27. Devil D.Va

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Angela stared at Hana transforming from the distance. "Oh no...." She whispered to herself as she watched. Lena was a few feet away from Hana. She was confused on what was going on, but she was more afraid for what was about to come next.

Flames flew out and surrounded Hana. She was still transforming, but mid-way, Lena had enough and panicked. She took out her weapon and fired towards Hana.

The fire surrounding Hana was scorching hot, the bullets weren't able to pierce through the wall of fire. Finally, the flames settled down once Hana was finished transforming. From a few feet away, Lena was being demanded to fall back. 

"I can take her! A lil' fire doesn't scare me," Lena said to a device. Hana interrupted Tracer, "Oh, is that so?"

The teenage girl let out a devilish grin

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The teenage girl let out a devilish grin. Then, a ball of flame flew towards Lena. Tracer dodged the ball of raging fire, "WHAT THE HECK!"

"LENA GET OUT OF THERE! THAT'S NOT HANA!" Angela yelled out, warning the enemy. Lena glanced over to Angela, "Thanks for the tip Captain Obvi--.....GAH!" Something forced her to scream and not finish her sentence. 

A sharp object flew into Lena's stomach. 

Angela witnessed Lena fall onto her knees and cough out blood. The angel struggled to stand up, because her wound wasn't fully healed. But if Lena didn't get any healing done immediately, she will bleed out, and die. 

In the background, the demonic Hana was laughing. "Hahahaha!"

"...Bring her back...." Angela growled out as she lowered her head.

Hana ignored her. She then began to walk towards Lena. "Aww, poor girl.." Hana's fangs appeared, "I can smell your blood running down your stomach. Smells tasty."

Lena tried scooting away from her, but Hana pinned her against a wall. "Y-you're..a...m-monster," Tracer said with heavy breathing. 

"Awww! You're making me blush!" The demonic figure of Hana then crouched down to get closer to Lena. She placed the palm of her hand on Lena's wound, and painted the tip of her fingers with her blood. The demon then slowly licked the tips. Lena couldn't do anything, all she was able to do was watch with fear. 

 Angela yelled out with anger, "GENJI IS DEAD HANA!..."

Hana paused.


Hana slowly turned around and faced Angela, "You're lying..."

The angel shook her head, "No, No i'm not. He wasn't able to control his inner demons... Zenyatta...he-...he put him down."

Hana's hair began to fade back to normal, and her horns started to shrink into her skin. She shook her head, "n-no....no...no. You're lying..." 

Lena watched as Hana's eyes began to fill with tears. Then the teenage girl fell onto her knees, and cried. Hana screamed out Genji's name. Angela walked towards Hana, she then crouched down and hugged her.

Angela teared up and laughed, "I-its good to have you back..."


Angela shook her head. "I only said that so you would come back... I had to figure out a way to get you back...I am sorry..."

Suddenly, the crying stopped and everything went silent. The wind and the falling leaves were the only things heard. But, Lena coughed, and broke the silence. "A lil' heals over here?"

"oh yeah! My apologies..." Angela crawled to her and worked her magic.

Hana still didn't say a word. 

Once Angela finished healing Lena, she sighed. "What a mess.."

Lena stood up, "Well, this was fun but I have to get goin'. My boss is waiting." Angela tried stopping her but it was too late. 

"You lied..." Hana finally said. 

"I know I did, but it was the only way to get you back...I-I am sorry-..."

The young girl nodded her head, "I know you are, but, thank you for bringing me back..." Angela's eyes frowned, "Hana...I know you are tired and hurt. How about we go home and rest? Tomorrow I'll make it up to you." She finished it off with a soft smile. Hana nodded and also let out a small smile.

The two women helped each other up and called Winston for a ride. Once he arrived, they both explained to him what had happened. And of course he was shocked. He couldn't believe Lena was brain washed by Talon, but he was more worried about Hana's condition. Once they arrived home, Hana was immediately treated and tested. Everything came out fine, which was weird, and it confused Angela and Winston even more. After Hana was treated and tested, she went into her room, and fell asleep. The transformation drained all the energy out of her. Knocked out cold, Hana dream't about Genji....

"Until we meet again..." she whispered out in her sleep.


AYOOOOO!! so sorry for not updating sooner, but I just finished my finals anddddd failed them all (: i cry... but anyway!!! I hoped you guys this chapter, if you did please leave a like, comment, and maybe a follow if you would like any new updates! I'll be updating soon, soo stay tuned for more! BYEEEE I LOVE YOU ALL!!!


Youtube Video: Tokyo Ghoul - Glassy Sky

Image: Pinterest

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