Chapter Four

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The elevator stopped at the main floor and James walked out and into the dining area. It was still the same party going on with children playing and the weird animatronics singing their tunes. I really don't want to see that again, he thought. His kids were already playing with the Candy Cadet. He looked upon the stage and sat down on one of the seats near the stage. A young woman came by and sat next to James and drank from her party cup. Her looks were similar to an old friend of his in the past, so similar, they could almost be matched up. He walked up to the woman and asked her, "Hey, you look similar to a friend of mine, do I know you?" The woman turned behind and looked at him, "Well, do I ever. You're John's friend, James, right? I'm Charlie."

She stuck her hand out, ready for a handshake. He shook her hand and said, "I'm James. How do you know me?" "John told me all about you when we were still the 'young and free' folks down in Utah. He was a great guy, we even went on a date once." "Yeah, it was really fun for you guys." James look up at Rockstar Freddy, who was performing for the kids. Charlie put her arm around James' shoulder and said, "I know what happened down at that other place. I'm sorry for John's loss, he was a great guy." They both looked on at the performing animatronics.

"So, what did happen at that location?" Charlie asked. "A man- no, a monster, came into power. He was cunning and deceiving in every way possible. He had a plan: to destroy the name 'Freddy Fazbear' and my personal life. His name was William Afton, he was-" Charlie stopped him and said, "Woah, wait. You're kidding. William did this?" "You know him?" "Of course I do, he almost killed me along with John. He got himself stuck in a springlock suit and was never to be seen again." Charlie explained to him. "Wow, it must've been really bad." James never knew John had gone through such amazing adventures with Charlie. "Also, let me tell you a secret." Charlie pulled James closely for a whisper.

"You do know those animatronics aren't real right? They are just your thoughts being generated by sound waves. Those things have a large, metal disk and if you pull them off, they just become naked mannequins. What I see in front of me, horrors and nightmares from the past of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza." whispered Charlie. "No way, you're kidding." "Nope, all real. Here, follow me." Both of them left the dining area and Charlie guided James into the backroom. "This is where all the fun happens." Charlie flicked a switch and the lights shuttered on. The room was filled with animatronic parts and boxes full of endoskeleton parts. Coincidentally, an animatronic shaped like a frog laid on the long, metallic table.

"I like to call this one, 'Happy Frog', because it just looks so happy and it is a frog." She took the costume head off of Happy Frog and retrieved the metallic disk. The animatronics suddenly turned into a mannequin, lying on the table. "Mhm, what other animatronics do you have in store?"

Charlie presented all of the available animatronics in store in this order: Nedbear, Orville Elephant, El Chip, and the Music Man. "Wow, there are so many here." "Yeah, best to lock up the place and head back. Huh, weird. Two of the costumes are missing, but whatever." They went back into the dining area and said their goodbyes. James told the kids that it was time to leave, but James couldn't hear anything or see his kids.

James looked around him to see if he could find his kids, but he couldn't. He walked around the dining area to see if he could find them, but he couldn't. He walked to a nearby employee and tried to ask them, "Where are my kids?" The employee responded, "Sir, we'll try to find them, but want to buy tokens or pizza?" James walked past the employee and continued searching. He checked the bathrooms, the ballpits, under the tables, under the stage (when the employees didn't look), and even behind the walls. "Kids, where are you?!" James called out, worried. He noticed a wooden door right next to the ballpit. He walked over to the door and opened it. He noticed a door at the end of a concrete hall. The wall was filled with hideous artwork of clowns, bears, and even a wolf. He went to the end of the hall, opened the door, and went inside the room.

He flicked on a switch and a dim light shuttered. He noticed blood spreading on the floor. James, what have you gotten yourself into, he thought. He saw a flashlight with blood on it and picked it up. It managed to still have enough battery left to turn on and saw a hand. James moved in closer to see the hand. It was small, almost the size of a child's hand. He pulled the hand and pointed the flashlight at the body. He stopped and dropped the flashlight to see that it was his own kids, with their frontal lobes removed.

