2. Congratulations!

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Hana's POV

It's a nice sunny day. The wind is blowing, the birds are chirping, and the sun is shining. Today is the day where I graduate high school. I sighed. It feels like it was just yesterday when I was found by my adopted dad. I sighed again. The omnic war is still going on. Ever since that day.. I vowed that I would defend and protect the innocent. Flashbacks flooded my memories. I remember crying and screaming for someone to help... my parents were killed during the war in Korea. Luckily OverWatch, flew in to stop the omnics. And there it happened.. Jack Morrison found me crying next to my dead parents. He took me in, he began to care for me, nurture me..train me. He made me into the person I am today.


I turned to the familiar voice. It was Jack. "Oh.. h-hey!"

"Come on kid! What are you doing at the playground? The graduation is about to start!" He waved me over.

I jumped off of the swing and ran to his side. I gave him a big hug "thank you...wish me good luck!" I did my signature peace sign pose with a wink. He laughed and smiled "I love you too kiddo, but hurry up and go graduate, we have things to do back at HQ". I nodded and ran to where I was suppose to be.

Fifteen minutes later, my name was called.

"Hana Song.."

I rose from my seat and walked to the stage to receive my diploma. I can hear cheering and applauds from the background.


The OverWatch gang was there too, everyone was so proud.

I shook all my professors hands and got my diploma. Soon after, I was being hugged to death by everyone I knew. Lena was crying "I-I-I'm so proud of you..." she said with a runny nose. "Lena..." I laughed and rubbed the back of my neck "thank you..but I'm not going anywhere.. ill still be in my dorm in HQ"

She hugged tighter "I know! But.. the world is a dangerous place for someone so innocent and adorable like you"

I coughed out trying to inhale some air "don't worry...". She let me go and chuckled "of course.. you are getting stronger and stronger each day." She smiled and my dad walked into the conversation "come on ladies, we will celebrate back at HQ".

Lena and I nodded. The other members followed. We all left and arrived at home safely.
Jack led Hana into HQ with her eyes closed.

"Can I open them now?" She said with curiosity in her voice.

"No, not yet!" He chuckled and positioned her gift in front of her. "Alright.. Open them!"

She opened her eyes and saw a uniform with the colors of blue, white, and pink. Next to the uniform was a small hand gun. It was pink and had a bunny spray on it. "Dad..." she said with her eyes widened.

"That's not all..." he smiled and pressed a button that activated the garage door to open. A big pink mech appeared. Jack says "these things will help you in a fight."

Hana looked at the big machine and remembered "this is...what...my dad drove when he was an officer..." tears filled her eyes "thank you.." she smiled as her tears fell down her cheeks.

Jack hugged her and rested his chin on her head "you are welcome Hana.." he then wiped away her tears and kissed her forehead. Everyone else surrounded them with a group hug. Laughs and giggles were heard.

The group hug stopped and Hana noticed that Angela wasn't there.

"Where is Angela?" She asked. Jack cocked his head towards the Emergency Room "We have a new member. He's from the Shimada Clan, he was nearly killed by his own brother. So we decided to save his life and in return he helps us disband the Clan."

Hana raised an eyebrow "Shimada Clan?..."

Jack nodded "it's a family gang, they are criminals but we still do not know why they would betray their own flesh and blood."

Hana shrugged "maybe he disobeyed.."

"Maybe, but we still need to investigate. That's where I will be going right now. Would you like to come?" He asked.

Hana nodded and followed him to the room. And there she saw the cyborg man.


Hey guys sorry this is late but I'm really busy with summer school :/ sorry if the end sucks but!!! The next chapter will be better! I promise!

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