33. Light

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I'm running....

I'm running towards nothing...

But something is pulling me deeper into the darkness. Is it Genji?

It was as if I was running in circles. A continuous loop. My feet began to get tired from running, but I couldn't stop. I called out his name with the amount of breath I had, "Genji!...."

No answer.

"Genji! Please..."

A small ball of light appeared. It caught my eye, and my curiosity. I slowly stopped jogging and started to walk towards it. I stayed a few feet away, even though it was light, I am still capable of being tricked by the darkness.

"H-hello?..." I called out.

I took a step forward towards it. "D-do you know where my friend is?... His name is Genji."

The orb of light stood still.

I glanced around and tried to see if Genji would appear, or surprise me at least. Nothing happened. He didn't pop up, nor make a sign to let me know he was around.

My eyes began to produce tears. One by one, they slid down my dry cheek.

Is he gone?...

Is this ball of light his soul? Letting me know that he's gone?....



My head shot up and my eyes lit with hope. I recognized that voice. I quickly looked around a roamed a few feet away from the orb. I called out his name, "Genji!...I-is that you?!" I wiped my tears, "it's me... Hana"

"Hana. I'm right here."

I stopped in place. My eyes widened, as I turned my head back towards the orb. "Are...you..." I gulped my nerves down.

"Yes Hana. It's me."

I fully turned my body and ran back towards the orb. "GENJI!!" I said with relief and joy. Few tears escaped my eyes from the amount of happiness I had from finding him.

I cupped my hands and picked up the orb.

"Genji... why are you not in your human form?"

I didn't get an answer right away.

"I have no idea. But Hana, I am not at my highest strength. I feel..." he stopped speaking for a good minute or two. I called out to him and he continued again, "Hana... I feel like I'm fading into the darkness."

I shook my head, "Genji listen to me. I am going to get you out of here. No matter what it takes. Please be strong. Hold on...."

Suddenly the orb got smaller and the light dimmed.

"Genji! Please stay with me! I-I'm going to get you out of here!"

I held Genji in my hands and began to run with him, trying to find an exit. Or at least a way to make him go into his human form.

I ran for twenty minutes straight, but it felt like forever. There was no sign of an exit or Of Genji's body. For every five minutes, the orb shrunk, and the light got darker.

I felt it...

I felt him fading into the darkness...

The Dragon and the Gamer [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now