Chapter 16

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Brody walks into the room with Jase not following too far behind him. Jase is looking at everything with his mouth almost on the floor.

“Jase stop drooling” I say amused. He quickly snaps his mouth shut and continues walking into the room. When I turn around I see Brody looking at the room in awe. “Oh not you to Brody” I say to him. Why is everyone in awe of this room? I shake my head laughing slightly. “Jase what movie did you pick?” I ask wanting to get started watching.

“I bought the maze runner, hope that’s ok” He says. I nod my head and Brody high fives him for his choice.

“Give it here” I say holding my hand out to Jase. He hands me the DVD and I go and put it in the player. I grab the remote and jump onto a couch claiming it as mine. I stretch out over it so nobody can sit with me. Jase moves to sit on the other couch and Brody walks over to me. I stare at him tilting my head silently asking what he’s doing. He picks up my feet and sits down at the end of the couch. After he sits down he moves my feet so they are resting on his legs. I’m not happy with this put I guess its ok.

“You two have enough sexual tension I could cut it with a knife” Jase says. I shake my head at him but feel the blush creep onto my face. I turn off the lights so neither of them will see that my cheeks have gone bright red and press play on the movie. Brody leans over so his mouth is beside my ear which makes me blush even more.

“Why were you blushing?” He whispers. I push him away from me back to the end of the couch and turn my attention to the movie.


The credits start to play so I turn the movie off and put the lights back on.

“It is time for you two to leave now.”  I say standing up and stretching my arms above my head.  They follow me out the door and back downstairs. When I reach the kitchen I look out the window only to see that it’s raining heavily and it’s really windy. Not the most ideal conditions for driving.

“Jase you should probably stay here for the night” I turn and say to him.

“Hey what about me?” Brody asks me.

“You live next door you don’t need to drive home” I say to him. Why does he want to stay anyway?

“Please?” He asks stretching the word for longer than necessary.

“Fine” I give in to his pleading.

“Where’s your mum Olivia?” Jase asks me changing the subject completely.

“She’s in France” I say in a tone that says that’s the final thing about her that we will talk about. “Let me show you each your room that you will be staying in” I walk up the stairs again knowing that they are following behind me. I open a door that’s at the top of the stairs on the right. Both rooms have a double bed with two bedside tables and a dresser.

“This is the room you will be in Jase” I say letting him in. I keep walking down the hallway to the room opposite mine. “This is your room” I say to Brody. “The bath room is the door in between these rooms. “Goodnight” I say walking into my room. I get changed and hop into my bed. I am just about to fall asleep when my door opens. I’m about to get up and shut it again but somebody walks in.

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