Chapter 1

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My name is Olivia Spence. So your probably thinking 'oh she's just your typical rich girl, mean, stuck up and gets everything she wants' but that isn't entirely true. I'm not mean and I'm not stuck up, not entirely anyway. I haven't even told anyone that I am rich to everyone else I'm just a normal teenager. But the third part is true I do get anything and everything I want, most of the time even if I don't want it. Anyway right now I'm driving to school, I have a normal car much to my parents displeasure. I live in a huge house about 10 minutes away from school but nobody knows that as I have never invited anyone to my house.

I get to school and find a park. Just because none of the students at this school don't know I'm rich that doesn't mean the teachers don't either. Oh they know. I could get away with anything, do anything and I still wouldn't get in trouble. That's just how it works, that's how most of my life has been. Yes sometimes it has it advantages and yes I use them but never mind that.

I walk into the school. I'm not with the popular crowd but I do cheerlead for the school, I am also the head cheerleader. I have a group of friends who are all nice and aren't fake like most of the other cheerleaders. First I have art. I love art, I have a passion for it and if I say so myself I am quite good at it. At the moment I'm doing painting. I had to draw a picture of an item of scenery so I did a picture of a beautiful lake. I angled the picture so that there were trees on one side and rocks on the other with the sparkling blue lake in the middle and now I get to paint it. By the end of the period the picture is painted to my liking and I hand it in.

Next is gym but instead of gym I have to do cheerleading practice. I get changed into some skins and a singlet then head to where all the other cheerleaders are. We put some music on and start to practice for this weekend. By the end of the period we are ready.

Interval time, YAY food! I go and meet my friends at our table which is always positioned under a big tree. This is probably the best seat for lunch and interval because if its hot we get the shade and you can see quite a lot from this particular spot. I take out a chocolate muffin and begin to eat it.
"How do you eat things like that and still stay skinny?!" Scarlett, one of my friends exclaims.
"Exercise" I say while giggling a little. She rolls her eyes at me and I continue eating. The other people at the table laugh at her knowing how much she hates to exercise.

Next is english which I have with Scarlett and Hannah. We make our way towards the classroom and sit at the very back table. We sit talking the whole lesson while the teacher drones on about something that I wasn't paying attention to.

Maths, the most boring subject ever! I don't like the subject and even worse I have no friends in this class. When I get to the class I take my normal seat. The teacher sets the desks so that everyone's desk is separate and no one is near anyone let alone even getting close to their friends. And if you switch seats with somebody she notices as soon as she walks into the classroom. The teacher comes into the room, and starts handing out sheets to all the students and I do it deciding I wont complain today. By the time I finish the sheet the bell is about a minute away from ringing so I just start to pack up my things.

YAY, lunch time, probably my favourite part of the school day, except when its time to go home of course. I get in the line at the canteen and when I get to the front I get a bottle of water and an apple making my way to the table.
"Hey guys" I say as I sit down. Scarlett and Hannah both say hello back.
"Do you wanna hang this weekend?" Hannah and Scarlett ask me.
"Um... No, sorry I'm busy" I say even though I'm not. I always end up saying no because I know that they will probably want to go to my house.
"Oh well, another weekend then" Scarlett says. I just nod my head and start to eat my apple.

When the bell rings I have my last period of the day, dance. I really just want to go home but I slowly make my way towards dance knowing I have five minutes to get there before the second bell rings. When I get there I change back into my skins and singlet as they are much easier to do anything physical in. We get into our groups and start to practise for the assessment we have soon. I was voted the group leader, probably since I'm the head cheerleader. I already know the routine so I just focus on helping the other people in my team get the movements right.

When the bell rings after what seems like forever I quickly head out to my car when I'm stopped by Parker, a guy who I and everyone else knows likes me but wont admit it. "What do you want Parker?" I ask annoyed that he stopped me from going home.
"Just to tell you that you look beautiful today" Parker says smiling at me.
"Whatever" I say going past him and towards my car. Once I get in I drive home and am delighted when I get there. I head to my room changing into a bikini and heading to the pool deciding that I would spend some time lazing in there. About 4 hours later I start to get hungry so I head into the kitchen. I find some chicken and decide to make a chicken noodle salad. After I finished eating I just head up to my room, plop down on my bed and go to sleep.

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