Chapter Seven

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Burke parked his car next to a warehouse with a broken Afton Robotics logo. Next to the warehouse were four large deep holes, big enough to fit an animatronic. "Well, would ya look at that. They've been here, look closely at these footprints." John and James walked carefully towards the large footprints. Most of them resembled some of the Twisted animatronics. "I've seen these footprints before, Burke," he told him. "I remember what happened in the past, with Charlie and whatnot. I hope she's still alive," he worried. 

They walked in front of the warehouse and pulled the warehouse doors. The warehouse was dark, nothing yet in sight. "Be careful and don't touch a thing," Burke ordered them. The group walked slowly into the building as the warehouse doors closed, leaving them in the darkness. "Someone's here," James exclaimed. Burke activated his flashlight and pointed it towards the floor. The expression on his face was worrying as he uncovered a pentagram made in blood. He went closer to the blood and said, "It's dry," as he touched it. "Look around here if you can find anything useful," he ordered and the group parted to find useful items for them to use later on.

James used his phone to look around and he noticed a plastic hand under a dim spotlight. The hand seemed as if it were reaching out to him but in a weak manner. He walked towards the light and pulled on the hand. He pulled onto the hand and as it pulled it towards the light, a body came out from the darkness. This animatronic was not like the others, not like animals. This animatronic had large hands and six legs connecting to a circular body with a stereo core. Its eyes were black, soulless, and its face, disturbing. "I haven't seen this thing before," James wondered. He checked if there was a switch to activate the animatronic, but there was none. He discovered a power module behind the animatronic and removed it. The animatronic revealed to be a small spider toy who looked happy and had cymbals. He decided to keep the module and place it within a small bag and continued on.

Meanwhile, John tried to look for any tools that would help him remove the suit. He made his way to a small workshop area with wrenches, hammers, and nails. On the center table, he found a crowbar covered in what appeared to be dried blood. He grabbed it and started lodging it slowly into his suit. The crowbar was lodged deeper and deeper with each attempt made. Once the crowbar latched onto a small gap in the back of the suit's head, John started pulling on the crowbar's end. The wires that attached the head to the body started to break and soon the head came off. Since this worked, he thought he could also get the rest of the suit parts off, but he knew that the spring locks were attached to his body, which meant that he could potentially die from a loss of blood. He decided to keep the other parts on and continued on to find other tools that were capable of removing the parts, but keeping him intact.

Burke continued his search of the warehouse and stopped by a room labeled, "Development Department". The room had papers lying everywhere and chairs next to doors. There were open cabinets filled with files that managed to stay inside their small lockers. Burke decided to check the cabinets to see if there was anything important. He flipped through many files, all of which were important in some way. He found a file labeled "L.E.F.T.E." and another labeled "S.C.U.P." He set the files down on the table and opened them up. He opened the "LEFTE" file which revealed several pictures of the suit's development and several unnamed staff who previously worked there. There was a blueprint of the animatronic that came along with the picture. "I can't believe it," Burke looked at it with astonishment. The animatronic was implied to be a lure device used to lure children, but to what exactly? Burke opened up the second file and revealed a blueprint with the designs of a scooper. The blueprint was very complex with many parts that were listed on the blueprint. He checked back inside the file to find a sticky note which said, "'This idea has been scrapped by the Development Department. Come up with something less complex!' - Lewis". He noticed on the bottom it said "Afton Robotics, LLC", but on the other file it was labeled "Fazbear Entertainment Inc." These files came from two different companies, but why were they here? Burke grabbed both files and went back to the main room.

The group gathered back together at the pentagram. "What did you find? I found some files that might help us," Burke told them. "I found a crowbar and some more construction tools." "I have a power module, that might help us." "So, I guess we have everything. Now, how are we going to get out of here?" John pointed towards the warehouse doors that still blocked them from the outside. James and Burke went over to the doors and attempted to open them, but failed each time. 

Suddenly, soft footsteps past them in the darkness. "What was that?" James looked behind them. The footsteps kept moving left and right, getting softer every time. The soft spotlight that pointed down at the pentagram burst and the whole place went dark. "Look around, there must be a light switch somewhere," Burke asked them. John agreed to look for a light switch while James and Burke continued to open the door. "Alright, James, let's get this door open," Burke whispered, but there was no response. "James?" Burke worried. In a sudden moment, he was taken and dragged away from the doors and yelled. 

"Burke? James? Are you there?" John was also worried. He returned to the entrance and walked into the darkness. Suddenly, there was a yell of an attack and John knew someone was running towards him so he quickly dodged the unknown attacker. He punched the attacker but also missed, so the attacker quickly got the upper hand and pushed him down onto a switch that shuffled.

The switch turned on the lights into the warehouse and to his sudden surprise, John looked upwards at an old friend, a friend he never knew would live for such a long time. He saw the woman who thought died in a horrible accident, but she didn't. John, still surprised by who attacked him, held his breath as his attacker held the sharp jaws of an endoskeleton. He let out his breath and marveled at his sight.


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