Oh my god, who would fricking do this, he thought in anger. "You shouldn't have come back." James looked behind him to see a yellow, withered rabbit. "You, you did this, why?!" James screamed at the damnation of the rabbit. "Oh, it's always easy to lure children to the things that scared them. By the way, they do make fresh meat for my body." James couldn't even think at that scene. The Damned launched straight at him and shrieked. James ducked at the Damned hit the wall, stunned. James used the bloody flashlight to attack, but the Damned grabbed his wrist. It struck James on the face, leaving three scars, and James continued to push his offense. Charlie bursted through the door and exclaimed, "James, I know what happened to your kids!" "Not now, Charlie." "Let me help you, I know I can." "Fine, take him!" James lifted the Damned and threw him straight at Charlie. Charlie got her taser out and struck at the Damned. It fell to the floor and shook its body. It was fully stunned and wouldn't recover in five minutes. "He should be stunned for now. Call the cops and lets get out of here." They both left the room, alerted the police, and cars and new vans surrounded the pizzeria.

"We are here live at the new Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, where a terrible scene has taken place. Two children, aged 9 and 10, have been murdered by an unknown assailant. The company, Fazbear Entertainment, has rejected claims of their employees being the cause of the murder. The company says that the murders of the children were caused by malfunctions and hopes to fix those soon. More on this story-" James turned off the television and sat on his couch, crying. He could already see his kids' funeral. Karen moved over to James, put her arm around her shoulder and said, "Honey, look, I know how you feel. Please, talk to me." James got up and went upstairs to his bed and slept through the night.


"Hey, wake up." John woke up at the sound of Springtrap. "We've got a lot of stuff to do today, so let's get straight to the point." "Dude, it's the morning." "Yes, but we have a lot of stuff. Let's go." Springtrap got up from the floor and walked outside, through the debris. John got up and followed him. "Where are we going?" John asked him. "We're going above, ascending to the heavens." "You mean the main floor." "Yes." They both stopped at the elevator and went inside. The elevator reached the main level and they got out. "Hey, I have something to show you." Springtrap said.

He walked over to the right side of the elevator, pushed beside a light wall covering, and opened a door. "This door will lead us straight to the Costume Closet, or whatever the employees call it." They both went through the concrete halls filled with disturbing artwork and shelves filled with tools. They made it to the Costume Closet and Springtrap flickered a light switch. "Quickly, put on a costume." John took the Mr. Hippo costume and Springtrap took the Pigpatch costume. "Ugh, why do we have to wear this?" John asked as the suit rotted. "Trust me," he responded. They both went out to the dining area.

"Hey kids! Pigpatch and Mr. Hippo are here! Who wants to have some fun?!" Springtrap exclaimed. Some of the children, including Mike and Mary, gathered around Springtrap. "Who wants some free candy?" Springtrap asked the crowd. "I do, I do, I do," the children responded with happiness. "Follow me!" Springtrap guided the children.

He guided the children into a hidden backroom and closed the door. "Huh, what's going on?" one of the children asked. "Now." Springtrap told John. John didn't want to, but his hand was forced. They took off the costumes and murdered the children using a nearby flashlight. "Such shame for the poor fellows, let's change back." They quickly changed their costumes and looked down at the bodies, but there were footsteps closing in. Springtrap quickly said, "Drop the flashlight and hide!" John dropped the flashlight and they both hid in the dark.

The man who John had seen before came back, but this time, he didn't warn him. Springtrap snuck around James and whispered behind him, "You shouldn't have come back." John watched as the carnage played. Suddenly, a familiar figure came through the door. Charlie?! What are you doing here, John thought. Suddenly, Springtrap was tased and laid on the ground, stunned. The figures both left the room and turned off the light. "Ugh, so close." Springtrap said. "Springtrap, I know one of them." John said as he helped Springtrap up. "Let me guess, Charlie and James." "Yeah, how did you know?" "The faces, they were so familiar." Suddenly, the sound of sirens came closer from the outside. "Shoot, the cops!" John exclaimed. "Quickly, we have to go." John and Springtrap ran back to the elevator and went back to the Salvage Room.

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