32. The Darkness

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"You must never go into the darkness."

"Why not Mister?"

"Because. Once you do, you may never be able to see the light again."

My young self glanced up to the older man. He looked down at me, "And you don't have to call me 'Mister'. Call me Dad."

I giggled, "I will never go into the darkness!"

"Good girl." The blonde man said as he smiled towards me. "Now, wake up."

"Silly I am awake!" I giggled again.

He shook his head and gave me a serious look, "No. wake up."


"Hana wake up.... wake up. Hana! Wake up!

I jumped up, out of a memory. I glanced around to see where I was and to see who was calling my name. Lucio and Zenyatta appeared in my sights.

"W-what happened?..," I asked them both with a concerned voice.

"H-Hana.. you turned into a demon and tried to harm us. Luckily we were able to get you back to your normal self," Lucio told me.

"Did I hurt anyone?..."

His eyes couldn't meet mine, "well, you did give Angela a concussion and a couple burns. But she's getting healing as of right now, so don't worry."

"H-how am I not suppose to worry?! She's my friend!-... well...even though she did me wrong, I should still be able to worry! She's an Allie of mine."

Zenyatta stepped in, "it happened. We can't do anything about it anymore, but move on and prevent another accident."

My emotions were all over the place. I couldn't help but feel guilty.

I tried standing up, but I fell onto one knee. I was hit with dizziness and a minor headache. "Woah Hana! Calm down, you're not fully stable to walk. Let alone to stand," Lucio said as he made sure I was okay. I chuckled and smiled at the dark skinned man, "Don't worry, I've felt worse."

Suddenly, a sharp pain struck my heart and flowed through my body. I let out a bloody scream. To the others, it sounded like someone was being stabbed to death. And to be honest, that's what it felt like.

A second scream was heard. It was coming from down the hall. Zenyatta stayed by my side, while Lucio went to check up on Genji and Angela. The man with the dreads skated to where the scream was being made.

Lucio found the two in a room. Genji was on the ground screaming bloody hell, while Angela is trying to figure out what is causing him to scream.

"Genji!? What's wrong?! Please tell me so I can help you!" Angela yelled out.

Lucio interrupted her, "Angela please stand back! The same thing is happening to Hana, we don't know what is going on." Angela shook her head, "I have to help him! I-I just can't..-"

Lucio grabbed Genji by the collar of his shirt, and dragged him to where Hana laid.

Minutes later, Genji and Hana where in the same room. Their screams filled the main lobby. The three healers laid the two others side by side. The screaming went on, until seconds later, it stopped.

Genji's and Hana's eyes rolled back.

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"Where am I?..."

"Hello?... is anybody there?" Hana called out. The place she was in was pitch black. No light was seen for miles.

"Hello!!" She yelled out to nothingness.

"Hello little girl~"

Hana turned around to where she heard a voice. "H-hello?... who's there?..." Fear began to take over Hana.

The voice was made again, "It's nice to finally meet you~"

"Meet me?.. who are you?! And where are you? Show yourself!"

 who are you?! And where are you? Show yourself!"

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A shadow appeared in front of Hana.

Hana's body trembled with fear as the figure appeared. "W-w-what are you...?"

The figured began to walk towards her.

Hana wasn't able to move. She was frozen with fear.

"I am the demon you hold inside yourself~" it giggled, "but I'm also known as the Demon of destruction~" The demon strutted to Hana. Once it was close enough, the demon took Hana by the hand and led her into a puddle of water. It wasn't just a regular puddle, it was a never ending puddle that held darkness inside of it.

Hana was forced to follow, she wasn't able to stop. It was like she was under a trance.

Tears flowed out of hers eyes, because she knew she was going to be devoured by darkness.

"Why the tears? You should be thanking me~ I'm the one who is making you stronger, powerful, and unbeatable~" The demon said with a grin.

"That means nothing to me. I don't want to be in the dark. The light is where I belong!" Hana yelled out with her powerful voice. The young girl found the courage to break the trance and to escape the demon.

"What a shame~ but do you think Genji will turn down this offer?~"

Hana stopped in her place and turned back towards the demon, "where is he?.."

"That's for you to find out, and for me to make an offer with him~ See ya!~"

The demon disappeared into the pitch black of nothingness.

Hana's face turned pale, "Genji..." immediately she knew she had to get to Genji before he became part of the darkness. Hana ran and ran through the dark, trying to find Genji. She kept calling out his name, "GENJI!...GENJI!"


No sound, no sign, no where to be found.

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