine, making me freeze with fear. Genji called out to me, telling me to run. But I couldn't...

The man grabbed me by the shoulders and slowly we began to sink into the ground. I couldn't move, or scream, or even cry for help. All I could do was watch...watch death take over.

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