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A few months passed. Sam's suspicions of Dean's feelings toward Castiel have grown. He can't help but notice how much Dean's face lit up when the angel walked into a room. Oh, and the fact that Cass pretty much lives with them now. Sam knew that the angel would sometimes watch over Dean in the middle of the night. He found their obvious crushes on each other endearing, but they were also getting annoying, since either wants to admit it. Sam decided to sit Dean down and talk about it.

"Dean, before I speak, don't interrupt me, and don't deny anything, because I already know you'll be lying." Dean looked confused, but he agreed to Sam's conditions. "I see how you look at Cass." Dean sighed inwardly and opened his mouth to speak. "Nope, shut up Dean", Sam interrupted. "You've whispered Cass' name in your sleep and there's this thing that happens between you. I'm not sure how to explain it, but there's something there. So, Dean, is there anything you want to say?"

Dean cleared his throat, "Fine, yes, you're right. I like Cass... a lot, but I'm definitely not gay or bisexual if that's what you were looking for me to say."

"What do you mean?"

"It's not all guys I'm attracted to, it's just him. I don't know why Sammy, but he's special, I guess" Dean mentally shook his head, "Okay, that's enough chick flick stuff for... ever"

Sam nodded, "One more thing, though. Please, try to tell Cass. I think he feels the same about you."

Dean scoffed, "I'm pretty sure he doesn't, it's not like he's human."

"Actually, an angel is just a human with grace. He's also been different around you lately, I'm pretty sure he worries about you more than I do."

Dean smiled lovingly, "I know, it's adorable." He paused, "I can't hide this very well, can I?"

Sam shook his head, "Not at all. Anyone could see right through you."

"Do you think Cass already knows?"

Sam shrugged, "You'll know when you tell him."

Castiel walked into the motel room.

"Hey, Cass" Dean said with a smile, but he wasn't as confident as he sounded.

"I'll give you two some space for a bit" Sam told Dean as he stood up. Before he left, he gave Dean's shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"Since Sam left, I'm guessing there's something you want to tell me?"

"Yeah, uh, Cass, Ihaveacrushonyou" Dean mumbled, a blush creeping up his cheeks.

"Dean, relax. You can tell me anything. You're my best friend."

Dean's heart sank when Cass said "friend", but he took a deep breath to build up his courage. "I like you okay. I've liked you since you pulled me from Hell."


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