Chapter 24

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I have my first exam today. Last night was great and now they just have to ruin it by making it the first day of exams. I get into my car and start to drive to school.

After I pull into the parking lot I see Brody coming over to me. He kisses me quickly.

"We have an assembly today first thing beautiful, you missed the announcement. I have to go I'll see you later" Once he reaches his friends i see one of them hit the back of his head and vaugly hear one of them saying that we've been together one day and he's already whipped.

I start to walk inside but am stopped by Brody pretty much as soon as I start walking.

"Your going out with Brody? I heard the rumours but I didn't believe them" He says obviously hurt that a couple of days after I rejected him I'm going out with Brody and kissing him during school.

"Look, Jase, I'm sorry" I say to him.

"Your sorry? We were best friends first, I guess that doesn't matter to you anymore" He says. Before I have time to protest what he said he's already walking away from me. I feel tears beginning in my eyes but close my eyes before they can fall. Once I've recovered I go into the assembly.


The assembly was just for year twelves and all they did was hand out our exam schedules.

We only have one exam per day and my first exam is Art. For art the teacher gave us a criteria sheet and following the criteria we have to paint a picture on an A3 canvas.


I think I did reasonably well for my art exam. I followed the criteria and I think that I did the picture to a high standard but I guess I'll just have to wait and see what the teacher says about it after all he's the one that marks it not me.

I walk out of the classroom and into the hallway. As I do everyone stops and stares at me. They all whisper between themselves in their little social groups. That's confusing. I wonder what I did. I walk over to Scarlett and Hannah before I have the chance to ask them what I did Scarlett slaps me on my left cheek.

"What the hell was that for?" I ask them, "Whats going on?"

"Why didn't you tell us, did you not think we were trustworthy or something? We're supposed to be friends, friends tell each other these sorts of things!" Scarlett says to me.

"Tell you wha..?" I trail off. Brody or Jase told someone and then they told someone else and the trail continues. I'm guessing it was Jase because he was angry at me and me and Brody are good right now. I trusted him why did her have to go and do that!

"Guys I'm really sorry" I say. It seems like I'm saying sorry a lot today. "Look if you knew the story you would understand. Remember that there's two sides to every story and you've only heard one persons side and I'm sure that it looked bad but if you hear both sides it might look slightly better. Just promise me that you will at least hear me out." The other people don't matter to me and I don't need to explain myself to them but the these are two of my close friends I need them to understand why I've done what I have.

"Ok" They both say to me in unison. I pull them towards an empty classroom. There is no way I would tell them in a busy corridor.

"Thank you!" I say to them and continue pulling them by their hands into the classroom.


"Ok I understand why now" Scarlett says pulling me into a hug.

"Yeah I'm sorry for how I acted" Hannah apologizes to me.

"Me too, I'm sorry too." Scarlett says to me. I just nod at them knowing how it would have sounded without hearing my side of the story.

"Guys it;s fine, I know how it must have sounded" I say completely understanding. At least we are back to normal now.

"Well I don't know about Hannah, but I want to see this fantastic house of yours" Scarlett says enthusiastically.

"YES! ME TOO!" Hannah yells excitedly. I laugh at them, how can my house be so normal to me but so exciting for them?

"Ok, ok, calm down" I say. They can come today, after I've talked to Jase. "Go wait by my car, I have to talk to Jase" I say to them.

I walk out of the classroom to find Jase. I see him surrounded by a group of people but that doesn't bother me.

"Out of the way" I say to the people and they part making a way for me to get to Jase. That's new must be because they know my secret now. I grab Jase and pull him outside. I push him down so he's sitting on a bench that's outside the school. I sit beside him. Even though I'm angry at him I'm hurt more.

"Why did you do it?" I ask him. I'm sure he heard the hurt in my voice it was pretty obvious.

"I'm sorry, I was just upset" He says. For once today it's not me appologising it's somebody else. "Please forgive me?"

"Look I forgive you, but I can't be friends like we were right now" I say to him sadly.

"I thought you might say something along those lines" He says sadly before walking away. Brody comes and sits next to me.

"I'm sorry this happened" He says to me.

"Dont worry about it, it's not like it's your fault. Hannah and Scarlett are coming to mine tonight so I have to go. I'll talk with you later" I say to him. He nods at me and i kiss his cheek before I walk over to my car.

"Ok girls, we can go now"


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