Chapter Two

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"Wake up, my little sheep," said a voice, "It's time to shine."

John woke up with a sudden burst. He was back in the establishment, but who brought him there? He walked around the establishment and looked around. It was weird because all of the animatronics were gone. All that was left on the ground was tracks that appeared to be feet. He followed the tracks only to be approached by an entrance. The tracks stopped there. "Wha-what? Am I dreaming, or am I really back in the pizzeria?" John was confused.

He had tried to retrace his steps from where the figure had brought him. It seemed like the steps had disappeared, cause there were no more steps. John looked down at the ground, "What? How can this be? Are the steps gone?" He blanked out for a second, but then his mind came back, confused. Instead, he tried to look around the old establishment, but there he saw a sign that read, "FAZBEAR'S FRIGHT". He couldn't believe what he saw. The wood planks fell on the ground, smoke flew throughout the air, and the columns that supported the building rotted with moss. He kept on looking and all he saw was the broken environment.

He looked at the arcade machines with broken screens. He walked past the ripped posters, loose wires, and the pile of old masks that used to pleased the children. "I've never seen this place before, yet, I remember it somehow." He remembered the time that he, Charlie, and the original animatronics had fought against Springtrap's army of his own animatronics. It had been a couple of years since that ever happened, but he continued on his way.

John then saw a door that was labeled "SALVAGE VAULT" with some of the letters still rotting after the "Great Fire". "The Great Vault, eh? What's so great about this?" he exclaimed. He looked down at the door to see a hatch. He pulled the hatch downwards and the door opened up. What he could only see was darkness, but luckily nearby there was a flashlight. He picked up the flashlight and walked around the Salvage Vault. He peeked around the room and saw that some of the animatronics weren't part of Fazbear's line.

What he saw first was a black bear with a red, shiny top hat. It had a missing eye, a red tie, and a golden star on its chest. On its top hat, it had a tag that said "LEFTY" and under it said "Rare Finds Auction House". John felt a chill down his spine but continued on throughout the vault. Next, he saw an animatronic similar to Chica's design but was somehow different. Her bib was full of colors and said 'Let's Rock!'. Her legs were all orange with purple kneecaps. She also had blue cheeks and had two maracas. He continued on to see what was there, but there was nothing, so he continued to walk for about a couple of feet.

When he flashed the light at a wall, there was one more door that was labeled "KEEP LOCKED". He saw that there was no harm in opening the door, so he opened the door. It was dark again and the flashlight was cut from power. John found a light switch close to the door and turned on the light. Unfortunately, the light was pointed to one spot, but what he found was more creepy. He found a spring lock suit similar to Springtrap, but it wasn't Springtrap. He examined the suit closely, but luckily it didn't work. There was a chair by the table and John sat down on the chair. On the table laid a tape recorder and a paper that listed prompts and an additional notes section. 'Someone must've been here' thought John. He turned on the tape. The tape began to play.

"Before you is an animatronic found in the back alley. We are unsure of its origins. It is your job to complete the maintenance checklist before claiming it as salvage. If you choose to, you can throw it back into the alley where you found it and forfeit payment. Please make your choice now." the voice said. John decided to keep on with the salvage checklist.

The prompts played, but the animatronic came closer every time a prompt played. Then suddenly, the animatronic faced me with its blank eyes. "I..I know wh-who you a-are," the animatronic said. "Yo-you tried t-to kill me i-in the fire." John had a sudden feeling that this animatronic recognized him by his looks. "Uh, do I know who you are? Have we met before?" John asked him. "Yes, indeed we have." The animatronic replied. Suddenly, the animatronic started to pull his head all the way back. When the mask was removed, there was a skull that was similar to Springtrap's. That's when John remembered.

"You, you're him," John exclaimed at the animatronic. "Yes, I am him." he cackled.

"Damn, I thought you were killed in that horrible fire a few years back!" John was in shock seeing how the Damned looked. "Mhm, yes. Luckily, your friend, James, pushed me into the right place by the hatch. I crawled through the ventilation system and somehow ended up back at Fazbear's Fright." He said. "But, how do you have that suit? I thought you would keep your suit?" John asked him. "Yes, I would, but that suit was well too worn out for my fitting. Luckily, I found this new suit in the Salvage Vault. Now, look where we are. We're both stuck in suits, so that means we're even." Suddenly, footsteps came closer to the room that John and the Damned were in. "Quickly, hide in a corner." It told him. John went to the darkest corner to hide when a man in a security uniform came into the room.

"So, I guess this is it." The man said. He played the tape and continued on with the salvage process. John watched him as he would occasionally lift his head up to spook the guard. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" he said. He tased him and I covered my mouth. He then laid in place as the guard had finished the process. He then left the room.

"Who was that?" John asked him. He coughed and said, "That's the new security guard. Apparently, he's working on something big. I don't know what, but I'm sure it's all part of the plan." He went out of the room and laid on the ground. "Also, what's with all the other animatronics?" John asked. "Those animatronics came from the Rare Finds Company. Some company put them on sale after Freddy Fazbear's Pizza was closed. Somehow, the company got the upper hand and reclaimed them for a new pizzeria." Then, a bell sounded right outside the establishment. John looked outside the room through an open hole in the ceiling and saw the moon was there. John went back to the Salvage Vault and laid beside him. "If my son is still here, I hope he's happy," he said. The Damned and John then slept throughout the night.

"Although for one of you, the darkest pit of Hell is open to swallow you whole, so don't keep the devil waiting, old friend."

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