Chapter 12

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I walk to the house and see Brody sitting on the patio. I walk past him but he jumps up and grabs my arm.

"Let. Me. Go" I say pausing between each word.

"Please forgive me. I didn't know how much it would effect him! I just wanted him to know. He deserves to know." He says. I know he is right.

"I know" I sigh "but i still don't forgive you. More for hurting him than hurting me. He is such a good friend and he didn't deserve to find out that way" I pull my arm out of his grasp and walk away. But as i get to the door i cant go in because Jase is standing in the doorway

"I'll give you guys some privacy" Brody says walking back down to the bridge.

"I'm really sorry Jase." I say.

"I know and I'm sorry for reacting like i did i didn't even give you a chance to explain. But now i am. so why did you keep it a secret from me?"

"Before i tell you, you have to promise that you wont tell ANYONE and that you wont tell anybody else that i'm rich."

"I promise"

"give me your word"

"I swear Olivia I will not tell a single soul" I can tell that he is being 100% honest.

"OK come with me" I say and lead him up the stairs to a room that has some couches in it and thats all. Nobody will come up here so we wont be disturbed and no one will hear.

"Please don't interrupt you can say whatever at the end and I'm sorry if i get really emotional." here goes. "When I was younger I didn't bother to keep the fact that i was rich a secret i didn't see the need to. Then one day i was leaving school and somebody grabbed me. They blindfolded me and put me in the back of a car. I was only 6 and i was so scared. We got to where he was taking me and he tied me to a chair. He rang my dad." i wipe my eyes to try and get rid of the tears that are threatening to fall "He said that he had me and that he wanted money. Like alot of money. He wanted over a million dollars, to this day i have no clue why he wanted the money. I don't know why my dad didn't just call the police and get them to deal with it but instead he came himself. He didn't have the money and he didn't see the guy when he came in but he saw me. He came over and pulled the blindfold off of my eyes when he started to take me outside the guy shot him. It went straight into his heart. He fell and told me to run. I didn't want to leave him but i wasn't stupid and i looked up to him so much so i did what he said. I ran. And after i got the police and they got there he was dead and the guy was nowhere to be seen. They found him and he was put in jail, but that didn't get my dad back. I moved here. I was a wreck but i tried not to let it show too much and became friends with scarlett and Hannah. I kept being rich a secret because i didn't want to get kidnapped again, i didn't want someone else i cared about to die. one day i was staying at Scarlett's house and it just got to much to deal with and i don't know i went into a state of shock i guess and i didn't talk. she told her mum and her mum called my mum. my mum was away though so she just called someone to come to the house to help me. It was Stephanie. The one who is here at the moment. Stephanie took me home. I'm not sure how cause i freaked out if someone touched me or anything and once i was at home I didn't eat or drink for a few days but Stephanie helped me through it. When i was 14 so two years ago I got really upset and drunk. alot. But again Stephanie helped me through it. And yesterday when i thought that i had lost you and brody i got really upset and it happened again. I guess its kind of like a mental brake down or something. But Stephanie got here and she snapped me out of it. She helps me and each time pretty much saved my life twice. This time it wasn't too bad but it still sucks when i get like that" i say finishing my speech. He is staring at me.

"OK i kind of understand now. i forgive but i just wish you had told me all of this earlier and that i didn't have to hear it from brody. You are my best friend Olivia and i don't want to lose you" he says then hugs me tightly. We walk downstairs and sit with everyone else in the living room.

"So you guys are OK now?" Brody asks. I look at jase and he looks at me

"Yeah we talked and now he understands everything" I say. Everyone looks kind of confused cause they don't know why jase and i weren't talking and i hope they don't find out until I'm ready to tell them. Brody looks slightly upset and angry that he doesn't know what we talked about.

"Do you forgive me?" He asks nevously and hopefully. I think about it for a second.

"Yes because you got jase to forgive me. Thanks for that even though you were the one to cause it in the first place" I say and he just smiles at me.

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