Chapter 14

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Olivia’s P.O.V.

I wake up to somebody knocking on my door. That’s not annoying at all. I turn over and try to go back to sleep but the knocking continues and starts to get louder.

“Who is it? And what do you want?” I ask growling slightly. What a great start to the day now I’m annoyed.

“It’s your mother you know the one that gave birth to you” Is the answer that comes through the door. I get out of bed and realise that I’m still in my clothes from yesterday and forgot to get changed before getting in bed yesterday. Whoops. I make my way over to my door opening it to see my mother. And she is all dressed up. I wonder what’s going on.

“Why did you wake me up at this ungodly hour?” I ask her.

“It’s 11 o’clock it’s not early. I came to tell you that I’m about to leave to go to France for work.” She says. I shake my head slightly. She’s going back to work. Of course she is. Wait why am I angry I want her to leave.

“Ok” I say simply while shrugging my shoulders. She has a slightly pained expression on her face but quickly replaces it with an unemotional mask.

“Goodbye” She starts to walk away just as she’s about to walk down the stairs I quickly mumble a bye to her. She nods her head at me and walks out of the house. I wonder how long she will be gone this time. I decide than since its 11 o’clock it might actually be time to get up. I get changed quickly putting on some shorts and a shirt. I walk down the stairs and see something sitting on the breakfast bar. I walk over and look at it. An envelope with my name on it. Written in my mother’s handwriting. How strange. I rip open the envelope and pull out the paper that’s inside. It’s folded into the shape of the envelope so I open it. As I open it something drops out onto the counter. A plane ticket for France. What is this? I turn my attention to the handwritten letter.

Dear Olivia.

This plane ticket is so that if you wish you can follow me to France. If you wish to come with me you can travel with me on my work trips. I will sell the house and we will just travel. I will get you a personal tutor so you don’t have to worry about changing schools all the time. I know that I have been a horrible mother for a long time now but I really would like to make it up to you. Please use the plane ticket to France. If you decide to use the ticket the airport will get you a taxi that will take you to the hotel I am staying at. I feel like I could give you a better life with your mother in it if you come with me. I am so very sorry for not being the best mother for a while.

I love you and I hope you come and travel with me.

Is she stupid or blind or something. I love my life here I’m not going with her to France and who knows where else. I throw the letter on the counter with the plane ticket and walk out of the house deciding that I’m going to go for a walk. After ten minutes of walking I come across a cute park. There are only a few people here. Parents with their children.

I move towards the swings and sit down on one of them. I swing back and forth slightly leaning my head against the chain that you hold. I watch a small girl that’s playing on the slide. I don’t notice the small boy that has walked up to me until he speaks,

“Why are you sad?” He asks me. I jump at the sound of his voice turning to look at him.

“I’m not sad honey” I coo to him. He moves his head to the side.

“You look sad” He says frowning. Aww that’s so cute. “Come with me” He says holding his little up towards me. I stand from the swing and take his hand wondering what he’s doing. He pulls me towards a fort that’s in the park. He goes around the back where I discover some stairs. He pulls me up them and continues pulling me up stairs until we are on the third story which is also the last one.

“Mummy brings me up here when I’m sad” He says sitting down looking in between one of the gaps in the fence. I can see why. This is a very pretty spot where you can look out over the little rural town that I managed to walk to. I didn’t know that there was a rural town so close to my house. I look over the small houses and if I look close enough I can see families playing in the back yard of their houses.  I remember being like that. When my dad was still alive we would all go into the backyard and I’d play around while he and my mother watched me. I wonder if he was still here if it would be the same. “Why are you crying?” The boy asks me. I’m not crying am I? I reach my hand up to my cheek and sure enough there were tears running down my face. I wipe them away and smile at him.

“I’m fine honey. Where’s your mummy?” I ask him figuring that she is probably wondering where her son ran off to.

“Over there” He says pointing in the opposite direction of where we are looking.

“Come on then. Let’s go find her” I say holding my hand out for him to grab. He grabs it and we walk back towards the stairs. I let him go down first and then follow shortly after him. By the time we reach the bottom he is slightly ahead of me. When I come out of the fort I see him and I’m guessing his mum.

“I told you not to go up there alone you could hurt yourself” She says to him.

“He wasn’t alone he was with me” I say to his mum. She stands up and looks at me. She is about to say something where her son interrupts her.

“Its true mummy she was sad so I took her up there so she would be happy” He says. Aww that’s adorable he’s protecting me from his mum getting angry at me.  She nods at him.

“Ok thanks for looking after him in there for me” She says to me. I smile at her

“It’s fine. He was very easy to look after” I say to her. She smiles back at me.

“Alright honey we have to go now” She says to her son. As they are leaving he turns and waves at me. I wave back at him until he’s out of sight and then start to head back home.


So what did you guys think of the letter her mum left her? What about the plane ticket? What about the cute little boy at the park? Do you think it was cute that he tried to make her feel better?

Vote, comment and share my wonderful readers.


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