Chapter Nine

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The sun was setting while the group was still driving in Burke's car. Trees passed by as the car drove past. There were many questions that John and James still had to ask Henry like how is he alive or why was he hiding an animatronic in his basement, but those are for another time. John asked a simpler question, "Why are we going to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza?" Henry responded, "That Freddy Fazbear's Pizza isn't a restaurant, it's a trap I made for those horrid creations. Circus Baby's Pizza World was supposed to be the end, but they escaped again. That place is my last hope if we're going to stop them once and for all." Henry continued to concentrate on driving while Charlie and James were starting to know each other more.

"Do we have any plan when we get there? What are we going to do?" John asked as he looked outside the car window. "Don't worry, boy, I have it all under control. " So much time passed by as the sun descended from the once bright, blue sky. John dozed off to sleep while they were still in the car, passing by small town areas and forests.

John woke up to find himself in a burning boiler room. Sparks flew everywhere and debris started to fall. He looked around and tried to find an exit, but the only exit that was there was blocked off. In front of him, he noticed a man in a Spring Bonnie suit getting up from the floor. Suddenly, he had remembered this experience from Fredbear's. There were loud screams and yells throughout the room, all of which sounded familiar to him. The fires moved closer and closer, closing the two in the center of the room. John looked back at the man, who stared him down like a predator. The suit that the man was wearing got bloodier and bloodier every second, with pieces of the suit rotting and falling off, burning in the process. John accidentally tripped, collapsing on the floor with a loud thud. The man bent over John, lifting his arm up for a killing blow. He looked at him in the eyes, realizing who he was and the things that he'd done in the past. At the same time that the man swiped his arm, John tried to block the attack but he was brought back to reality with a bang on his head.

At the same time, Henry hit the brakes hard and John banged his head on the dashboard. John woke up and said harshly, "Ow! What the hell?" "Boy, wake up. We're here." The group looked outside at the pizzeria was rain was pouring on Burke's car. A lightning bolt struck nearby and it illuminated the front of the pizzeria. The group exited the car and looked at the bright, blinking sign that led to the entrance. Henry walked over to the entrance doors and got some keys out of his pocket. "Alright, just a second now," he said as he inserted the key into the keyhole. "This way now kids, don't wanna be standing out here in the rain." The group went inside as Henry closed and locked the doors.

Charlie walked over to the light switches and flipped the switches, at which none worked. "Well, none of the lights work. Turn on your phone flashlights." John and James grabbed their phones and turned on their flashlights. The group ventured into the dining area with all of the animatronics deactivated. The arcade machines and games were still activated, which somewhat gave light to the room. "Do you have a USB drive?" Henry asked Charlie. "Yeah, I do why?" Charlie responded back as she gave him the USB that she found. He looked down at the drive and then back up at her. "Kids, I'll be back. Just stay in this area while I go do my thing," Henry ordered as he entered a small room. "Alright guys, split up. See if you can find something new."

Charlie walked over to an arcade machine that had "Midnight Motorist" on its side. She tried to play the game but didn't have any tokens so she kicked the machine a couple times. "C'mon, you stupid thing, work!" With a hard kick, she managed to get the game running. She used the switches on the machine to move the in-game vehicle. A few minutes later, she was close to beating the game. "Almost there, Charlie, keep it up," she said as she concentrated closely. Finally, she beat the game but there was no reward for her in the end. "Damn it, this thing's worthless." With that said, she left the game and continued on.

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