Chapter Ten

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Both sides stood and stared down each other with Fredbear glowing in between them. The pizzeria's lights began to flicker and sparks slowly lit the place. Each member of their respective side was confident and hungry for the other. Water dripped louder than the animatronics who stood. There were soft squeaks from mice that passed through the area. After a few seconds, the stage lit up and there was a voice from the stereo that yelled, "Let's Party!" As soon as it sounded, music began to play and the two sides finally clashed.

The Classics and Twisted Ones began to strike at each other, causing devastating blows. Classic Chica began screaming at the Wolf, who then opened its jaw very wide. It wrapped its wires around the Wolf and it began to weep. Chica then closed her jaw really quickly and it destroyed the Wolf's mouth. The two Foxies fought each other with their hooks. Classic Foxy slashed both of Twisted Foxy's ears. Twisted Foxy let out a harsh screech and stabbed the eye of Classic Foxy. Meanwhile, Classic Freddy was almost overtaken by Twisted Freddy but it gave its microphone up, which would be eaten. Classic Freddy's left arm was eaten, but it managed to escape. In a moment of stun, it quickly grabbed the power module and stuck it in Twisted Freddy's belly. Its belly exploded, but the mold that spread would soon reform into its original form. Classic Bonnie lunged at Twisted Bonnie, grabbing its outer mouthpieces. Classic Bonnie pulled it apart and stabbed it within the Twisted version's eyes. It then would grab the endoskeleton parts of its Twisted variation and rip it out, causing Twisted Bonnie to be stunned for a moment.

 The animatronic members of the sides continued to fight, which gave the Friends some time to escape. "Quickly guys, this way!" John told them. He pointed towards the door that the Trio came out of and the group quickly entered the room. Charlie locked the door behind her and the group made it into the elevator. "C'mon, we go!" "I'm trying here, the button won't work!" The Creation destroyed the door and taunted, "Let's see how many pieces I can cut you into." The Trio walked quickly towards the elevator, which its doors were closing. "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!" James worried. The elevator doors burst as the scooper crushed some of it. The group moved to the sides of the elevator as it almost impaled Charlie. The Creation removed her scooper as the elevator began its descent. "Oh my god, that was too close to call. Who would've known that we were almost killed," John said sarcastically. After a few minutes, the elevator finally stopped its descent and the doors opened. The group walked out and piled debris by the elevator so no one could get in. The group used their phone flashlights to find a way to escape, but there was none. "What are we going to do now? The elevator is gonna go back up and those freaks are going to come down here!" James reminded them. Charlie sat down on some debris and started to tear up. John sat down next to her and asked, "Charlie, what's wrong?" She responded, "This. This is all wrong! I'm not supposed to be here and everything else is supposed to be normal, but no! They just had to come back and now, we're going to die here." She stuck her head between her arms and John wrapped his arm around her shoulder. James paced back and forth, trying to think of something so they could escape. In a bright corridor, a whisper filled the silence.

"Shhh...they can hear you."

The group looked at the direction where the voice came from. "Damn, how many dark spots do I see often?" John said sarcastically. Charlie grabbed a nearby plank while James equipped his knife. John readied his fists as the thing came out of the darkness. It was none other than the black bear that John had seen before. "Don't hurt me," it wept. "Who are you," asked John, "what are you doing here?" The black bear responded, "I am nothing but a lost soul. Those creatures are evil and I came to stop Springtrap, but things got complicated. I need you to help me destroy them. I shall distract them, you three go on ahead." The group listened to what the bear had asked and they continued through the area. Suddenly, the Trio crushed the elevator and they walked up to the black bear. "Get out of my way. You are of no concern to me." "Listen to me: they are hiding under the debris. One of them hides in plain sight." "Dammit, where are they?! Both of you, start searching," the Damned ordered. The Creation and the Hybrid began their search of the area while the black bear ran away. The Damned looked up to see that they were being tricked. "They're not here! She has completely tricked us! Move it, now!" The Trio regrouped and continued into the small corridor. The group quickly entered the Salvage Room and hid amongst the corridors. Charlie spotted a group of unactivated animatronics and whispered, "Guys, I have an idea."

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