Chapter Five

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James was still sad that his children had been killed at the hands of a murderer. He couldn't stand to go outside, nor look outside anymore. His anger and sadness overpowered him as he laid on his bed. I just can't stand it any longer, James thought to himself. He wished that this didn't happen, he also knew that he had to do something. He got out of his room, got in his car, and drove to the police station. He entered the police station and walked over to the help desk. "Who's leading the Freddy Fazbear investigation," James asked the assistant. "Officer Burke is leading the investigation," the assistant responded, "He went that way." The assistant pointed to the nearby hallway filled with officers and detectives walking around. "I can call him for you if you want." "Sure." James sat down in the waiting area while the assistant called Burke.

"Shirley, you called me?" "A man wants to see you." James got up as the officer appeared and walked to him. Burke lifted his hand for a handshake and James shook his hand. "Officer Burke." "James, Charlie told me about you. Follow me." Burke guided James to his office and gave him a tour. I hope I can find the answers here, James thought. Burke opened the door to his office and they both went in. "So, you're taking the Fazbear case?" James asked him. "Yes, I am. You have no idea what I've had to deal with in the past years." Burke told him. He shuffled through shelves filled with old cases. "Aha, here we go." said Burke as he retrieved the file. He placed the file on his desk and opened it up. The file revealed pictures of the bodies and the pizzeria along with the weapon. "Two children were murdered at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza with a flashlight. I don't know who the assailant did it, but they did. The frontal lobes of the children were removed, but that's all we have." Burke told James. "There has to be more than this, I'm sure of it." James responded to him.

"Unless there's more evidence to this case, I can't do anything about it." Burke sat down on his chair while James thought of what to do. There has to be more to this, James thought. Then, it came to him. Did someone I know have to do with this murder, James continued to think. James thought that John had something to do, but he wasn't even sure if he lived or died in that fire. "If there's something I know, it's this: this wasn't done by an animatronic." James told Burke. "I agree, this has to do with something more sinister than what we have now." Burke agreed with James. "Someone or something is plotting to destroy the Fazbear franchise for good. We have to stop them now and for good. What they're about to do will ruin the lives of so many families, and I suppose you too since you work with the franchise, correct?" "Yes, I'm a business partner. This'll ruin me good." James thought of the idea of one of his friends working with some mastermind behind this plot, but he could never think of John. "I think someone I know is working with them." James told Burke. "You do? Who is working with them?" "I don't know, but it could be somebody who I forgot many years ago." James finally thought of John. If John's dead, could he really be working with someone this sinister to destroy my life, James thought to himself.

"I think it could be John." James told Burke. "John, you say? Last time I heard, he was.." Burke turned silent as he looked outside. "Well, could be hiding something in is house we never knew of?" "You could be right, let's head there now."

James and Burke went out and drove to John's house. James had kept an emergency key to John's house just in case. He unlocked the front door and they both went inside. "Start investigating the first floor, I'll head upstairs." said Burke as the investigation of John's house begun. Burke headed up stairs while James looked around to see if anything had to relate to the murder. James checked under the dining table, the couch seats, inside the pillows, and even the fireplace John had used for winter. Nothing on the first floor had to do with the murder. C'mon James, you can do better than that, thought James as he persuaded himself to continue on. Meanwhile, Burke checked the bedrooms and the balcony to see if there was any evidence. In one of the bedrooms, there was a bedsheet covering a suspicious object and Burke went in for a closer look.

In the first floor, James knocked on the wooden floor and after the first three planks, he finally uncovered a broken plank. James pulled the plank up and it uncovered a dark area of the house. James stuck his hand into the hole and grabbed onto something solid. He pulled the object up from below the ground and placed it onto the couch. The object was a small, grey box with two locks. James tried to insert the emergency key in the lock, but it just wouldn't open. Burke came running down the stairs and urged James, "James, you might want to see this." James went upstairs with Burke to see a very old journal. "It's an old journal but the author isn't listed," Burke told him as James examined the journal and asked Burke, "Why would John keep a journal like this?" "I don't know, but it better be worth the time." James opened up the book and flipped to several pages with drawings of sinister monstrosities, dead children, and cursed symbols. He flipped to one page with actual words and read the following:

As I woke up in a dark room with only a Spring Bonnie suit, I saw Purple Guy looking at something. I looked behind me and saw 5 souls of children crying and saying, "Why would you?" "How could you do this?" "Why would you do this to us?" As the Purple Guy looked behind him and saw the suit, he got himself suited up. "Ha! You can't get me in here!" He taunted them. When he breathed though, that was a mistake. The springlocks got him, crushing his body into nothing but a pile of blood. The baby animatronic looked down on the suit, making her eyes a spotlight on him. When she looked at me, all I saw was whiteness, and I woke up. It was one of the worst nightmares ever and I hope to never record this incident again.

This dream haunted me and I wish I'd never imagine this. The Purple Guy is up to something, and I have to stop it before it happens. I have to preserve the safety of my family, my friend, and the Fazbear family name. In order to preserve the safety of everything listed, I kept a few memorabilias inside a chest, never to be unlocked by anyone but me. In case I ever forgot how to open the box, I've placed one of the keys in this journal. The other key is somewhere in my house, although I forgot where I put it.

"Why would John write something like this? I mean, he always kept his cool, but I've never seen this side of him." James was astonished by this. "Hey, atleast we know where the first key is." Burke flipped the book to the cover and retrieved the key behind the leather case. "Now, the other question is this: where's the other key?" James and Burke looked around the house to see if the key could be found. James returned to the living room to insert one of the keys and broke one of the locks open. Burke found the other key behind the refrigerator, returned to the living room, and opened up the lock. "Are you ready for this?" Burke asked James and he nodded. Together, they both opened up the box and it revealed so many hidden details that not even this account can describe.

"Why did you come here?" a peculiar voice sounded. James and Burke looked behind them to see a man dressed in purple, all covered in blood. "No, it can't be, you're dead!" James exclaimed. "Well, I've come back. Let's get it over with." said he.


John felt a spark hit his soul. John woke up and said, "I felt him. He's still alive. I need to find him and rescue him." The black bear walked over to his position and asked him, "Who is he that you are in search of?" "James, he is still there and he met Burke." John responded to the bear. "If you are in search for the one you know, then go and find him. We will be waiting for him here." the black bear responded. John got up and made it to the entrance. When he walked outside, he saw the many police cars and new vans surrounding the establishment. He had seen this before in a vision given to him. "No, it can't be real. I dreamed this, but it can't happen." James whispered to himself. He looked around and escaped in the nearby forest.

It happened, the murders, the police cars, everything I dreamed about, it was real, John thought. He went to the nearby police station to see if Burke would follow the plan. John had kept his phone with him just in case. He called Burke and said, "Burke, are you ready?" "John! I haven't heard from you in a while. Yes, I'm still going with our original plan."

Everything that was said in this account happened while John watched from the outside. He knew where the keys were and he also knew that James would unlock the secrets. He needed James for the plan to destroy Springtrap, Baby, and the rest and finally finish Freddy Fazbear: a trap set to kill children for a living. When James least expected it, John got into the scene.

"Why did you come here?" he asked James. "No, it can't be, you're dead!" "Well I'm back, let's get it over with."

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