Chapter 17

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I walk into my house dropping my bag on the ground beside the door. I go up to my room and open my laptop going onto facebook. I see that I've been included in a group conversation with Jase, Scarlet and Hannah. I open the coversation bar and go into it.

Hannah: Are you guys going on the school trip? I am, can't wait!

Scatrlett: Definately am!

Jase: I don't think I'll be able to

Me: I'm going :)

I wonder why jase wouldnt be going? I decide to message him and ask. I opena new window that just has me and Jase in it.

Me: Why aren't you going on the trip?

Jase: I dont think I can afford it right now, especially because I just went on holiday with you.

me: oh ok.

I already have a plan forming in my mind. When I take my money into school I will just take some extra and pay for Jase so that he can go as well. I get the permission slip out of my pocket and feign my mums signiture. I put my credit card on top getting it ready so I can pay at school tomorrow.

~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~

Today we are going on camp. Jase found out last period yesterday that I had payed for him to go to camp. When he found out he told me off and said he was fine with not going but i could tell he was lying. I persuaded him to go eventually. I grab my shoulder bag chucking it over my left shoulder. i head out the door and drive to school.

When I get there I see two buses already waiting for students to file onto them. I get out and go up to the first one. I walk in and see Brody, Jase, Scarlett and Hannah already sitting at the back of the bus. They saved the middle seat for me and begin to gesture for me to come and sit. I laugh at them but walk down anyway. I chuck my bag in one of the compartments at the top of the bus and sit down in between Brody and Hannah. The trip to the camp site takes 2 hours so it will be a long ride sitting beside Brody.

Five minutes later the bus that we are in is full and starting to go. The whole bus is buzzing with exciement. Everyone is very excited about this trip.

"Who are you sharing a tent with?" I ask brody turning to face him.

"I am sharing a tent with Jason, Scarlett, Hannah and you" He says. Wait how is he sharing a tent with us surely we have to be girls with girls and guys with guys.

"I pulled a few strings" Brody says, smiling at me. How the heck did he know what i was thinking? It was probably pretty obvious though. I mean thats what any rational people would be thinking. Teachers can be so niave sometimes. I cant belive that thier letting girls and guys share a tent, thats just... weird.


Two hours later the bus comes to a stop infront of a large iron gate. As soon as the bus stops in front of them they open allowing us entry into the campsite. The bus drives over to a parking lot and all the students tumble out of the bus, glad to be streaching thier legs. We were the last ones to get of the bus scenes as we were sitting at the back.

I walk over to where one of the teachers is beginning to give out instuctions. After she finishes Brody goes to grab a tent and i wait while he does. Once he comes back we decide that we are going to set up our tent as close as possible to the lake. I sit down on the grass with Hannah and Scarlett and wait for the boys to set up the tent.

An hour later everyone has their tent up but us. So the boys are apparently incapable to put up a tent. I get up and walk over realising that if i want somewhere to sleep tonight i am going to have to help. Since I started helping it only took us half an hour. This tent is really big its probably big enough for 10 people to sleep comfortably rather than 5. Oh well more room for us. I pick up my bag and go in claiming a spot on the side so that i can easily get out. I set out my camp mat and lay my sleeping bag on top of it. I chuck my pillow on it so its sitting randomly in the middle of the sleeping bag. I decide that i want to go into the lake so i grab my togs and a towel and chuck my bag at the end of my bed. I'm not getting changed in here in front of the boys so i get out of the tent and go to the building where the toilets are.

I meet up with Hannahand Scarlett and we start to walk towards the lake. 

"Oh no" I say seeing Parker walking towards us. I turn around in attempt to go back to the tent but come face to face with brody.

"And where do you think your going?" He says with an adorable crooked smile on his face. Wait adorable?

"Hey Olivia" I head parker say behind me. I close my eyes in an attempt that when i open them again Parker will be gone. Sadly it doesnt work and I have to turn back around so I'm facing him.

"Hey Parker, I didnt know you were coming on this trip" I say with a forced smile on my face. "Sorry but we have to go now" I continue. I start to walk away.

"You can come hang out with us for the day" I hear Brody say. I turn towards him and throw him a fierce glare before leaving them to hang out with Parker, I will just go find somebody else to spend the day with.


Hope you liked guys :) sorry if this chapter was a bit boring it feels like nothing happened during the whole chapter :/ also there is probably a million mistakes because i wrote this on wattpad and i normally write it on a word doc and then copy it onto wattpad. 

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