24. 273 days

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"Hana dear..."


"Stay strong my daughter..."

I am confused. Mom?...

"We are proud of you dear... we have always been proud..."

I'm reaching out, please come towards me. Please... Mom? Mom....


"Hana!" Genji called out to her in her sleep.

Hana jumped up from under the sheets and looked around, as if she was trying to find someone. "Hana, are you okay?" He rubbed her back, "why are you crying?" The young girl slowly touched her cheek and felt her tears. Hana wiped them, "I-I don't know..." Genji questioned her about her dream but Hana couldn't remember what it was about.

Once Hana was feeling better, the two got dressed and went downstairs to eat.

Winston and Angela where downstairs eating already. They all exchanged good morning's to each other. Hana's and Genji's breakfast was on the counter waiting for them. They ate and all of a sudden Angela started a conversation.

"Genji, I arranged a meeting for you with a close friend of mine."

He swallowed his food before he spoke, "For what? And with who?"

"He is an omnic, you might of heard of him, his name is Zenyatta."

Hana raised an eyebrow and made eye contact with Genji. "I have heard of him, but what does that have to do with me?" He asked.

"Lately you haven't been yourself—"

Angela explained to Genji how he was going to have to go away for a long time to deal with his inner demons. She told him how Zenyatta was going to help him on his journey.

Hana's eyes widened.

"Thank you Angela, but I will have to turn down the offer." The cyborg stated as he cleaned his mouth with a napkin. "This isn't an offer Genji..." Angela turned serious, "these are orders from the government."

His eyes shifted towards Winston. The monkey ignored his stare and worked on the device to bring back Lena. Genji looked at Angela, then to Hana. "For how long?"

"For about 4-9 months, depends how much work you need.."

Hana stood up and pushed her chair back, causing it to screech. Everyone stared at the young girl. "Hana—" Genji called out.

"Excuse me." She said as she rushed upstairs to her room.

Genji sighed, "when do I leave?"

"Zenyatta will be here by tomorrow morning. So I suggest you to start packing..."

Genji stood up and thanked Angela for the food. He then went upstairs to speak to Hana. Genji knocked on her door, and of course, no response. "It's me... I'm coming in." He entered the room slowly and saw Hana sitting on the edge of her bed, staring at the outside world.

(Play video)

"Hana..." he softly said. "I know you are upset, but—"

"Don't you dare tell me to look on the bright side..." she cut him off. "You are going to be gone for almost a year Genji... A year.... what am I going to do while your gone?"

Genji shook his head, "I know, but you have to understand that I am not in a good place right now. I nearly killed you last night..."

"But you didn't!"

The Dragon and the Gamer [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now