21. The beginning of the fall of OW

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Hana and Genji made love once again. Through the darkness of the outside world, the moon and the stars shined bright on the couple. Once they were finished, Genji asked her a question.

"UH-HUH?!?!" Hana's face turned bright red. "WHY?!?! DO YOU WANT ONE?!?" Hana was becoming even more flustered once Genji started kissing her neck again.

"I am only teasing" the cyborg said with a devilish grin.

"G-Genji..." she twitched and covered her mouth due to being shy. "It's not nice to tease young girls..." The grown man chuckled. "Buts it's cute and fun"

"Not for me!" Hana said with her cheeks puffing out.

Genji laughed.

Suddenly, a phone went off. The couple went through their clothes to see who it was. The phone that was ringing was Genji's. He picked it up and answer the call.

"Hello?...What?... Alright, we are on our way" he immediately hanged up.

"What's wrong?" Hana asked.

"We need to go now." He said as he threw on his armor and clothes. Hana was confused but did the same. "Why? What's going on?"

"I'll explain on the way"

The two rushed back to HQ. Genji explained what was going on to Hana. An angry mob appeared in front of HQ, they were upset from the event that happened at the funeral. From what Angela told Genji through the phone, they were demanding OverWatch to shut down.

The two showed up behind the angry mob.

Genji stood in front of the young girl to protect her from any harm. Hana couldn't help but look at the angry mob. Her eyes flickered back and forth to capture the citizens faces. The face expressions she captured was hatred, anger, and fear.

"We need to get inside without being seen. These people are looking for a fight. We should be careful, keep your head down" Genji stated as he grabbed Hana by the hand, leading her around the mob. But Hana wasn't able to keep her head down. She was so shocked from what was happening. More people began to show up, it began to get crowded. As Genji tugged her, trying to avoid contact with the mob, Hana got distracted and bumped into a child. As the mob grew stronger and people kept coming in, Hana's hand slipped out of Genji's.

"Hana!" Genji called out.

The child that Hana bumped into looked to see who had pushed him.

"I am so sorry, are you okay?" Hana asked as she helped the kid up from the ground. The kid glanced up and saw the famous gamers face. His eyes widened. "Hana! You are Hana Song!" He yelled out trying to get everyones attention. "HANA SONG IS HERE!" People began to look over to where the yelling was coming from.

Hana's heart sank. "W-what are you-..." the mob turned towards her.

"She's apart of Overwatch!"

"She pushed my child!" The mother of the boy shoved through the crowd.

"W-what... no. It was by accident..."

Behind a couple of people, Hana spotted Genji.

"Overwatch should have never been created!"

"Why don't you do us all a favor and stop!"

"All you guys ever do it cause problems!"

The citizens yelled at Hana. Every second a new rude comment was thrown at her.

From the inside of the HQ building, the members saw that Hana was in trouble. "Jack! Jack! Hana is in trouble! She got caught up in the mob" Angela said. "She can fight her own battles" Morrison said with a harsh tone. The doctors mouth opened with shock. "Jack...but this is Hana we are talking about..s-she's-"

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