The last Chapter: I Love You

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"Genji... always remember your past."

"Why do you say that brother?"

"Because. One day, you won't be able to recognize yourself. You will become a monster. A person who only cares about themselves, and nothing else."

"A monster?..."


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Genji's POV

I am fading.

I'm being carried in the palm of Hana's hand. Tears are falling down her cheek. A tear fell on the last speck of light I had. Warmth. I felt warmth from her tear. Am I dying? Or am I just going to fade into the darkness and be trapped in here forever? I keep hearing Hana's voice call out to me, but I am too weak to respond.

"Please Genji! Stay with me! I-I'll find a way out!-" She was cut of by something that had tripped her.

I flew out of her finger tips and landed on the ground. The darkness began to devour the last speck of light I had.

This was it.

I embraced myself for loneliness and the pitch black of nothingness that was heading my way. Strands of black mist stripped my small ball of light. Piece by piece. Even though I am not present in my human form, I still closed my eyes and accepted the cruel side of the light. I accepted the darkness that secretly laid inside of me.


I felt a warm touch over my light. I looked to see what was causing it. Hana...

Hana threw herself on top of me at the very last second.

I spoke with a soft voice, "Hana. My time has come, please let me accept it." Her eyes widened then shut with tears pouring out, "Genji don't say such stupid things! Please!? I can't let you go!" I let out a small chuckle.

"I have caused you enough harm. Plus, you do not belong here. This place is to contain the cruel people in the world. The walking demons. You are the definition of light Hana. So please-..."

"I AM NOT LEAVING SOMEONE I LOVE!" I saw her cry out.

"Hana..." I called out as I transformed back to normal and caressed her head. I saw her eyes and head rise up to analyze my face to make sure it was truly me. Before she could hug me and change my mind, I kneeled down and whispered something quick into her ear.

"I - Love - You..."

I closed my eyes, then slowly began to fade away. My body was stripped down by the darkness.

Her eyes froze with tears falling down her already wet cheek. "GENJI?! PLEASE?!? DON'T GO!!!!" She reaches out to me, but it was already too late.

Hana woke up into the real world. Her body shot up, and she screamed out Genji's name. Lucio, Zenyatta, and Angela were frightened by her scream. Sweat and tears fell down Hana's face. She looked around for Genji's body. Once she found it laying by her side, she tried shaking him awake. "GENJI!... GENJI PLEASE WAKE UP!....." she cried out louder as she picked him up and cradled him in her arms. "PLEASE HELP HIM!" She yelled at the healers, "PLEASE DO SOMETHING! HE'S NOT WAKING UP!" The others watched the young girl cry for help, but did nothing. All they were able to do was lower their heads and cry with her. "ANGELA! Y-YOU CAN RESURRECT HIM!" Hana begged her to. The angel shook her head as she held back her tears, "that's the problem Hana... he's not dead, nor awake..." Hana looked lost, so zenyatta explained to her what the angel meant. "He's in a deep slumber, trapped inside of his mind. No one knows when he will awake, it is up to him. It's his choice when he will wake up. The reason why he accepted the darkness is because he believed he belongs their." The young girl laid her head on the cyborgs cheek and cried.

She whispered into his ear one last time.

"I - Love - You - Too..."


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Ahhh yes, this is the last chapter of this book. But do not worry! Part 2 of this book will come out soon. So please, be patient with me.

Btw thank you for 5k on this book. And thank you for this journey. If it wasn't for you all, I wouldn't be able to continue this book. I appreciate you. I know I am a crappy writer...but.... I am learning along the way. Thank you... thank you for dealing with me.

Until we meet again,

    Melina Diaz.

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