Chapter Three

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James still wondered how such an establishment like that could just fall. 'How? How could it even happen?' he thought to himself. 'Fazbear Entertainment is a big business, and it just let their own attraction fall like that?" He knew that another establishment laid beyond their home. James grabbed one of the wrinkled newspapers and read the top that said, "NEW ESTABLISHMENT OPENS IN HURRICANE". "Hey honey, do you know about the new establishment by our house?" James asked his wife. "Yeah, I think I do. It's by some guys, Fazbear, something like that. I heard it's a new place, so if you're gonna check it out, bring the kids." "A'ight, I'll bring the kids." James got prepared to head to the new establishment and went out with his kids.

James arrived at the pizzeria and left his car. He sighed and asked himself, "Why must I do this again?" The kids ran in, excited to see what was news. You can't do this anymore, he thought. Turn back before you relive the story. He knew he couldn't turn back after he made the first step. He pushed the doors open and entered the building.

"Hello and welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, how can I help you?", the waiter asked. "Hi, we're looking for seats, preferably by the 'band'," James responded. "Sure thing, follow me." The waiter escorted us to our seats. The kids were already playing the arcade games that laid out for everyone to play. He looked at the environment and saw that everything had changed, but was similar in a few ways. There was still that tiled floor (which was actually clean) and the tiled, red striped wall. The stage was actually new and had brighter lights than the older establishment. There was a separate stage to the left of the main stage and there were additional seats surrounding the stage. By the right of the main stage, there was a medical bay. Why is there a medical bay, he thought to himself. He got seated and looked at the animatronics. These animatronics looked different than to the original ones.

These were the ones similar to the ones before, but had puffed cheeks and were made of plastic. These animatronics worked similarly to the ones at Fredbear's Diner, but they didn't have any malfunction whatsoever. James turned to the left wall and saw a door labeled "DO NOT ENTER". He called for the waiter to come and he asked. The waiter responded with, "That area is off-limits because something with bad activity is going on there! I'll be back with your order." James was more concerned with the door than anyone else. He got the employee key that he once had (when he was still working) out of his pocket. He walked over to the door, opened the door and entered the room.

He entered the room and there was a small elevator. The elevator was similar to the one at Circus Baby's Pizza World and so he went in. The elevator was the same one, but it was rusty and dim. When the elevator reached the bottom floor, James got out and saw that there was a lot of debris along with fallen wires and smoke coming from the pipes. The establishment design was similar to Fazbear's Fright, but in a very poor condition. At the end of the room, there was a metal door that said: "AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY". James walked past the debris and opened the door. He walked into the room and saw a small, wooden table with a chair, a paper,  a tape recorder, and a dim light overlooking the room. He sat down on the chair and the door closed behind him.

He looked in front of him and saw that there was an animatronic similar to that of Circus Baby from the old establishment. He looked down at the tape recorder and decided to play the tape. The tape began to play as a man spoke, "Begin tape. Leaving dead space 3, 2, 1. The purpose of this tape is to test automated response times and reactions from ventage interactive attractions following audio stimuli. If you are playing this tape, that means that not only have you been checking outside at the end of every shift, as you were instructed to do, but also that you have found something that meets the criteria of your special obligations under Paragraph 4. Follow these instructions: document response times, then safely secure the space before leaving. Upon sealing the room, you are not to return." After that, the tape started to play different noises ranging from glitched sounds too similar music from Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. The tape ended and there was nothing left to play. James sat there, staring down this creation with large bobby pins, messy metal hair, and a broken body. He examined the creation very closely and noticed that it had two power modules. The modules were stuck on its body, deactivated. He also noticed on the left side of the table that this creation also had something large similar to clamps. This thing was unlike anything he had ever seen before, even unlike the animatronics from Freddy Fazbear's. 

He decided to get up from the table and walk out from the room, but as soon as it considered the option, he heard a small, faint voice in the darkness saying, "I heard your call." When James heard the voice, he looked behind him and saw that the creation had somewhat moved its position. He was a bit intimidated by the looks, but he still stood confidently. He decided to sit back down and continue to look on. He looked under the table to see if there was a flashlight under, but there wasn't. When he looked back up, he saw that The Creation was gone. He tried looking in front of him and to the sides, but it wasn't there. There was another faint voice in the darkness: a rough, hoarse voice saying, "I always come back." James looked to the left and to the right to see if he could find where the voice was coming from. It was then, something unexpected happened. "Run!" A voice said.

Out of the darkness, there it was, standing right in front of him with its cold, green eyes and large clamp ready to snap the life out of James. Its eyes flashed green and tried to knock him down with its clamp, but it missed. James ran out of the room and fell into the pile of debris that laid on the floor. While he was stunned, the Creation stepped closer to him every second. He finally recovered, grabbed a nearby iron pipe and smacked it right across the Creation's face. He felt confident for a short amount of time, but its head turned back to him. It raised its one clamp high to scoop out the guts of James, but he got up and tried to run past the debris. While running through the old establishment, he saw a model of Freddy and Bonnie. He pushed the models down so that it blocked the path between him and the Creation. He saw a nearby vent while running, so he slid and crawled through the vent. It was still trying to get over the fallen models, but James was already gone. He kept crawling through until he was close to the exit. He came out, but the Creation was there. James saw a nearby smoke pipe and grabbed a light with Foxy's head and threw it at the pipe. The pipe bursted with smoke and the Creation was stunned because of it. James ran quickly to the elevator and pressed the button to go up, but this time, the elevator was really slow. The Creation recovered and came after James while the elevator door s were slowly closing on him. "Come back and join us." the Creation said. James was really worried, but just in time, the elevator doors close and the elevator went up.


The Creation looked from outside their room. "Someone is coming. Hide yourselves," it said. John and the others hid while the Creation stood in the dim light. "Who's coming?" John asked the Damned, "A man, one of the security types." They hid there in the darkness while a man opened the door and sat down. The Damned closed the door behind the man and the man sat there. He turned on the tape recorder and looked down the Creation.

The Damned turned to the side to see who the man was. "Well, I'll be damned," he said. John turned to the side to see who it was, and it was none other than James. James was playing the tape while looking at the Creation. "Why is he here?" John wondered. The light shuttered and the Creation sat there. James got up and tried to walk out. "I heard your call," the Creation said. James turned around to see the Creation was closer to him. "I can see he's very confident," the Damned said. James looked under and the Creation ran to the darkness. John asked him, "Why would he come back?" He responded, "It's why I always come back." James heard his voice and the Creation stood behind him.

I have to do something, John thought. "Run!" shouted John as he tried to get up but the Damned pulled him down. "Why would you do that?" He asked John. "I have to protect him, " John responded. James ran out of the room and the Creation followed him. The Damned closed the door and asked John, "Why would you do something like that?" John responded with, "He's my best friend, I have to protect him."

After a while, the Creation came back into the room. The Damned asked the Creation, "So, did you get him?" "No, he escaped before I could scoop his guts," it responded. "Damn, we must do better next time." They both went into the darkness and slept throughout the night.

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