17. Blood

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Hana's Mind

What am I doing?...Genji?... why are we fighting?..

*talon voice*
He is bad... he killed your parents. They killed your parents.

He did?...I-I don't rememb-

*talon voice*
He did.. now look at him. He pretended to love you so he can get close to you. Once he was close enough, he would end your life...

He's a bad man....

Hana jumps out of her mech, "You're the murderer!" She pulled the trigger of her hand gun and fired it towards Genji. He pulled out his sword and deflected each bullet. The bullets returned to Hana rapidly, lucky she dodged them.

"I am no murderer! What are you talking abo-?!" He said with confusion, but got cut off by a kick.

While he was talking, Hana sprinted towards him and did a one-up-kick to his right shoulder.

His feet slid on the ground, then he dropped to one knee. He tsked and gasped for air.

"Damn..!" Genji said in his head, "she knows my weak spot..." Genji tried standing up. From a few inches away, Hana saw the cyborg fall back onto his knee.

"She must have messed up a couple wires from the inside..." Genji thought to himself. Electricity wizzed out from the area where he was hit. Hana slowly walked towards him, "now.. it is your turn to die..." she twirled her hand gun to tease him.

"Hana... this isn't you.." he gasped for air, "the Hana I know and love wouldn't do this" She laughed, "the Hana you know and loved is gone..." she pointed the gun to his head. "Goodbye. Genji..." Genji bowed his head and closed his eye to prepare for his death.  But then...

Hana lightly screamed. Genji opened his eyes and looked to see what has happen. Hana's eyes were wide open. She looked down to her chest, and there she saw an arrow peaking through her body. Blood appeared through her jump suit.

Genji's eyes widened, "HANA!"

She collapsed onto the ground, and from behind Hana, Hanzo was seen with his bow aimed at her.

Hanzo lowered his bow then spoke to Genji, still not knowing who he was, "Leave. Never come back, unless you seek for death." He turned around and walked away.

(Play video)

Hana was on the ground bleeding and gasping for air. Genji crawled towards her, "take small breaths... ill call in for help..." he called Overwatch, they responded right away. It would take them fifteen minutes to arrive.

Hana was losing a great amount of blood.

Genji applied pressure to her wound. The arrow was still intact, poked through her chest. Hana's eyes began to slowly close. "Stay with me Hana!" Genji cried out. "You cannot die! Please don't die!" He tried keeping her awake.

Hana's eyes were cracked open, Genji couldn't tell if she was breathing. He checked her pulse, but couldn't find one.



Hana's mind

"It's dark... what's going on?"

"I feel cold..."



He appeared from the darkness in her mind.


"Huh?...aww Genji.. I love you too.. but I'm really tired... I'm going to sleep..."

          "HANA! NOOOO!"

A light appeared in front of Hana.

"Dad?... Mom?..."


Genji was crying and screaming for Hana to stay alive. After fifteen minutes, Overwatch finally arrived. Angela flew to the two, "how is she?!"

"She's dead! DEAD?! PLEASE DO SOMETHING!" Genji was a mess. Mercy took a look at Hana and began to heal her. Ana came from behind Genji and tried taking him away from the view. He refused, "I HAVE TO STAY WITH HER! I-I JUST HAVE TO!"

Everyone was heart broken from the situation. McCree took Genji and tried calming him down.

Meanwhile, mercy and Ana was doing as much as they can to heal Hana. Nothing happened...

"She can't die..." Angela said, "I will not allow it!" She used more of her ability. Blood began to drip from her nose. "Angela! Don't over use your powers!" Ana said. "Don't worry about me, just help me bring back Hana!"


Talon HQ

"Ohh Gabe! We have a visitor!" Sombra said as she entered Reapers office. Gabe was in his chair, laid back and his feet on the desk. He was watching everything that was happening in Hanamura. He watched Mercy and Ana try to heal Hana.

Gabe turned off the t.v and told sombra to let the visitor in. The female hacker walked out, moments later the visitor entered the room. It was Hanzo...

"Ahh, Hanzo. You came here to claim your reward?" Reaper said with his raspy voice. "I did what you said, now the deal is done. Leave me and my clan alone."

Reaper laughed, "as you wish.."

Hanzo walked out of the room. Sombra then walked back in, "who's next?" 



Hello! Hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please leave a comment and a vote, id really appreciate it! And maybe a follow? ^~^ 

Thank you guys so much for your support! I love you all!💕

Song: let me sign
Artist: Robert Patterson

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